Let Christ The Glorious Lover – Hymn Lyric

Discover Christ's boundless love and grace in "Let Christ The Glorious Lover" hymn. Experience the journey from resistance to surrender

Let Christ The Glorious Lover – Hymn Lyric

“Let Christ The Glorious Lover: Embracing the Riches of His Grace” is a captivating hymn that explores the unwavering and grace of Christ. It takes us on a journey of self-reflection, resistance, conviction, and ultimately, the joy of surrendering to His love. Through this powerful hymn, we are invited to embrace the transformative power of Christ’s love and become His beloved bride.


Let Christ The Glorious Lover – Hymn Lyric

Let Christ the glorious Lover,
Have praise,
He comes for to discover,
The riches of his grace.

He courts a wretched ,
To be his loving bride;
Resolving for to win her,
And will not be deny’d.

When first he calls upon her,
Herself for to deny,
To cast away her honor,
And lay her pleasures by.

To part with ev’ry notion,
That puffs her up with pride,
To take him for her portion
And be his loving bride.

The offers he makes to her,
Is what she can’t endure,
She thinks it will undo her
To part with all her store.

She wilfully refuses,
To yield unto his will,
And in her heart she chooses,
Her former lover still.

She bolts the door upon her,
And bids her depart;
No more will serve his honor,
Nor give to him her heart.

But Jesus the sinner,
And will not leave the door;
But cries, O charming creature,
Reject my suit no more.

My love, my , my jewel,
Arise and let me in;
How can you be so cruel,
To bar your heart with sin.

If calls and invitation,
Will not excite your love;
Prepare for condemnation,
For I will not remove.

He then displays his pow’r,
By an almighty word:
And threatens to devour,
And shews his flaming sword.

She now begins to tremble
At what she sees and hears:
And feign she would be humble,
And wash her crimes with tears.

She does not yet discover,
The filth of her inside;
But hopes the Lord will love her,
And taker her for his bride.

But like refiner’s fire,
That searches ev’ry part;
Conviction’s rising higher,
Sheefeels a wretched heart.

She now begins to languish,
And none can her relieve;
Her heart is full of anguish,
To find she can’t believe.

Her Savior has departed,
And left her full of woe;
And being broken hearted,
She cries, what shall I do?

But Jesus has compassion,
Still moving in his breast;
Intends to give salvation,
And ease the soul distress’d.

One glimpse or love and power
Makes her forget her pain;
She cries, O happy hour,
Is Jesus come again.

Is he whom I rejected,
Stoop’d down to me so low;
Good news, but unexpected,
It hardly can be true.

And still she cries more fervent,
Lord don’t mercy hide;
May I become a servant,
And fit to be a bride.

The marriage is made ready,
The parties are agreed;
The holy son of David,
And Adam’s wicked seed.

The sinner is adorned
With raiment clean and white;
Her sins are freely pardon’d,
And she’s her love’s delight.

They eat and drink together,
And mutually embrace;
Both saints and angels wonder,
At this surprising grace.

This union shall continue,
the same;
And nothing part asunder,
The Christian and the .


Meaning of Let Christ The Glorious Lover

Let Christ The Glorious Lover: Embracing the Riches of His Grace

In the beautiful hymn, “Let Christ the Glorious Lover,” we are reminded of the boundless love and grace that Jesus Christ offers to each one of us. Like a loving bridegroom, He yearns for a relationship with us, a wretched sinner, and is determined to win our hearts. This hymn takes us on a journey of self-reflection, resistance, conviction, and ultimately, the joy of surrendering to His love.

The hymn begins by exalting Christ as the glorious lover, deserving of everlasting praise. He comes to discover the riches of His grace and to court a wretched sinner, who represents us all. Despite our unworthiness, Christ is relentless in His pursuit, resolved to win us over.

When Christ first calls upon us, it requires us to deny ourselves and set aside our earthly desires. We are called to relinquish the things that inflate our pride and instead make Him our ultimate source of joy and fulfillment. To become His loving bride, we must let go of the notions and pleasures that distract us from fully embracing His love.

Yet, as the hymn describes, we often resist Christ’s advances. We are hesitant to part ways with our worldly possessions and find it difficult to fully accept the sacrificial love He offers. In our stubbornness, we may even try to shut Him out, bolting the door upon Him and refusing to let Him in. However, despite our rejection, Jesus continues to love us and persistently knocks on the door of our hearts, charmingly calling us to accept His love.

In His pursuit, Christ displays His power and warns us of the consequences of rejecting Him. He reveals His authority through His word and lets us perceive the flaming sword of His judgment. These displays of power cause us to tremble and realize the gravity of our choices. We begin to understand the need for humility and the cleansing power of repentance.

As our hearts start to soften, we may still struggle with disbelief and uncertainty. We hope that the Lord will accept us and take us as His bride, but we are fearful of the consequences of our past sins. Our hearts begin to feel the weight of conviction, and we long to be free from the bondage of unbelief.

In this moment of distress, the hymn acknowledges that Jesus has compassion for us. He desires to bring salvation and comfort to our souls. Even a single glimpse of His love and power is enough to alleviate our pain and fill us with hope. We rejoice at the thought of Jesus coming into our lives once again, even after we rejected Him.

The hymn highlights the transformative power of Christ’s love. As we surrender to Him, our sins are forgiven, and we are adorned with the righteousness of Christ. In this divine union, we experience the joyous embrace of our Savior. The hymn depicts this union as a marriage, where both saints and angels marvel at the profound grace displayed.

The hymn concludes with the assurance that once we enter into this union with Christ, nothing can separate us from His love. The Christian and the Lamb are forever bonded, and their relationship will endure for all eternity. It is a union that surpasses all earthly bonds and brings about an everlasting love and joy.

In “Let Christ the Glorious Lover,” we are reminded of the profound love and grace that Christ offers to us, despite our unworthiness. It is a love that pursues us relentlessly, patiently knocking on the door of our hearts until we surrender. Through this hymn, we are invited to reflect on our own resistance, to acknowledge our need for forgiveness and redemption, and to embrace the transformative power of Christ’s love. Let us rejoice in becoming the bride of Christ and experience the everlasting union between the Christian and the Lamb.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover Christ's boundless love and grace in Let Christ The Glorious Lover hymn. Experience the journey from resistance to surrender, as Jesus yearns to win our hearts and make us His loving bride. Embrace the profound union between the Christian and the Lamb.


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