I Am Under The Blood Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Discover the powerful message of "I Am Under the Blood of Jesus." Find forgiveness

I Am Under The Blood Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Join us as we explore the powerful hymn, “I Am Under the Blood of Jesus,” and its profound message of forgiveness, peace, and transformation. This hymn reminds us that through Jesus’ sacrificial love, our sins can be washed , and we can find eternal life and security in His grace. Embrace the truth that we are under the blood of Jesus, experiencing His unfailing love and redemption.


I Am Under The Blood Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

I am under the blood of Jesus,
Shed on long ago;
Here my sins, tho’ they be like crimson,
Shall be washed whiter than the snow.

I’m under the blood of Jesus,
Peace, peace with God;
I’m under the blood of Jesus,
Under the precious blood.

I am under the blood of Jesus,
For it cleanseth from every stain;
In the fountain the Saviour opened,
Life eternal from Him I gain.


I am under the blood of Jesus,
All my darkness has passed away;
Golden sunbeams are shining o’er me,
fore-gleams of ‘nly day.


I am under the blood of Jesus,
Here shall be my abiding ,
Till I’m called to behold His ,
When transformed by His matchless grace.


Meaning of I Am Under The Blood Of Jesus

In today’s discussion, let’s delve into the meaningful hymn, “I Am Under the Blood of Jesus,” and explore the powerful ideas and messages it conveys. This hymn reminds us of the cleansing power and eternal love that Jesus offers to everyone who believes in Him.

The opening verse declares, “I am under the blood of Jesus, shed on Calvary long ago.” This imagery refers to Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, where His blood was shed for the forgiveness of our sins. It highlights the amazing grace and depth of His love for humanity. The verse also acknowledges that despite our sins being as scarlet or crimson, Jesus’ blood can wash them away, making us whiter than snow.

The refrain beautifully reinforces this concept, emphasizing the peace and reconciliation we can experience with God through the blood of Jesus. It affirms, “I’m under the blood of Jesus, peace, blessed peace with God.” This phrase serves to reassure listeners that they can find forgiveness, peace, and restoration in Christ. It is a reminder that no matter what we have done, there is always hope and redemption available through Jesus.

The second verse declares, “I am under the blood of Jesus, for it cleanseth from every stain.” Here, the hymn emphasizes the all-encompassing power of Jesus’ blood to cleanse us from all our sins. It functions like a fountain, opened by the , providing eternal life. It is through Jesus’ sacrifice that we gain access to forgiveness and are made new.

The third verse brings forth a beautiful image of the transformation that occurs when we are under the blood of Jesus. It states, “I am under the blood of Jesus, all my darkness has passed away; golden sunbeams are shining o’er me, happy fore-gleams of day.” This verse evokes a sense of hope and joy, suggesting that being under the blood of Jesus brings and warmth to our lives. It symbolizes the radiant transformation that occurs when we invite Jesus into our hearts and align ourselves with His teachings.

The final verse reaffirms our position under the blood of Jesus, stating, “I am under the blood of Jesus, here shall be my abiding place; till I’m called to behold His glory when transformed by His matchless grace.” This verse speaks of the security and permanence found in being under the blood of Jesus. It assures us that in Him, we have a home, a place of belonging and protection. It anticipates the glorious day when we will witness His glory and be transformed by His grace.

Overall, this hymn presents the profound truth that through Jesus and His sacrificial bloodshed, we can find forgiveness, peace, transformation, and eternal life. It beautifully captures the essence of the Christian faith and serves as a reminder of the unending love and grace that Jesus offers to all who put their trust in him.

In conclusion, “I Am Under the Blood of Jesus” is a hymn that encapsulates the core teachings of Christianity. Its rich symbolism and powerful imagery convey messages of forgiveness, peace, transformation, and eternal life through Jesus. This hymn encourages believers to find solace in the sacrificial love of Jesus, recognizing that no matter our past mistakes, through Him, we can be washed white as snow. So let us embrace the truth found in this hymn and rest assured that we are under the blood of Jesus, secure in His grace and love.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the powerful message of I Am Under the Blood of Jesus. Find forgiveness, peace, and eternal life through Jesus' sacrificial love. Embrace His grace and love.


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