Our Country For Jesus The Land Of The Free – Hymn Lyric

Our Country For Jesus: Celebrate the land of the free and the blessings of living in the United States. Spread love

Our Country For Jesus The Land Of The Free – Hymn Lyric

“Our Country For : A Land of Liberty and Love” In a world filled with chaos and uncertainty, it is comforting to know that there is a place where freedom and love reign supreme. This , “Our Country for Jesus,” celebrates the beauty and blessings of living in a land known as the United States of America. It calls us to conquer the world for Jesus, our King, by spreading His message of love, truth, and salvation.


Our Country For Jesus The Land Of The Free – Hymn Lyric

Our country for Jesus,
The land of the free,
From ocean to ocean,
From mountain to sea;
The Lord is our Captain,
His word is our guide;
We’re only to follow,
Whate’er may betide.

Keep the banner unfurled,
And the vict’ry loud,
To conquer the world
For Jesus, our King.

Our country for Jesus,
The of the world;
Our is certain,
With banner unfurled;
For truth is victorious
O’er error and race;
While love sings melodious
The song of the free.

Keep the banner unfurled,
And sing the vict’ry loud,
To conquer the world
For Jesus, our King.

The children are calling,
Calling for light,
While thousands are praying
And toiling with might.
Then let us be faithful,
The is white;
The Bridegroom is coming,
Our lamps should be bright.

Keep the banner unfurled,
And sing the vict’ry loud,
To conquer the world
For Jesus, our King.


Meaning of Our Country For Jesus The Land Of The Free

Our Country For Jesus: A Land of Liberty and Love

In a world filled with chaos and uncertainty, it is comforting to know that there is a place where freedom and love reign supreme. This hymn, “Our Country for Jesus,” celebrates the beauty and blessings of living in a land known as the United States of America.

As the verse begins, we are reminded of the vast expanse of our country, stretching from ocean to ocean and from mountain to sea. It is a land of diverse landscapes, where nature’s wonders never cease to amaze. But more importantly, it is a country that was founded on the principles of freedom and liberty for all.

“The Lord is our Captain, His word is our guide,” the hymn proclaims. This line reminds us that our nation was built upon a strong foundation of and reliance on God. It is this guiding light that has continued to steer us in the right direction throughout our history.

The refrain of the hymn encourages us to keep the banner of our faith unfurled and to sing our victory songs loudly. It is a call to action, reminding us that as believers in Jesus Christ, we have a mission to fulfill – to conquer the world with His love and message of salvation.

“Our country for Jesus, the light of the world.” These words encapsulate the essence of what our nation stands for. We are called to be a beacon of light, shining the truth and hope that only Jesus can bring. In a world often filled with darkness and despair, we have the privilege and responsibility to bring the light of Christ into every corner of our land.

As we embark on this mission, we can take solace in the fact that our triumph is certain. With the banner of our faith unfurled, we can march forward with confidence, knowing that truth will always triumph over error and hate. It is love, not violence or force, that will ultimately win the hearts of humanity.

While the hymn speaks specifically of our nation, it also reminds us of the global call to action. “For truth is victorious o’er error and race.” This line emphasizes that the message of Jesus is not limited to one country or one people group. It is a message that transcends all boundaries and unites all who believe in His name.

In a world where division and racial strife still exist, this hymn calls us to remember that love should always be our song. The love of Jesus knows no bounds and should permeate every aspect of our lives. It is through love that true freedom is found.

The hymn takes a shift in focus as it speaks of the children who are calling for light and the thousands who are praying and toiling with might. It reminds us that the responsibility to carry forth the message of Jesus is not solely for adults. Our younger generation needs guidance and role models who can show them the way to live out their faith in a world that often challenges their beliefs.

As believers, we are called to be faithful in sowing seeds of love and spreading the light of Christ. We are reminded that the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. This serves as a reminder that there is much to be done, and it is our duty to participate actively in the mission of sharing the good news of Jesus.

“The Bridegroom is coming, our lamps should be bright.” This final line of the verse serves as an urgent call to action. It reminds us that the return of Jesus is imminent, and we must be prepared. Just as a bride would eagerly await the arrival of her groom, so too should we eagerly anticipate the second coming of Christ.

In conclusion, “Our Country for Jesus” is a hymn that celebrates the blessings and responsibilities of living in a land known as the United States of America. It reminds us of our calling to be a nation where freedom and love prevail. It calls us to conquer the world for Jesus, our King, by spreading His message of love, truth, and salvation. As we continue on this journey, may our lamps shine brightly and may our country always be a reflection of God’s grace and mercy.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Our Country For Jesus: Celebrate the land of the free and the blessings of living in the United States. Spread love, truth, and salvation as we conquer the world for Jesus, our King.


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