Have You Any Room For Jesus He Who Bore Your Load of Sin – Hymn Lyric

Looking for room for Jesus in your heart? Discover the powerful message of the hymn "Have You Any Room For Jesus" and make space for the King of Glory who bore your load of sin. Open your heart to Him today!

Have You Any Room For Jesus He Who Bore Your Load of Sin – Hymn Lyric

“Have You Any Room For ” is a powerful hymn that prompts us to make space for Jesus in our hearts. It reminds us of Jesus’s sacrifice for our and urges us to respond to His invitation. The hymn emphasizes the urgency of opening our hearts to Him and prioritizing our relationship with Him while we still have the opportunity.


Have You Any Room For Jesus He Who Bore Your Load of Sin – Hymn Lyric

Have you any room for Jesus,
He who bore your load of ?
As He knocks and asks admission,
Sinner, will you let Him in?


Room for Jesus, King of !
Hasten now, His Word obey.
Swing the heart’s widely open;
Bid Him enter while you may.

Room for pleasure, room for business;
But for Christ, the ,
Not a place that He can enter,
In the heart for which He died?


Room and time now give to Jesus;
Soon will pass God’s day of grace –
Soon your heart left cold and silent,
And your Savior’s pleading cease.

Refrain (optional choral ending):

Swing the heart’s door widely open;
Bid Him enter while you may, while you may.


Meaning of Have You Any Room For Jesus He Who Bore Your Load of Sin

In the beautiful hymn “Have You Any Room For Jesus,” we are reminded of the importance of making space for Jesus in our lives. The hymn speaks of Jesus as the one who bore our load of sin and asks us if we have any room for him in our hearts. It urges us to open the door of our hearts to Jesus and allow him to enter while we still have the opportunity.

The hymn begins by asking the listener if they have any room for Jesus. It points out that Jesus is the one who bore our load of sin. This is a powerful reminder of the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross for our sins. He took on the weight of our sins so that we could be forgiven and have eternal . It is incredible to that the King of Glory would be willing to bear our burdens and offer us salvation.

As He knocks and asks admission, the hymn challenges us to consider whether we will let Him in. It emphasizes the importance of responding to Jesus’s invitation. Jesus is portrayed as patiently knocking at the door of our hearts, waiting for us to welcome Him. The hymn encourages us to heed His call and open the door wide, inviting Him to enter our lives.

The refrain of the hymn repeats the question, “Room for Jesus, King of Glory!” It urges us to hasten and obey His Word. The word “hasten” implies a sense of urgency. It emphasizes that we shouldn’t delay or hesitate in making room for Jesus in our lives. Instead, we should respond promptly and willingly to His call.

The hymn contrasts the room we make for pleasure and business with the lack of space we often leave for Christ, the Crucified. It prompts us to reflect on our priorities and the things we allow into our hearts. It is easy to make room for pleasure and the pursuit of worldly success, but often, we fail to prioritize our relationship with Jesus. This verse serves as a gentle reminder to reevaluate our choices and make room for the one who died for us.

In the next verse, we are reminded of the passing nature of time and the urgency of responding to Jesus’s invitation. The hymn highlights that God’s day of grace will soon pass, and our hearts will be left cold and silent. It warns us that if we don’t make room for Jesus now, there may a time when His pleading ceases. This verse serves as a call to action, urging us not to delay our response to Jesus’s call but to open our hearts to Him while we still have the opportunity.

As the hymn comes to a close, an optional choral ending repeats the call to “swing the heart’s door widely open” and bid Jesus enter while we may. The hymn leaves us with a final reminder that the choice to make room for Jesus lies within our hands. It encourages us to actively and willingly open our hearts to Him.

In conclusion, “Have You Any Room For Jesus” is a beautiful hymn that speaks to the importance of making space for Jesus in our lives. It calls us to reflect on our priorities and urges us to prioritize our relationship with Him. The hymn emphasizes the urgency of responding to Jesus’s invitation and warns us of the consequences of delaying our decision. May we all open the door of our hearts wide to Jesus and invite Him into our lives, for He is the King of Glory who bore our load of sin.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Looking for room for Jesus in your heart? Discover the powerful message of the hymn Have You Any Room For Jesus and make space for the King of Glory who bore your load of sin. Open your heart to Him today!


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