Come Let Us Sing Of Jesus While Hearts And Accents Blend – Hymn Lyric

Come Let Us Sing of Jesus While Hearts and Accents Blend - Join us in joyful praise of Jesus and express your love for our Savior through singing. Find meaning and inspiration in this beautiful hymn.

Come Let Us Sing Of Jesus While Hearts And Accents Blend – Hymn Lyric

“Come, Let Us Sing of Jesus While Hearts and Accents Blend” is a hymn that invites us to unite in worship and express our for Jesus. It emphasizes the importance of praises and highlights the various aspects of Jesus’ ministry, including His compassion, healing power, over death, and humble nature. Through this hymn, we are encouraged to continue singing of Jesus throughout our lives, knowing that our devotion will be rewarded with eternal blessings.


Come Let Us Sing Of Jesus While Hearts And Accents Blend – Hymn Lyric

Come, let us sing of Jesus,
While hearts and accents blend;
Let us sing of Jesus,
The ‘ only Friend;

His holy rejoices
Amid the choirs above,
To hear our youthful voices
Exulting in His love.

We love to sing of Jesus,
Who wept our along;
We love to sing of Jesus,
The tempted and the strong;

None who besought His healing,
He passed unheeded by;
And still retains his feeling
For us above the sky.

We love to sing of Jesus,
Who died our souls to save;
We love to sing of Jesus,
Triumphant o’er the grave;

And in our hour of danger,
We’ll trust His love alone,
Who once slept in a manger,
And now sits on the throne.

Then let us sing of Jesus,
While yet on earth we stay,
And hope to sing of Jesus
Throughout eternal day.

For those who here confess Him,
He will in heaven confess,
And faithful hearts that bless Him,
He will forever bless.


Meaning of Come Let Us Sing Of Jesus While Hearts And Accents Blend

Come, Let Us Sing of Jesus While Hearts and Accents Blend

In this beautiful hymn, we are invited to join together in joyful praise of Jesus. It reminds us of the importance of singing songs of worship and expressing our love for our Lord and . Let’s dive deeper into the meaning behind this hymn and how it resonates with us.

The opening verse of the hymn encourages us to come together and sing of Jesus. It emphasizes the unity of our hearts and voices as we blend in harmony. Singing praises to Jesus strengthens our bond with Him and with one another. It creates a sense of togetherness and community as we lift our voices in worship.

The hymn refers to Jesus as the sinners’ only Friend. This powerful phrase reminds us that Jesus is our advocate. He is the one who understands our struggles, forgives our , and offers us eternal friendship. Jesus took on the of our sins, and through His sacrifice, He became our ultimate Friend, guiding us on the path of righteousness.

As we sing of Jesus, we are reminded of His compassion and empathy. The hymn describes Him as someone who wept our path along and who experienced both temptation and strength. Jesus understands the trials and tribulations we face in our lives. He is not distant or disconnected from our struggles but has walked a similar path. This gives us comfort and reassurance, knowing that we have a Savior who truly understands and cares for us.

The hymn highlights an important aspect of Jesus’ ministry – His healing power. It tells us that Jesus never ignored those who sought His healing. He had immense compassion for the sick, the broken, and the marginalized. This reminder teaches us the value of reaching out to Jesus in our times of need. Just as He healed the physical ailments of those who approached Him, He desires to heal our brokenness and offer us spiritual wholeness.

We are also reminded of Jesus’ victory over death. The hymn speaks of Him triumphing over the grave. This victory is the cornerstone of our hope as Christians. Jesus’ resurrection offers us the promise of eternal . We can trust in His love and find comfort in knowing that death has been conquered. This assurance gives us strength in times of danger and adversity.

The hymn also draws our attention to the humble beginnings of Jesus. It speaks of Him sleeping in a manger, a lowly feeding trough for animals. This serves as a reminder of Jesus’ humility and His willingness to identify with humanity. Despite His divine nature, Jesus chose to come to earth as a vulnerable baby, experiencing the joys and sorrows of human existence.

As we sing of Jesus, we acknowledge that He is not only present during His earthly ministry but also in the eternal realm. The hymn reminds us that Jesus now sits on the throne, ruling in glory. This truth evokes awe and reverence within us. The One we sing of is not merely a historical figure but the reigning King of the universe.

The hymn concludes by encouraging us to continue singing of Jesus throughout our lives on earth and into eternity. It assures us that if we confess Jesus here on earth, He will confess us in heaven. Our steadfast devotion and faithfulness will be rewarded, and we will experience the eternal blessings of being in His presence.

In conclusion, “Come, Let Us Sing of Jesus While Hearts and Accents Blend” is a beautiful hymn that invites us to join together in joyful praise of our Savior. It reminds us of the unity and community that singing praises creates and highlights the various aspects of Jesus’ ministry, including His compassion, healing power, victory over death, and humble nature. Through this hymn, we are encouraged to continue singing of Jesus throughout our lives, knowing that our love and devotion will be reciprocated with eternal blessings.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Come Let Us Sing of Jesus While Hearts and Accents Blend - Join us in joyful praise of Jesus and express your love for our Savior through singing. Find meaning and inspiration in this beautiful hymn.


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