His Banner Over Us Is Love – Hymn Lyric

"Discover the power of His love! Find strength

His Banner Over Us Is Love – Hymn Lyric

In “His Banner Over Us Is Love,” we discover our identity as children of the King and the boundless love that surrounds us. As we journey through , this love serves as our guide, giving us the courage and strength to face challenges. This hymn reminds us to embrace the love of our King and let His banner lead us in all that we do.


His Banner Over Us Is Love – Hymn Lyric

We are children of the King,
And His praises we will sing,
As we journey to our above
His banner over us is love!

Marching! Marching!
With happy hearts we onward move;
No foe we fear, with our Captain near
His banner over us is love!

He, the glorious of God,
Hath the way before us trod;
Over every foe we’ll conqu’ror prove
His banner over us is love!

Fearless in our Leader’s might,
Strong to do and dare the right;
We will journey to our home above
His banner over us is love!


Meaning of His Banner Over Us Is Love

His Banner Over Us Is Love: Finding Strength in the King’s Love


In this hymn, titled “His Banner Over Us Is Love,” we are reminded of our identity as children of the King and the boundless love that surrounds us. As we embark on our journey through life, this love serves as our guide, giving us the courage and strength to face any challenges that come our way. Let’s explore the meaning behind these beautiful words and how they can inspire us to live with and purpose.

Verse 1: Acknowledging Our Identity

“We are children of the King,

And His praises we will sing,

As we journey to our home above

His banner over us is love!”

In the first verse, we are reminded that we are not alone in this world. As children of the King, we have a special place in His . This realization should fill us with joy and gratitude, prompting us to offer praise and thanksgiving. With every step we take towards our heavenly home, we are enveloped in the banner of love, which provides us with comfort and assurance.

Verse 2: Following in the Footsteps of Christ

“He, the glorious Son of God,

Hath the way before us trod;

Over every foe we’ll conqu’ror prove

His banner over us is love!”

As we progress on our journey, we can find solace in the fact that Jesus, the Son of God, has walked this before us. He has shown us the way, leading by example and paving the way for our victory over every obstacle that may come our way. With His banner of love waving over us, we can face any foe or challenge with confidence, knowing that we have the ultimate conqueror fighting alongside us.

Verse 3: Embracing Fearlessness

“Fearless in our Leader’s might,

Strong to do and dare the right;

We will journey to our home above

His banner over us is love!”

In the final verse, we are reminded of the fearless nature that comes from being united with our . With Him as our leader, we possess the strength and courage to do what is right, even when facing adversity. His love empowers us to overcome our fears and embark on this journey with confidence. As we press forward towards our home, the banner of love continues to surround us, reminding us that we are never alone.

Living Under His Banner of Love:

Having explored the profound meaning behind these lyrics, let us now reflect on how we can apply these ideals in our everyday lives. Here are some practical ways we can embrace the truth of His banner of love:

1. Express Gratitude: Every day, take a moment to reflect on the love of the King and offer your heartfelt praises. Develop a habit of gratitude to cultivate a positive outlook in life.

2. Seek His Guidance: Just as Jesus has already walked the path before us, we can rely on His wisdom and teachings. Through prayer and studying His Word, seek His guidance and apply His teachings in your daily decisions.

3. Face Challenges with Confidence: Know that you are not alone in your struggles. No matter what difficulties come your way, trust in the strength of the King’s love. Approach challenges with a fearless mindset, knowing that He is fighting alongside you.

4. Extend Love to Others: As recipients of the King’s love, we are called to share that love with those around us. Practice kindness, compassion, and forgiveness towards others, spreading the love that has been given to us.


In this hymn, “His Banner Over Us Is Love,” we are reminded of our identity as children of the King and the love that surrounds us. As we journey through life, we can draw strength and comfort from this truth, knowing that we are never alone. Let us march forward, fearlessly embracing the love of our King, and let His banner guide us in all that we do. May this hymn serve as a constant reminder of the profound love the King has for us, and may we find inspiration in living a life that reflects His love to the world.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the power of His love! Find strength, courage, and purpose as children of the King. Let His banner guide you on your journey. Embrace love and live fearlessly.


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