Hear Ye The Moan Of A Soul That Is Lost – Hymn Lyric

Experience the Call to Salvation in "Hear Ye The Moan Of A Soul That Is Lost". Discover the urgency to find redemption and eternal hope in Jesus.

Hear Ye The Moan Of A Soul That Is Lost – Hymn Lyric

Hear Ye The Moan Of A Soul That Is Lost In this powerful hymn, we are reminded of the urgency and importance of finding in Jesus Christ. The words speak to the deep longing of a soul that is lost, seeking redemption and freedom from the darkness of sin. Through the gentle melody and heartfelt lyrics, we are called to awaken to the reality of our own mortality and the need to turn to Jesus for salvation.


Hear Ye The Moan Of A Soul That Is Lost – Hymn Lyric

Hear ye the moan of a soul that is lost,
O wretched sinner, that spirit is thine;
Jesus will enter bosom today,
Turning thy darkness to glory divine.

Jesus will save thee from darkness and woe,
He will redeem thee till whiter than snow.

Sinner, awake to the doom of thy soul,
Fettered by sin, and how soon you must die;
Fly to the Savior this moment, behold,
Jesus invites you to mansions on high.


Hark! From the garden and ‘s cross,
Voices that utter God’s wonderful love;
Value, poor sinner, thy soul at its cost,
Seek first its title to heaven above.


Think of eternity, oh, what a word!
Ages unending of darkness or day;
Where will you fix your abode?
Take thy redemption ere life speeds away.


Past slighted can never return,
Future recordeth no promise for thee;
Now is the day of salvation we learn,
Now is the moment, oh, come and be free.


Meaning of Hear Ye The Moan Of A Soul That Is Lost

Hear Ye The Moan Of A Soul That Is Lost: A Call to Salvation

In this powerful hymn, we are reminded of the urgency and importance of finding salvation in Jesus Christ. The words speak to the deep longing of a soul that is lost, seeking redemption and freedom from the darkness of sin. Through the gentle melody and heartfelt lyrics, we are called to awaken to the reality of our own mortality and the need to turn to Jesus for salvation.

The hymn begins with a plea, a call to all sinners, to hear the moan of a soul that is lost. It is a desperate cry for help, acknowledging our wretched state and our need for divine intervention. The words remind us that Jesus is waiting to enter our hearts, ready to transform our darkness into glorious .

As we sing the refrain, we are assured of the power of Jesus to save. He is the one who can redeem us, washing us clean until we are whiter than snow. This imagery evokes a sense of purity and renewal, suggesting that no matter how dark our past may be, there is hope for a brighter future through Jesus Christ.

The second verse of the hymn takes us to the garden and Calvary’s cross, reminding us of the great sacrifice God made to show His love for us. It calls us to value our , understanding the priceless worth they hold in the eyes of God. This verse urges us to seek our title to heaven above, emphasizing the need to prioritize our eternal destiny.

The concept of eternity is then introduced, and we are invited to contemplate its weighty implications. Eternity is described as a word that carries immense importance, representing a never-ending expanse of either darkness or day. This verse asks us to reflect on where we will fix our eternal abode. In other words, it prompts us to consider the choices we make in this life and the lasting impact they will have on our souls.

The hymn reminds us that past mercies, if not appreciated and acknowledged, cannot be reclaimed. It warns that the future offers no promises for those who continue to reject salvation. The urgency of now is emphasized, as the hymn teaches us that today is the day of salvation. It urges us not to delay, as life is fleeting, and our opportunity to find freedom in Christ may pass us by.

Ultimately, “Hear Ye The Moan Of A Soul That Is Lost” serves as a powerful call to salvation, offering hope to those who are lost and encouraging them to come to Jesus. It is a reminder that no matter how lost we may feel, there is a Savior who can redeem us and lead us to eternal life. As we sing this hymn, let us remember the invitation Jesus extends to each of us – to find rest in His loving arms and in the promise of heavenly mansions.

In conclusion, “Hear Ye The Moan Of A Soul That Is Lost” is a hymn that speaks to the depths of our spirits, reminding us of the urgency and importance of finding salvation in Jesus Christ. Through its heartfelt lyrics and gentle melodies, it echoes a call to awaken, seek redemption, and embrace the eternal hope that only in Jesus can bring. Let this hymn serve as a of light, guiding us towards a life of peace, , and everlasting love in the arms of our Savior.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the Call to Salvation in Hear Ye The Moan Of A Soul That Is Lost. Discover the urgency to find redemption and eternal hope in Jesus.


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