If Angels Sung A Saviors Birth – Hymn Lyric

If Angels Sung A Saviors Birth: The Joy of Christmas and the Hope of Resurrection. Celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and find hope in His resurrection. Discover the deeper meaning behind this hymn and be filled with joy and praise for our Savior who has risen today.

If Angels Sung A Saviors Birth – Hymn Lyric

“If Angels Sung A Saviors Birth: The Joy of Christmas and the Hope of Resurrection” explores the meaning behind a that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. The hymn reminds us to imitate the angels’ joy and highlights the connection between Christmas and , emphasizing the message of hope and resurrection. As we celebrate Christmas, let us remember that Jesus’ birth brings great rejoicing and his resurrection offers hope for eternal life.


If Angels Sung A Saviors Birth – Hymn Lyric

If angels sang our Savior’s birth,
On that most blessed morn,
Then let us imitate their mirth,
Now He again is .

Surrexit Christus hodie,
Surrexit pro nobis;
Surrexit Christus hodie,
Gloria, Jesu Domino!

Grieve not, vain man, who mortal art,
That thou to earth must fall;
It was His portion, ’twas His part
Of Him who made us all.


Himself He humbled to the grave,
Made flesh like us to show,
That we as certainly shall have,
A resurrection too.


Then with perpetual hymns let Christ,
Who from the dead was raised,
With Father and the Holy Ghost,
be praised.


Meaning of If Angels Sung A Saviors Birth

If Angels Sung A Saviors Birth: The Joy of Christmas and the Hope of Resurrection

During the Christmas season, we often carols and hymns to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. One particular hymn, titled “If Angels Sung A Saviors Birth,” captures the essence of the joyful occasion. Through its beautiful verses, this hymn not only reminds us of the angelic proclamation and rejoicing on that blessed morn but also brings to light the deeper significance of Christ’s birth and resurrection. Let us explore the meaning behind these words and discover the hope and joy they offer.

The first verse of the hymn speaks of angels singing at our Savior’s birth. It’s a vivid and enchanting image, one that resonates with the joy and splendor surrounding this miraculous event. Just as the angels rejoiced at the coming of Jesus, we too should imitate their mirth. Christmas is a time of celebration, of sharing love and kindness with one another. Let the hymn be a reminder that the birth of Jesus is a reason for us to rejoice as well.

The refrain “Surrexit Christus hodie” translates to “Christ has risen today.” This phrase holds the key to the deeper meaning behind the hymn. It connects Christmas to Easter, reminding us that the birth of Jesus is intricately linked to his death and resurrection. The refrain also serves as an essential SEO keyword, emphasizing the message of hope and resurrection contained within the hymn.

Addressing the mortal nature of man, the second verse encourages us not to grieve our earthly existence. It reminds us that just as it was Christ’s portion to fall to earth, it is our fate as well. This verse teaches us to embrace the fleeting nature of life on earth and find solace in the knowledge that Jesus, who made us all, understands and shares in our human experience.

The hymn further explores the concept of God’s humility in the third verse. It highlights the fact that Jesus humbled himself to the grave, taking on human flesh to demonstrate the promise of resurrection for all. By undergoing death and conquering it, Jesus paved the way for our own resurrection. This verse serves as a reminder that our earthly lives, with all their trials and tribulations, are not the end. Just as Christ rose from the dead, we too shall have a resurrection.

The final verse of the hymn emphasizes the eternal and worship of Christ, along with the Father and the Holy Ghost. It encapsulates the idea that the birth and resurrection of Jesus are not isolated events but part of a divine plan that spans . This verse invites us to join in perpetual hymns of praise and for the salvation and hope brought by Jesus Christ.

In conclusion, “If Angels Sung A Saviors Birth” is a hymn that captures the joy of Christmas while also pointing to the hope of resurrection. Its poetic verses encourage us to imitate the angelic mirth at Christ’s birth and remind us of the deeper significance of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. As we celebrate Christmas, let us remember that the birth of Jesus is a cause for great rejoicing, and his resurrection offers hope for eternal life. May we join with the angels in praising and glorifying our Savior, who has truly risen today.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image If Angels Sung A Saviors Birth: The Joy of Christmas and the Hope of Resurrection. Celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and find hope in His resurrection. Discover the deeper meaning behind this hymn and be filled with joy and praise for our Savior who has risen today.


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