I Sing The Love Of God My Father – Hymn Lyric

Experience the transformative power of God's love in the hymn "I Sing The Love Of God My Father." Find joy

I Sing The Love Of God My Father – Hymn Lyric

In this hymn titled “I Sing The Love Of God My Father,” the author expresses for God’s love and grace. The hymn portrays God as a source of comfort and healing, bringing joy and beauty to replace and darkness. With powerful imagery and heartfelt words, the hymn reminds us of God’s unchanging love and His ability to transform our lives. In summary, “I Sing The Love Of God My Father” is a hymn that God’s love and highlights His ability to bring healing, joy, and beauty to our lives.


I Sing The Love Of God My Father – Hymn Lyric

I sing the love of God, my Father,
Whose abides within,
Who changes all my grief to gladness,
And pardons me all my .

Tho’ may lower, dark and dreary,
Yet He has promised to be near;
He gives me sunshine for my shadow,
And “beauty for ashes,” here.

He gives me joy in place of sorrow;
He gives me love that casts out fear;
He gives me sunshine for my shadow,
And “beauty for ashes,” here.

I sing the love of Christ, my Saviour,
Who suffer’d upon the tree,
That in the secret of His presence,
My bondage might freedom be.

He comes “to bind the broken hearted;”
He comes the fainting to cheer;
He gives me “oil of joy” for mourning,
And “beauty for ashes,” here.

He gives me joy in place of sorrow;
He gives me love that casts out fear;
He gives me sunshine for my shadow,
And “beauty for ashes,” here.

I sing the beauty of the Gospel
That scatters not thorns, but flow’rs,
That bids me scatter smiles and sunbeams
Wherever are lonely hours.

The “garment of His praise” it offers
For “heaviness of spirit,” drear;
It gives me sunshine for my shadow,
And “beauty for ashes,” here.

He gives me joy in place of sorrow;
He gives me love that casts out fear;
He gives me sunshine for my shadow,
And “beauty for ashes,” here.


Meaning of I Sing The Love Of God My Father

In this hymn, titled “I Sing The Love Of God My Father,” the author expresses gratitude and praise for the incredible love and grace that God bestows upon them. Through beautiful imagery and comforting words, the hymn conveys the belief that God is always present, to bring joy and healing to those who seek Him.

The first verse focuses on the love of God the Father. The author acknowledges that God’s Spirit dwells within them, bringing about a transformative power that turns sorrow into gladness and grants forgiveness for all mistakes. Even in the midst of difficult times, when clouds of darkness and despair loom overhead, God keeps His promise to be near, offering sunshine to replace shadows and beauty in place of ashes. This verse highlights the comforting nature of God’s love and His ability to bring light into the darkest moments.

Moving on to the second verse, the hymn centers on the love of Christ, the Savior. The author acknowledges Christ’s on the cross, where He endured suffering so that those who come to Him may find freedom from bondage. Christ is described as the one who binds the broken-hearted and provides encouragement to those who are faint. Just as oil brings joy and calms mourning, Christ brings the oil of joy to uplift and heal. Once again, the hymn emphasizes God’s ability to replace sorrow with joy and fear with love.

The final verse focuses on the beauty of the Gospel and its transformative power. The Gospel is described as something that does not cause pain but rather scatters thorns and replaces them with . It inspires the believer to spread smiles and sunbeams, even during lonely moments. The hymn refers to the Gospel as a “garment of His praise” that covers the heaviness of spirit, offering warmth and comfort. Just as before, it reaffirms God’s promise to provide sunshine for shadows and beauty for ashes.

Overall, this hymn resonates with the belief that no matter what challenges and difficulties one may face, God’s love is always there to bring healing, joy, and transformation. The imagery of sunshine for shadows and beauty for ashes paints a vivid picture of God’s ability to turn darkness into light and despair into hope. It reminds us that in our weakest moments, God’s love has the power to bring strength and renewal.

The title of the hymn, “I Sing The Love Of God My Father,” encapsulates the essence of the entire piece. It is a declaration of praise and gratitude for the incredible love that God, as our Father, showers upon us. By including this title as an SEO keyword, it allows individuals seeking refuge, comfort, and inspiration to find this hymn easily and connect with its uplifting and encouraging message.

In conclusion, “I Sing The Love Of God My Father” is a beautiful hymn that expresses gratitude, praise, and a deep understanding of God’s love and grace. It offers comfort and hope to those who may be experiencing sorrow, fear, or darkness in their lives. With its powerful imagery and heartfelt words, this hymn reminds us that God’s love is unchanging and ever-present, ready to bring joy, healing, and beauty in even the most challenging moments.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the transformative power of God's love in the hymn I Sing The Love Of God My Father. Find joy, healing, and beauty in His presence.


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