How Sweet Is My Walk With Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Walk with Jesus is sweet

How Sweet Is My Walk With Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Walking with is truly a sweet and blessed experience. It fills our hearts and with , peace, and freedom. Just like the golden morning, our journey with Jesus begins in brightness and hope. We can feel His presence beside us, guiding us every step of the way. His love and gentle smiles reassure us and help us walk closer to Him. We hear His whispers of peace and feel His banner of love surrounding us. We walk in His light, leaving behind the shadows of sin. With Jesus by our side, and the angels watching over us, we can confidently walk in His perfect holiness, knowing that He is with us through every challenge and obstacle. So, let us embrace the sweetness of walking with Jesus and allow Him to fill our lives with His love, joy, and freedom.


How Sweet Is My Walk With Jesus – Hymn Lyric

How sweet is my walk with Jesus!
What He breathes on me!
We walk in the golden morning—
And, oh, how my soul is free!—
And onward together journey,
As swiftly the moments fly;
I of His love at ,
As twilight illumes the sky.

Oh, sweet is my walk with Jesus!
How gently He smiles on me!
Yet, nearer, my Lord so precious,
Oh, help me to walk with Thee.

How sweet is my walk with Jesus!
His whispers of peace I hear;
His banner of love is o’er us,
And angels are hov’ring near;
I walk in the light with Jesus,
He shines in the narrow way;
The shadows of sin are vanished,
I walk in the light of day.

How sweet is my walk with Jesus!
I love all the way He trod;
Embraced in His sweet communion,
I’ll walk with the of God;
I turn from the paths of pleasure,
And closer to Jesus press;
I’ll walk with my dear Redeemer,
In His perfect holiness.


Meaning of How Sweet Is My Walk With Jesus

How Sweet Is My Walk With Jesus

Walking with Jesus is truly a sweet and blessed experience. It fills our hearts and souls with joy, peace, and freedom. Just like the golden morning, our journey with Jesus begins in brightness and hope. We can feel His presence beside us, guiding us every step of the way.

As we walk with Jesus, we can’t help but notice the loving smiles He bestows upon us. His smile is gentle, reassuring, and filled with warmth. It reminds us that we are loved beyond measure, and that we are never alone. With Jesus by our side, we feel safe and secure, knowing that He is watching over us.

One of the sweetest aspects of walking with Jesus is hearing His whispers of peace. In the midst of a chaotic , His voice cuts through the noise and brings us a deep sense of calm. His words, filled with love and wisdom, provide us with guidance and comfort. In times of uncertainty and doubt, Jesus whispers words of assurance, reminding us that we are cherished and cared for.

Walking with Jesus is like being under the protection of a beautiful banner of love. It shields us from harm and surrounds us with His divine presence. When we feel weak and vulnerable, Jesus’ banner becomes our refuge. It is a constant reminder that we are cherished and desired by the King of Kings.

Not only is Jesus with us as we walk, but angels are also close by. They are messengers sent by God to minister to us and watch over us. Their presence brings a sense of awe and wonder. Knowing that they are near gives us comfort and reassurance that we are not alone on our journey. The angels serve as a reminder that we are part of something greater, something heavenly and eternal.

Walking with Jesus means walking in the light. His light illuminates our path, showing us the way to . It dispels the shadows of sin that once clouded our lives. As we continue on this journey, we are no longer held captive by the darkness of our past. Instead, we walk confidently in the light of day, with Jesus leading our every step.

In His presence, we are embraced in sweet communion. This intimate connection with Jesus is a source of immeasurable joy and fulfillment. We can pour out our hearts to Him, knowing that He listens and understands. Through prayer and fellowship with Him, we deepen our relationship, growing closer to the Son of God.

Walking with Jesus requires a conscious decision to turn away from the paths of pleasure that the world offers. It means prioritizing His ways and aligning ourselves with His will. As we press closer to Jesus, we experience His perfect holiness working in and through us. He transforms our hearts and minds, molding us into His likeness.

The journey with Jesus is not always easy. There will be challenges and obstacles along the way. However, when we walk hand in hand with our dear Redeemer, we can face anything that comes our way. His strength becomes our strength, and His presence becomes our comfort. Together with Jesus, we can overcome every trial and tribulation.

In conclusion, the hymn beautifully expresses the sweetness of walking with Jesus. It speaks of the blessings He breathes on us and the freedom we find in His presence. Whether it is the golden morning or the evening twilight, Jesus is always there, ready to walk with us. He showers us with His love and fills our hearts with peace. The journey is not always easy, but with Jesus by our side, it is a journey worth taking. So, let us embrace the sweetness of walking with Jesus and let Him guide us through each day, providing us with the joy, love, and freedom that only He can give.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Walk with Jesus is sweet, filled with blessings and freedom. His gentle smile and whispers of peace bring joy and guidance. Embrace His love and walk in His light for a blessed journey.


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