We Young People March On For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Join us as young followers of Jesus

We Young People March On For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

In a world full of challenges, young people proudly take up the mantle of being Christ’s Ambassadors, spreading love, faith, and to all. With the teachings of the Bible as their guide and the armor of faith, they fight battles not with weapons, but with the power of their beliefs. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, they serve others and overcome hardships, proving themselves to be true ambassadors of Christ’s love and mercy.


We Young People March On For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

We young people march on for Jesus,
We are joined as Christ’s Ambassadors
He will lead us, help fight our battles
By His pow’r, and not guns and swords.

Faith our armor, based on the Bible,
By the word of God we’re battling on;
Then the Holy Spirit beareth witness in us:
That’s why we sing as we march on.

We are Christ’s Ambassadors;
And our colors we must unfurl,
We must wear a spotless robe,
Clean and righteous before the world.

We must show we’re cleansed form sin;
And that Jesus dwells within.
Proving duly that we’re truly
Christ Ambassadors.

We would help the sick, poor and needy;
Tell about the Saviour as we go;
Putting forth the talents He gave us,
All our strength to battle the foe;

in love and union together;
Keeping the commandments of our ;
Then we claim the promises of God, our Father,
Working for Him with one accord. [Chorus]

We’ll have many hardships in battle,
As we fight against the pow’r of sin.
Satan will be trying to win us,
But the Spirit won’t let him in.

If we plead the blood of our Saviour
Over ev’rything we do and say,
Then we will be overcomers, we’ll be happy,
Christ is the only living way. [Chorus]    

Meaning of We Young People March On For Jesus

We Young People March On For Jesus: Spreading Love, Faith, and Hope

In a world filled with uncertainty and challenges, young people have a vital role to play in bringing hope, love, and faith to others. We, the young followers of Jesus, proudly march on as Christ’s Ambassadors, shining a in the and fighting battles not with guns and swords, but with the power of our faith and the teachings of the Bible.

As we embark on this journey as Christ’s Ambassadors, we understand the importance of wearing the armor of faith. It is through this armor that we are protected from the temptations and trials that surround us. The Bible serves as our guide, providing us with the knowledge and wisdom to stay strong in our beliefs. It is our weapon as we march on, spreading the word of God and proclaiming His love to those around us.

In our pursuit of being Christ’s Ambassadors, we recognize the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives. It is through the Holy Spirit that we are given strength and the ability to bear witness to God’s love and . The indwelling of the Holy Spirit empowers us to live out our faith and share the good news of Jesus with all we encounter.

As we march on in faith and love, we understand the importance of presenting ourselves as spotless and righteous before the world. We strive to lead lives free from sin, knowing that our actions and attitudes reflect the presence of Jesus within us. Through our deeds, we aim to demonstrate the transformation that can occur when we surrender our lives to Christ.

In our mission to be Christ’s Ambassadors, we are called to serve others. Our hearts are filled with compassion for the sick, poor, and needy. We recognize that by helping those less fortunate, we are embodying the teachings of Jesus and spreading His love to all. As we go forth with the talents and gifts bestowed upon us, we are committed to using them to make a positive impact in the lives of others.

Unity is a key component of our journey as Christ’s Ambassadors. We understand the importance of working together in love and harmony, supporting one another as we face challenges and temptations. Keeping the commandments of our Lord guides our actions, ensuring that we remain on the path of righteousness. It is through unity and obedience that we can claim the promises of God, knowing that He is our loving Father who desires the best for us.

As we march on for Jesus, we must acknowledge that battles will come our way. The power of sin will try to lure us away from our faith and discourage us. However, we stand firm in the knowledge that Satan’s temptations cannot prevail when we plead the blood of our over everything we do and say. By enveloping ourselves in the redeeming power of Jesus’ , we become overcomers, finding joy and contentment even in the face of adversity.

In conclusion, we, the young people of faith, are proud to march on as Christ’s Ambassadors. With love, faith, and hope as our guide, we strive to make a difference in the lives of others. We wear the armor of faith, allowing the teachings of the Bible to shape our actions and attitudes. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we bear witness to the love and grace of God. We present ourselves as spotless and righteous, demonstrating the transformative power of Jesus’ presence in our lives. Together, in unity and obedience, we work towards spreading love and kindness, serving those in need, and overcoming the trials that come our way. We march on, knowing that through Christ, we can truly be ambassadors of His love and mercy in a troubled world.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Join us as young followers of Jesus, spreading love, faith, and hope. We march on as Christ's Ambassadors, equipped with the armor of faith and the teachings of the Bible. Together, we overcome battles and serve others, making a positive impact in the world.


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