My Soul Has Found The Sure Foundation – Hymn Lyric

Discover the unshakable foundation for your soul in "My Soul Has Found The Sure Foundation

My Soul Has Found The Sure Foundation – Hymn Lyric

“My Soul Has Found The Sure Foundation” is a that speaks to the depths of our souls, reminding us of the unwavering love and of God. Rooted in the wounds of and the eternal plan of God, this hymn provides assurance and hope, offering comfort and strength as we navigate through ‘s storms and uncertainties. It calls us to rest upon this sure foundation and find solace in the boundless embrace of God’s love and mercy.


My Soul Has Found The Sure Foundation – Hymn Lyric

My soul has found the sure foundation,
That holds its anchor evermore;
The wounds of Christ are my ,
As planned by God in days of yore;

Unmoved shall this foundation stay,
Though earth and heaven pass away.

God would not have one soul to perish,
But wills that we should live for aye;
His Son, whom we as Savior cherish,
down to earth our debt to pay;

And now the Lamb for sinners
Admission to our hearts would gain.

O Fount of love and mercies tender,
By Jesus’ blood, for sinners spilt,
My wounded soul Thou whole dost render
And free from ev’ry trace of guilt,

Because the blood of Christ doth cry
For mercy to Thy throne on high.

Thy mercies ever contemplating,
My faith shall ne’er to doubt give way,
And though in torments unabating
My accuse me night and day,

I shall approach the mercy seat
And find Thy heart with love replete.

Be all my ways to Him commended
Whose mercy is a boundless .
To Him, until my days are ended,
My troubled heart shall ever flee,

And, by His love and mercy blest,
Find comfort, solace, peace and rest.

On this foundation e’er remaining
While in this transient I dwell,
And mercy every hour obtaining,
I shall not fail its praise to tell,

Until, in blest eternity,
Unfathomed love my song shall be.


Meaning of My Soul Has Found The Sure Foundation

My Soul Has Found The Sure Foundation: A Hymn of Assurance and Hope

In the midst of life’s storms and uncertainties, it is comforting to know that our souls can find a sure foundation. This hymn beautifully captures the essence of that secure foundation, rooted in the wounds of Christ and the eternal plan of God.

The hymn begins by proclaiming that the soul has found a firm ground, an anchor that will hold it steadfast even as earth and heaven pass away. This foundation is none other than the wounds of Christ, which serve as our salvation. It reminds us that God, in His infinite love and wisdom, desires that none should perish but have everlasting life.

The second verse invites us to reflect upon the incredible sacrifice of Jesus, who willingly came down to earth to pay our debt. His selfless act of dying on the cross opens the door for sinners like us to have admission into the presence of God. The hymn paints a vivid picture of the Lamb who was slain, seeking entrance into our hearts.

As we delve deeper into the hymn, we encounter the imagery of a fount of love and mercies, flowing from the blood of Jesus that was shed for sinners. It reminds us that His sacrifice has the power to restore and heal our wounded souls, completely wiping away every trace of guilt. This powerful message reinforces the boundless love and unending mercy of our Savior.

Despite the challenges and trials we may face in life, the hymn encourages us to never doubt the mercies of God. Instead, we are called to maintain steadfast faith and approach His mercy seat, knowing that His heart is full of love. We can take refuge in the promise that His mercies are fresh every morning, regardless of the unceasing accusations of our sins.

The hymn also emphasizes the importance of commending all our ways to God, who is the embodiment of limitless mercy. It paints a beautiful picture of His mercy as a boundless sea, where our troubled hearts can find solace and peace. It reassures us that as long as we seek Him, His love and mercy will guide us and bring us comfort until the end of our days.

As we navigate through the transient world we dwell in, we can rest assured that this sure foundation will remain steadfast. God’s mercy is readily available to us at all times, and we can approach Him with confidence, knowing that His love is unchanging. In this way, we can testify to His praise in every season of our lives.

The final verse of the hymn looks forward to the eternal future, where our understanding of God’s love will be fully realized. It reminds us that our finite minds can only scratch the surface of His unfathomable love. As we enter into the blissful eternity, our song will be one of unending gratitude for the foundation of love and mercy that has carried us through.

In conclusion, “My Soul Has Found The Sure Foundation” is a hymn that speaks to the depths of our souls. It reminds us of the unwavering love and mercy of God, embodied in the wounds of Christ. This timeless message of assurance and hope resonates with believers of all ages, providing comfort and strength as we journey through life. May we continually rest upon this sure foundation and find solace in the embrace of God’s love and mercy.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the unshakable foundation for your soul in My Soul Has Found The Sure Foundation, a hymn of assurance and hope. Experience the boundless love and mercy of God, rooted in the wounds of Christ. Trust in His unfailing grace and find solace in His embrace.


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