Souls In Heathen Darkness Lying – Hymn Lyric

Discover the urgency to bring light and salvation to souls in heathen darkness. Spread the tidings of God's love and redemption to every corner of the earth. Be the light of the nations. Join us in guiding souls out of darkness. Souls In Heathen Darkness Lying: Bringing Light to the World.

Souls In Heathen Darkness Lying – Hymn Lyric

In Heathen Lying: Bringing Light to the World emphasizes the urgency of spreading the message of God’s love and salvation to those living in darkness. The calls Christians to guide souls out of ignorance and into the light of the Gospel, reminding us of our duty to share the precious price Jesus paid for their redemption. We must spread the tidings far and wide, even in the face of opposition, and rely on the guidance of the Holy Spirit throughout our mission.


Souls In Heathen Darkness Lying – Hymn Lyric

Souls in heathen darkness lying,
Where no light has broken through;
Souls that Jesus bought by dying,
Whom His soul in travail knew;
Thousand voices,
Thousand voices
Call us o’er the waters blue.

Christians, hearken, none has taught them
Of His love so deep and dear;
Of the precious price that bought them;
Of the nail, the thorn, the spear;
Ye who know Him,
Ye who know Him,
Guide them from their darkness drear.

Haste, O haste, and spread the tidings
Wide to earth’s remotest strand;
Let no brother’s bitter chidings
against us when we stand
Tell the judgment,
Tell the judgment,
From some far, forgotten land.

Lo! the hills for whiten,
All along each distant shore;
Seaward far the islands brighten,
Light of nations, lead us o’er;
When we seek them,
When we seek them,
Let Thy Spirit go before.


Meaning of Souls In Heathen Darkness Lying

Souls In Heathen Darkness Lying: Bringing Light to the World

In a world filled with different cultures, religions, and beliefs, it is easy to forget that there are still many people living in heathen darkness, where the light of the Gospel has not yet reached. This hymn reminds us of the responsibility we have as Christians to the message of God’s love and salvation to those who have never heard it before.

The first verse calls out to us, emphasizing the urgency of the task at hand. It speaks of souls in heathen darkness, souls that Jesus bought by dying on the cross. These are people whom His soul in travail knew, meaning that Jesus understood their need for salvation and felt the of their lostness. Thousands of voices call out to us from the waters blue, representing the countless individuals yearning for the truth.

As Christians, we cannot simply ignore the plight of those who have not yet heard the good news. The hymn reminds us that none has taught them of His love so deep and dear. These people are unaware of the precious price that Jesus paid for their redemption – the nails, the thorn, the spear that pierced His body. It is up to us, as those who know Him and have experienced His love, to guide them out of their darkness and into the light of salvation.

The hymn urges us to hasten in spreading the tidings, to share the Gospel far and wide, to every corner of the earth. We must not be deterred by any bitter chidings or criticisms from others who do not understand our mission. Even if we face opposition or misunderstanding, we must stay steadfast in our purpose. We must make sure that no judgment arises against us when we stand before God, knowing that we did not shy from our duty to share the message of salvation.

The hymn highlights the importance of bringing the light of the Gospel to even the most remote places and forgotten lands. It calls us to remember the harvest that us on the hills, where people are ready to receive the truth. As Christians, we are called to be the light of the nations, leading others out of darkness and into the knowledge of God’s love and grace.

When embarking on the mission to seek out those in heathen darkness, we cannot do it alone. The hymn acknowledges the need for the Spirit of God to go before us, guiding our steps and preparing the way. Just as Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to empower and equip His disciples, we too need the Spirit’s guidance and strength as we share the message of salvation with others.

In conclusion, Souls In Heathen Darkness Lying is a powerful reminder of our responsibility as Christians to bring the light of the Gospel to those who have not yet heard it. We must heed the call to guide souls out of darkness and into the knowledge of God’s love and redemption. It is our duty to spread the tidings far and wide, overcoming any opposition or criticism that may arise. Let us be the light of the nations, embracing the guidance of the Holy Spirit as we embark on this important mission.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the urgency to bring light and salvation to souls in heathen darkness. Spread the tidings of God's love and redemption to every corner of the earth. Be the light of the nations. Join us in guiding souls out of darkness. Souls In Heathen Darkness Lying: Bringing Light to the World.


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