Lord Jesus, On The Holy Mount – Hymn Lyric

Experience the grace and glory of being on the holy mount with Lord Jesus. Witness His transfiguration and embrace His love and light. Find strength to share His kingdom amidst life's challenges. Discover the hope of heaven in this beautiful hymn.

Lord Jesus, On The Holy Mount – Hymn Lyric

“Lord Jesus, On The Holy Mount” is a hymn that captures the awe and longing to be in the presence of Jesus. It speaks to our desire for His grace and glory, while also reminding us of the work we have to do on earth. The hymn ultimately points us to the of heaven and the joy that awaits us.


Lord Jesus, On The Holy Mount – Hymn Lyric

Lord Jesus, on the holy mount
We would abide with ,
Still drinking from the blessed fount
Of grace, so rich and free.

There prophets praise Thy glorious Name,
And deeds which hast done;
And there the Father’s words proclaim
His own Son.

The rays of Thy transfigured face
Beam with such golden
That we would never leave the place,
Nor lose the sight.

But there is work on earth to do,
The suffering soul to heal;
The great, the laborers few
Thy kingdom to reveal.

We may not linger on the mount,
Where bright Thy glories shine;
We may not taste the fount
Of blessedness divine.

But let some beams of heavenly light
Make bright our earthly way;
Then grant the beatific sight
Of heaven and endless day.


Meaning of Lord Jesus, On The Holy Mount

In the beautiful hymn, “Lord Jesus, On The Holy Mount,” we are reminded of the incredible experience of being in the presence of Jesus and witnessing His transfiguration. It is a hymn that speaks to our longing to be close to our Savior and to experience His grace and glory.

The hymn begins with the imagery of being on the holy mount with Jesus, where we can drink from the blessed fount of grace. This fount represents the abundant and free gift of God’s grace that is available to all who seek it. Just as physical water sustains our bodies, God’s grace nourishes our souls and brings us everlasting joy and peace.

When we are on the holy mount with Jesus, we are surrounded by prophets who praise His glorious name and marvel at the amazing deeds He has done. As we reflect on the life and ministry of Jesus, we can’t help but be filled with awe and admiration for His love, compassion, and sacrifice. We also hear the Father’s words proclaiming Jesus as His beloved Son, demonstrating the divine relationship and unity within the Holy Trinity.

The hymn then describes the wondrous sight of Jesus’ transfigured face, which beams with golden light. This heavenly radiance immerses us in a state of awe and wonder, making us want to never leave that place and lose sight of the heavenly beauty. It is a glimpse of the glory that awaits us in heaven, where we will be in the eternal presence of God.

However, as much as we desire to stay on the mountaintop with Jesus, there is important work that needs to be done on earth. The hymn acknowledges the suffering souls that need healing and the great harvest waiting to be reaped. It reminds us that while we may long for the spiritual retreat and closeness to Jesus, we are called to be His hands and feet in this world.

The hymn recognizes the challenges of sharing God’s kingdom and reveals a truth – the laborers are few. It highlights the need for more people to actively proclaim the good news of Jesus and His light to a world filled with darkness. This call to action reminds us that being a follower of Christ involves not only experiencing His love and grace but also sharing it with others.

While we may not be able to stay on the holy mount with Jesus or taste the sacred fount of blessedness divine, we can still experience His presence and receive His light in our earthly lives. The hymn encourages us to seek and embrace the beams of heavenly light that brighten our path as we navigate the challenges of this world. These beams guide us, give us strength, and sustain us as we live out our faith and fulfill our purpose on earth.

Ultimately, the hymn culminates in a beautiful prayer for the beatific sight of heaven and endless day. It reflects our deepest desires to dwell forever in the presence of our Lord, basking in His glory and experiencing everlasting joy. It reminds us that this temporary world is not our final destination and that the hope of eternal life in heaven fuels our faith and gives us strength.

In conclusion, “Lord Jesus, On The Holy Mount” is a hymn that resonates with our longing to be close to Jesus and experience His grace and glory. It speaks to our desire to abide in His presence and be transformed by His love. It also reminds us of the important work we have on earth and the responsibility to share God’s kingdom with others. Lastly, it brings our attention to the ultimate hope of heaven, where we will be forever united with our Savior. May this hymn inspire us to seek a deeper relationship with Jesus and to actively live out our faith in the world.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the grace and glory of being on the holy mount with Lord Jesus. Witness His transfiguration and embrace His love and light. Find strength to share His kingdom amidst life's challenges. Discover the hope of heaven in this beautiful hymn.


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