Soul In Death And Darkness Lying – Hymn Lyric

Spread the light of hope and salvation to souls in death and darkness. This hymn calls Christians to guide others towards the love and grace of Jesus Christ.

Soul In Death And Darkness Lying – Hymn Lyric

“Soul In Death And Lying: A Call to Share the Light” is a hymn that urges us to reach out to those lost in darkness and despair. We are reminded of our duty as to guide others towards the and grace of Jesus Christ, sharing the precious price that was paid for our own . With the guidance of the Holy , we can bring hope and light to those who are in need.


Soul In Death And Darkness Lying – Hymn Lyric

in death and darkness lying,
Where no light has broken through;
Souls that Jesus bought by dying,
Whom His soul in travail knew;
Thousand voices call us o’er the waters blue;
Thousand voices call us o’er the waters blue.

Christians, hearken! None has taught them
Of His love so deep and dear;
Of the precious price that bought them:
Of the nail, the thorn, the spear.
Ye who know Him, guide them from their darkness drear;
Ye who know Him, guide them from their darkness drear.

Still the earth hath cruel places,
Wrath, and hate, and vengeance grim,
Still looks on human faces
Heavenward turned, but not to Him;
Slaves in bondage, worse than of fettered limb;
Slaves in bondage, worse than of fettered limb.

Haste, oh, haste, and spread the tidings
Wide to earth’s remotest strand.
Let no brother’s bitter chidings
against us when we stand
In the judgment, from some far, forgotten land;
In the judgment, from some far, forgotten land.

Lo! the hills for harvest whiten,
All along each distant shore.
Seaward far the islands brighten,
Light of nations, lead us o’er!
When we seek them, let Thy Spirit go before;
When we seek them, let Thy Spirit go before.


Meaning of Soul In Death And Darkness Lying

Soul In Death And Darkness Lying: A Call to Share the Light

In the depths of darkness and despair, there are souls who are lost and in need of the light of hope and salvation. This hymn reminds us of our duty as Christians to reach out to those who are living in spiritual darkness, guiding them towards the love and grace of Jesus Christ.

The lyrics of this hymn speak to the urgency and importance of our mission. Souls in death and darkness are described as being in a place where no light has penetrated. They are in need of someone to show them the way, to tell them of Jesus who bought them with His own life, and to guide them out of their despair.

As Christians, we are called to be the bearers of this message of love and redemption. The hymn emphasizes that those who have experienced the love of Christ have a responsibility to teach others and guide them from their darkness. We are reminded of the precious price that was paid for our own salvation, the nail, the thorn, the spear that Jesus endured on the cross. It is this understanding of the depth of God’s love that compels us to share it with others.

The hymn also acknowledges the cruel and harsh aspects of the we live in. It highlights the presence of wrath, hate, and vengeance that still exist today. Despite the fact that God looks upon human faces turned toward heaven, there are many who have not yet turned to Him. It is our responsibility to bring God’s love and light to those who are still enslaved by their own darkness, a darkness worse than any physical bondage.

The urgency to spread the message of salvation is emphasized in the hymn. We are called to hasten and spread the tidings to the farthest corners of the earth. The fear of facing judgment for not fulfilling our duty is acknowledged, as the hymn pleads for no bitter chidings from our fellow brothers and sisters when we stand before God. It is a reminder that we must not forget those in far and forgotten lands, but rather, bring them the hope of salvation.

The hymn also speaks to the abundant harvest that us. The hills are described as whitening, symbolizing the readiness of souls to receive the good news. The islands too are illuminated with the light of Christ, signifying that people from all nations are in need of salvation. We are called to embark on this mission with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, praying that God’s Spirit goes before us, preparing the hearts of those we seek to reach.

In conclusion, “Soul In Death And Darkness Lying” is a call to action for all Christians. It compels us to recognize the souls lost in darkness, both near and far, and to take on the responsibility of guiding them towards the light of God’s love. It is a reminder that we are not alone in this mission, and that the Holy Spirit will go before us, opening hearts and minds to receive the message of salvation. May we heed this call, and in doing so, bring hope and light to those who are desperately in need.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Spread the light of hope and salvation to souls in death and darkness. This hymn calls Christians to guide others towards the love and grace of Jesus Christ.


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