O The Wondrous Love That Found Me – Hymn Lyric

Discover the profound love that found the author in "O The Wondrous Love That Found Me". Experience the joy of salvation and the power of God's reaching love. Join in celebrating the transformative love that brings peace

O The Wondrous Love That Found Me – Hymn Lyric

“O The Wondrous That Found Me” is a hymn that celebrates the of . It describes a love so profound that it transformed the author’s life, filling their soul with salvation and everlasting joy. Through this hymn, we are reminded of the limitless reach of God’s love and inspired to share the story of our own transformation with others.


O The Wondrous Love That Found Me – Hymn Lyric

O the wondrous love that found me,
Bro’t me to His fold again,
Filled my soul with His salvation,
By believing on His name.

It reaches me, it reaches me,
the Lord, it reaches me,
O the joy of His salvation,
Praise the Lord, it reaches me.

Thro’ this wonderful salvation
Blessed peace is mine today,
For I have His presence with me
Ev’rywhere, and all the way.


Now my life is full of ,
Since my heart is satisfied,
For I’ve found the blessed Saviour,
Who for me was .


Help me, Lord, to love and serve Thee,
Till I see Thy blessed face;
Help me tell the wondrous story
Of a sinner saved by grace.


Meaning of O The Wondrous Love That Found Me

O The Wondrous Love That Found Me: Celebrating the Joy of Salvation

Have you ever experienced a love so profound, so unconditional, that it completely transformed your life? Such is the wondrous love described in this hymn. It is a love that found the author, bringing them back into the loving embrace of their Creator. This love not only filled their soul with salvation but also provided everlasting joy. Let’s delve deeper into the meaning behind the verses and rejoice in the power of God’s reaching love.

The hymn begins by marveling at the wondrous love that found the author. It is a love that surpasses all earthly understanding, a love that seeks and finds us even in our brokenness. This love is not limited to a select few but is available to all who are willing to believe in the name of Christ. It is this belief in God’s redemptive power that restores our souls and brings us back into His fold.

As we delve into the refrain, we are reminded of the reach of God’s love. It is not bound by time, space, or circumstance. No matter who we are or what we may have done, God’s love reaches us. It is a love that surpasses human comprehension, bringing salvation, and filling our hearts with indescribable joy. What a reason to praise the Lord! This recognition of the reach of God’s love is a central theme throughout the hymn.

Acknowledging the wonder of this salvation, the author declares that through it, they have found blessed peace. Salvation goes beyond forgiveness of ; it provides an abiding peace that surpasses all understanding. With a renewed relationship with God, the hymnist discovers His presence accompanies them everywhere and in all circumstances. The promise of God’s presence brings comfort, assurance, and a sense of completeness. It is a reminder that through thick and thin, God’s love and salvation are unchanging and ever-present.

The hymn then delves into the immense joy that springs forth from the author’s heart. Their life has been transformed, and it is now filled with sunshine. It is important to note that this joy does not come from worldly possessions or fleeting pleasures but from a satisfied heart. Through encountering the blessed , who willingly suffered and died for their sins, the author’s heart has found true fulfillment. This joy is not dependent on external circumstances but resides deep within the soul, a constant source of strength and inspiration.

As the hymn draws to a close, the author expresses their desire to love and serve the Lord with all their heart. Having experienced the wondrous love and salvation firsthand, they now feel compelled to share this beautiful story with others. They understand that they were once a sinner saved by grace and recognize the transformative power of God’s love. With humility and gratitude, they commit themselves to spreading the good news, hoping that others may also experience the joy and salvation they have found.

In conclusion, “O The Wondrous Love That Found Me” is a hymn that beautifully captures the joy and wonder of God’s reaching love. It reminds us that God’s love knows no boundaries and reaches us wherever we are. Through His salvation, we find peace, joy, and fulfillment beyond measure. With this newfound love in our hearts, we are inspired to love and serve the Lord, sharing the wondrous story of our own transformation with others. May this hymn continue to resonate within our souls, reminding us of the incredible love that found us and the joy that is ours through His salvation.

(Note: The word count excluding title and word count tags is approximately 592 words)


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the profound love that found the author in O The Wondrous Love That Found Me. Experience the joy of salvation and the power of God's reaching love. Join in celebrating the transformative love that brings peace, fulfillment, and everlasting joy.


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