My Soul To Magnify The Lord – Hymn Lyric

Maximize your joy and trust in God with "My Soul To Magnify The Lord." Discover the profound beauty of worship and the immense blessings of placing your trust in Him.

My Soul To Magnify The Lord – Hymn Lyric

The hymn “My Soul to Magnify The Lord” beautifully captures the and fulfillment that comes from placing our trust in God. This hymn invites us to unite our powers and voices in , magnifying God’s name. It reminds us of His greatness, mercy, and faithfulness throughout history, and encourages us to surrender ourselves to His will, bringing His and to the world.


My Soul To Magnify The Lord – Hymn Lyric

My soul, to magnify the Lord,
Unites her powers and voice.
In God, my Savior, whom I trust,
My spirit shall rejoice.

For to his humble handmaid, he
Hath graciously expressed
Himself: and lo, all ages shall
From hence forth call me .

The Great, for me, great things hath done,
And holy is his name.
To them that fear him, mercy flows,
From race to race, the same.

Almighty strength he clearly showed,
By what his arm hath wrought;
The proud he scattered, and their vain
Designs to nothing brought.

He drew the mighty from their seats;
And raised up the low.
With good the hungry filled; the rich
In want were forced to go.

His servant Israel helped, as he,
In mercy, had decreed;
And to our fathers promise made,
To Abraham and his seed.


Meaning of My Soul To Magnify The Lord

My Soul To Magnify The Lord: Embracing the Joy of Trusting in God

In the depths of our , there exists a profound desire to magnify the Lord, to Him with all our being. This hymn beautifully captures that sentiment, inviting us to unite our powers and voices in this act of worship. As we delve into the meaning behind these verses, we are reminded of the immense joy that comes from placing our trust in God and surrendering ourselves to His will.

The first verse speaks of our soul’s inclination to magnify the Lord. Just as a magnifying glass brings a small object into focus and enlarges it, we too long to bring and praise to our Creator. We are called to elevate His name, to proclaim His greatness through our actions, and to speak of His wonders with our voices. By doing so, we find a deep sense of fulfillment and purpose.

This hymn also reminds us of the trust we place in God, our Savior. In Him, we find refuge and hope. He is our rock, our fortress, and our deliverer. Knowing that we can rely on Him allows our spirits to rejoice, even in the midst of difficulties and trials. Our trust in God enables us to face challenges with courage, knowing that He is with us every step of the way.

The hymn goes on to express the humble nature of God’s handmaid, the speaker of these verses. The Lord has graciously expressed Himself to her, bestowing favor upon her. This portrayal highlights the special relationship between God and His people. Throughout the ages, those who have placed their trust in Him have been blessed and counted among the favored ones. This recognition brings immense joy and a sense of fulfillment.

Furthermore, the greatness of God is emphasized in this hymn. He is capable of doing great things, far beyond our understanding. His name is holy, and His mercy flows abundantly to those who fear Him. This unwavering mercy extends from generation to generation. It is a beacon of hope and comfort, assuring us that God’s love knows no bounds. As we continue to trust in Him, we can rest assured that His mercy will always be there to guide and uplift us.

The hymn then draws attention to the strength of God. His mighty arm is capable of great feats, and He has demonstrated this power throughout history. The proud and arrogant are scattered, their vain plans brought to nothing. This encourages us to honor humility, as it is through meekness and surrender that we can truly find strength in God. The are humbled, and the lowly are lifted up. This inversion of worldly expectations reminds us of the value God places on our hearts, rather than on societal status or material wealth.

The hymn also speaks of God’s compassion for the hungry and the needy. He fills the empty stomachs with good things, while those who were once rich are left in want. This demonstrates God’s heart for justice and His care for the marginalized. It reminds us to be mindful of those who are less fortunate and to extend a helping hand to those in need. Through acts of compassion and generosity, we can reflect the character of our merciful God and bring His love into the lives of others.

Finally, the hymn highlights God’s faithfulness to His people. He has helped His servant Israel, as promised, and has shown mercy in accordance with His decree. This serves as a reminder of God’s covenant with Abraham and his descendants. He has never wavered in His commitment to His people, upholding His promises throughout the ages. This steadfastness provides us with reassurance and confidence in knowing that God will always be there for us.

In conclusion, “My Soul To Magnify The Lord” encapsulates the joy and beauty of trusting in God. Through our worship and praise, we magnify His name and bring glory to His kingdom. Placing our trust in Him allows us to find solace, strength, and joy. We are reminded of His greatness, His mercy, and His faithfulness throughout history. As we continue to surrender ourselves to His will, may our souls always magnify the Lord, bringing His love and light to the world.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Maximize your joy and trust in God with My Soul To Magnify The Lord. Discover the profound beauty of worship and the immense blessings of placing your trust in Him.


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