Earth Has Engrossed My Love Too Long – Hymn Lyric

Earth Has Engrossed My Love Too Long: A Yearning for Heavenly Delights. Redirect your gaze from Earth to the celestial realm

Earth Has Engrossed My Love Too Long – Hymn Lyric

“Earth Has Engrossed My Too Long: A Yearning for Delights” is a heartfelt hymn that encourages readers to shift their focus from earthly pleasures towards the celestial realm. The poet longs to join the angels in their heavenly chorus and see the radiant face of their beloved Savior. This hymn prompts seventh graders to reflect on their own desires and priorities, inspiring them to consider what truly matters in life and find solace in the promise of something greater.


Earth Has Engrossed My Love Too Long – Hymn Lyric

Earth has engrossed my love too long;
‘Tis time I lift mine eyes
Upward, Father, to throne,
And to my native skies.

There the blest man my Savior sits;
The how bright he shines!
And scatters infinite delights
On all the happy minds.

Seraphs with elevated strains,
Circle the throne around:
And move, and charm the starry plains,
With an immortal sound.

, the , their harps employs;
Jesus, my love, they sing;
Jesus, the life of both our joys,
Sounds sweet from every string.

Now let me mount and join their song,
And be an angel too;
My heart, my hand, my ear, my tongue,
Here’s joyful work for you.

I would begin the music here,
And so my soul would rise:
O for some heavenly notes to bear
My passions to the skies!

There ye that love my Saviour sit;
There I would fain have place,
Among your thrones, or at your feet,
So I might see his face.


Meaning of Earth Has Engrossed My Love Too Long

Earth Has Engrossed My Love Too Long: A Yearning for Heavenly Delights

In this heartfelt hymn, the poet expresses a desire to redirect their love and attention from the pleasures and distractions of Earth towards the heavenly realm. With a sincere and humble tone, the hymn invites readers to lift their eyes upwards, towards the throne of the holy Father and their ultimate destination – their native skies.

The poet begins by acknowledging that their love for Earth has consumed them for far too long and now it is time for a change. They yearn to shift their focus and gaze towards the celestial realms, where their Savior, Jesus Christ, sits in glory. The poet emphasizes the brightness with which God shines and the infinite delights that he bestows upon all the happy minds who reside in heaven.

Amidst the heavenly scenes, angels known as Seraphs encircle the throne, captivating all those who them with their elevated strains of music. Their celestial melodies fill the starry plains and create an immortal sound that brings joy and harmony to all who hear. The poet marvels at the fact that Jesus himself employs these angels to play the harp, and in doing so, becomes the lifeblood of their joy. Every string of the angelic harps resounds with the sweet name of Jesus.

Inspired by the heavenly chorus, the poet longs to join their song and become an angel themselves. They offer their heart, hand, ear, and tongue as joyful instruments to participate in the heavenly music. The poet’s desire to begin the music here on Earth reflects their to experience heavenly bliss even before they reach their ultimate destination. They yearn for heavenly notes to carry their deepest passions and emotions to the skies above.

Addressing those who already love their Savior, the poet expresses a heartfelt plea to be included among them. They yearn to have a place among those who sit at the feet of Jesus and bask in his presence. The ultimate desire is to see the radiant face of their beloved Savior.

Through this hymn, the poet conveys a powerful message of reevaluation and redirection. They recognize that earthly pleasures can distract and consume one’s love for far too long, causing them to lose sight of their ultimate purpose. The hymn serves as a reminder to prioritize the and divine over the fleeting and temporal.

For seventh-grade readers, this hymn can serve as a source of inspiration and encouragement to consider what truly matters in life. It prompts them to reflect on their own desires and priorities, inviting them to contemplate whether their love has been engrossed by earthly distractions for too long.

The hymn encourages seventh graders to imagine a world beyond the visible, where indescribable beauty and joy await those who lift their eyes towards the heavens. By incorporating elements of music and celestial imagery, the hymn captivates young minds and stirs their souls with the promise of something greater than Earthly pleasures.

In conclusion, “Earth Has Engrossed My Love Too Long” encapsulates the yearning for heavenly delights and the desire to redirect one’s focus towards the divine. With its heartfelt lyrics and the underlying message of spiritual awakening, this hymn has the power to guide seventh-graders towards a more meaningful understanding of life’s purpose. May it inspire them to lift their eyes towards the heavenly skies and find solace in the infinite delights that await them.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Earth Has Engrossed My Love Too Long: A Yearning for Heavenly Delights. Redirect your gaze from Earth to the celestial realm, where our Savior shines and infinite joys await. Join the heavenly chorus and find your place among those who adore Jesus.


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