Jesus Bids Us Shine With A Bright Light – Hymn Lyric

Embrace the call to shine brightly with Jesus' light. Reflect His love

Jesus Bids Us Shine With A Bright Light – Hymn Lyric

In this hymn titled “ Bids Us Shine With A Bright Light,” we are reminded of our important role as followers of Jesus to let His light shine through us. The hymn emphasizes the value Jesus places on each individual and calls us to shine brightly for Him, reflecting His and grace. We are encouraged to follow His teachings, spread the , and love Him with all our hearts, starting our journey to heaven with childlike . Let us embrace this call and shine with the bright light of Jesus!


Jesus Bids Us Shine With A Bright Light – Hymn Lyric

Jesus bids us shine with a bright, bright light!
Pure little gems in the ‘s sight;
for the Master with all our might,
Shine, shine, shine.

Bright little jewels we will be;
Shining with a light that all can see;
Hear the Master’s voice saying:
for me!”
Shine, shine, shine.

Jesus bids us follow, where He may lead;
All that He tells us we’ll try to heed;
Scattering about us the gospel ,
Shine, shine, shine.


Jesus bids us love Him with all our heart;
Oh, from His love may we never part;
But, while little children, for heav’n we’ll start;
Shine, shine, shine.


Meaning of Jesus Bids Us Shine With A Bright Light

In the world we live in today, where darkness can sometimes seem overwhelming, the message and call to shine brightly with the light of Jesus is more important than ever. This hymn, titled “Jesus Bids Us Shine With A Bright Light,” beautifully captures this call to action and reminds us of the significance of our role as followers of Christ.

The verse of this hymn begins by emphasizing the purity and preciousness of each individual, comparing them to “pure little gems in the Savior’s sight.” This imagery not only highlights the value that Jesus places on each one of us but also reminds us of the potential we have to reflect His light. We are called to shine for the Master with all our might, to let His light shine through us in all that we do.

The refrain of the hymn reinforces this message, declaring that we, as followers of Jesus, are meant to be bright little jewels. Our lives should reflect a light that is not hidden but is visible for all to see. This challenges us to live in such a way that our actions, attitudes, and words draw others closer to Christ. When people see us, they should see the love and grace of Jesus shining through.

Furthermore, the hymn reminds us of the importance of hearing and obeying the voice of the Master. Just as Jesus bids us to shine, He also bids us to follow Him, wherever He may lead. We are called to be obedient to His teachings and to spread the gospel seed, sharing His message of , redemption, and with those around us. This means that shining brightly not only involves living a life that reflects the light of Jesus but also actively sharing His love and truth with others.

The hymn also draws attention to the commandment to love Jesus with all our hearts. It is through our love for Him that we grow in our relationship with Him and experience the fullness of His love for us. The hymn acknowledges that as we love Jesus, we should never part from His love. Our relationship with Him should be the foundation of our lives, guiding our choices, actions, and interactions with others.

Finally, the hymn expresses the desire to start the journey to heaven as little children. This emphasizes the importance of developing childlike faith, characterized by trust, humility, and dependence on God. By approaching our relationship with Jesus with childlike simplicity, we open ourselves up to experiencing the transformative power of His love and grace. It is through this childlike faith that we can truly shine as bright lights in a dark world.

In conclusion, the hymn “Jesus Bids Us Shine With A Bright Light” calls us to action. It reminds us of our role as followers of Jesus to shine brightly with His light, to reflect His love, grace, and truth in all that we do. We are called to be bright little jewels, visible and accessible to everyone we encounter. Through our obedience to Jesus, our love for Him, and our childlike faith, we can radiate His light and make a difference in the world around us. Let us embrace this call and shine, shine, shine!


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Embrace the call to shine brightly with Jesus' light. Reflect His love, grace, and truth. Be a bright little jewel in a dark world. Let us shine, shine, shine! Jesus Bids Us Shine With A Bright Light.


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