Just Lean Upon Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Just Lean Upon Jesus: Find strength

Just Lean Upon Jesus – Hymn Lyric

When feels overwhelming and the weight of your worries becomes too much, there is someone you can always rely on: . In the hymn “Just Lean Upon Jesus,” we are reminded to trust in Him and find comfort and support in His unwavering love. By leaning on Jesus, we can find strength, guidance, and , knowing that He is always ready to carry our burdens and brighten our .


Just Lean Upon Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Just lean upon Jesus;
He’ll help you along,
And brighten your pathway
With many a song.

Glad songs of rejoicing,
Because he is near,
So mighty to save you,
So to cheer.

Just lean upon Jesus,
child of his care;
Just lean upon Jesus,
Your burden he’ll share.

Just lean upon Jesus;
In service perplexed,
And ask him to show you
The work that comes “next;”

Then simply obeying,
Results leave with him;
His arm is unfailing,
His eye never dim.


Just lean upon Jesus;
And bring ev’ry care,
Tho’ trifling or heavy,
To him who hears pray’r.

He tells you so kindly
In him to confide,
O trust him most fully,
There’s at his side.


Just lean upon Jesus
When troubles dismay;
He counts ev’ry footstep
That leads up to Day.

So near “the Beloved”
No ill need affright;
The valley of shadow,
His presence makes bright.


Meaning of Just Lean Upon Jesus

When life feels overwhelming and the weight of your worries becomes too much, there is someone you can always rely on. His name is Jesus, and he is ready and willing to help you along your journey. In the hymn “Just Lean Upon Jesus,” we are reminded of the comfort and support that comes from trusting in Him.

Just as a weary traveler leans on a strong and sturdy companion for support, we too can lean on Jesus. When we lean on Him, we can be confident that He will carry our burdens and brighten our path with His love and . It is through leaning on Jesus that we find strength and joy, even in the midst of trials.

Life can often feel confusing and overwhelming, especially when it comes to figuring out our purpose and what comes next. But we don’t have to navigate these uncertainties on our own. By leaning on Jesus, we can ask Him for guidance and seek His wisdom in discerning the next steps in our journey. As we trust in Him and obediently follow His lead, we can have full confidence that He will work out the details and bring about the best outcomes in our lives.

Sometimes, we may find ourselves carrying worries and cares that seem insignificant or trivial. However, Jesus invites us to bring all our cares, big or small, to Him in prayer. He lovingly assures us that He is always listening and ready to help us through every situation. When we lean on Jesus and trust in His care, we can experience a deep sense of peace and joy.

When troubles arise, and our hearts are filled with fear and anxiety, Jesus is there for us. He not only counts every step we take, but also walks alongside us, guiding and protecting us. We can take comfort in knowing that we are always near to “the Beloved,” as the hymn puts it. With Jesus by our side, we have nothing to fear, as His presence illuminates even the darkest valleys we may encounter.

By leaning on Jesus, we find solace in His unwavering strength. His mighty arm supports us when we feel weak, and His unfailing love sustains us through every trial. No matter what obstacles we face, we can have faith in Jesus’ ability to save and His willingness to comfort us.

In conclusion, the hymn “Just Lean Upon Jesus” reminds us of the incredible power and love that comes from trusting in Him. When we lean on Jesus, we can find strength, guidance, and peace. By bringing all our worries and cares to Him, we can experience the joy that comes from knowing we are not alone on our journey. So, dear ones, let us lean upon Jesus and allow Him to carry our burdens, for He is always ready to share in our struggles and bring into our lives.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Just Lean Upon Jesus: Find strength, guidance, and peace by trusting in Him. Bring your worries and cares to Jesus, who is always ready to share in your struggles and bring light into your life.


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