My Soul Is Full Of Gladness My Heart Is Full of Song – Hymn Lyric

Experience the uplifting hymn "My Soul Is Full of Gladness

My Soul Is Full Of Gladness My Heart Is Full of Song – Hymn Lyric

In the hymn, “My Soul Is Full of Gladness, My Heart Is Full of ,” the songwriter expresses deep and gratitude towards their loving friend, Jesus. This uplifting hymn celebrates Jesus’ constant presence and in the singer’s life. It serves as a reminder to cherish the relationship with Jesus and find comfort and joy in His never-ending friendship.


My Soul Is Full Of Gladness My Heart Is Full of Song – Hymn Lyric

My soul is full of gladness,
My heart is full of song;
My loving Friend, my Jesus,
Is with me all day long.

He’s with me all the day,
He’s with me all the time;
My loving Friend, my Jesus,
He’s with me all the time.

I hold the hand of Jesus,
He keeps me safe alway;
Through unknown paths he guides me,
He’s with me all the day.


I walk in brightest ,
That shines along the way,
It is the smile of Jesus,
He’s with me all the day.


I hear the softest music,
Like the of silver ,
It is the voice of Jesus,
He’s with me all the time.


Meaning of My Soul Is Full Of Gladness My Heart Is Full of Song

My Soul Is Full of Gladness, My Heart Is Full of Song


In the hymn, “My Soul Is Full of Gladness, My Heart Is Full of Song,” the songwriter expresses their deep joy and gratitude towards Jesus, whom they consider their loving friend. Through heartfelt verses and a catchy refrain, the hymn celebrates the constant presence and guidance of Jesus in the singer’s life. This hymn serves as a reminder to cherish the relationship with Jesus, finding comfort and joy in His never-ending friendship. Let’s delve deeper into the ideas and emotions conveyed in this uplifting hymn.

Verse Exploration:

The first verse of the hymn sets the tone for the entire song, expressing overwhelming gladness and joy. The singer declares that their soul is full of gladness, and their heart is full of song because of the constant presence of Jesus. Describing Jesus as their loving friend, the hymnist highlights the personal relationship they share with Him, establishing a sense of intimacy and friendship between the singer and Jesus.

Refrain Emphasis:

The refrain reinforces the central message of the hymn and adds a rhythmic and memorable quality to the song. It proclaims that Jesus is with the singer all day long and all the time. By repeating this powerful statement, the hymn creates a reassuring and comforting atmosphere while affirming the unwavering presence of Jesus in the singer’s life.

The Hand of Jesus:

In the second verse of the hymn, the songwriter illustrates the protective and guiding nature of Jesus. They express the beautiful image of holding Jesus’ hand, symbolizing safety and security. The hymnist acknowledges that Jesus never leaves their side and leads them through unknown paths. This verse emphasizes the trust and reliance the singer has in Jesus, confident that He will navigate them through any challenges they may face.

Walking in Sunshine:

Moving into the third verse, the hymn takes a metaphorical turn, equating the presence of Jesus to walking in brightest sunshine. This imagery encapsulates the joy and warmth experienced when Jesus is near. By attributing the sunshine to Jesus’ smile, the hymnist vividly portrays the radiant happiness that comes from knowing Jesus is constantly with them, even on the brightest days.

The Voice of Jesus:

The hymn’s final verse brings attention to the and comforting voice of Jesus. The softest music, akin to the delightful sound of silver bells chiming, represents the voice of Jesus to the singer. This ethereal imagery emphasizes the intimate relationship between Jesus and the singer, where His voice is a source of solace, guidance, and reassurance. The verse further strengthens the idea that Jesus is always present, ensuring that His comforting voice is never absent from the singer’s life.


In “My Soul Is Full of Gladness, My Heart Is Full of Song,” we find a profound expression of gratitude, joy, and a deep personal connection with Jesus. This hymn serves to uplift and inspire believers to recognize and cherish the constant presence of Jesus in their lives. The intimate relationship portrayed throughout the hymn creates a feeling of reassurance and comfort for those who sing it.

Remember, my dear friend, that Jesus is your loving friend who walks beside you every step of the way. From waking up in the until laying your head on the pillow at night, you are never alone. Embrace the gladness in your heart and let your soul sing with joy, knowing that Jesus is there, always. From guiding you through unknown paths to filling your days with sunshine, His presence brings a sense of and contentment.

May you always be attuned to the softest music – the voice of Jesus – as it whispers guidance and encouragement. Cherish this friendship, my dear friend, as it is a source of endless love, support, and companionship. Let your soul remain full of gladness, and let your heart continue to overflow with song, for you are blessed to have Jesus by your side always.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the uplifting hymn My Soul Is Full of Gladness, My Heart Is Full of Song that celebrates the constant presence of Jesus in your life. Find joy, gratitude, and reassurance in His unwavering friendship.


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