Jesus Is Calling His People Again – Hymn Lyric

Answering the Heavenly Call - Join Jesus in calling His people back to a place of purity and light

Jesus Is Calling His People Again – Hymn Lyric

In “Jesus Is Calling His People Again,” believers are urged to answer the heavenly call and return to the glorified heavenly plain, a of purity and . This hymn reminds us to leave and confusion behind and embrace the divine invitation extended by Jesus. With gratitude and enthusiasm, let us respond to this call and share the and teachings of Jesus with the . Glory to !


Jesus Is Calling His People Again – Hymn Lyric

Jesus is calling His people again,
Back to the glorified heavenly plain,
Home to the city of purity bright,
Out from sin Babel’s confusion and night.

Glory to God! We’ll it again!
Glory to God! We’ll shout the refrain!
Praise to Jehovah our tongues shall employ,
Home to Mount Zion we’re coming with joy.

Jesus is calling the holy to war,
See them now coming from near and from far;
Hear on the mountain their song of delight,
See their white raiment and armor of light.

Jesus is calling the chosen and few,
Now in Mount Zion they’re building anew,
Building the walls of the city of God,
While His high praises they’re sounding aloud.

Jesus is calling the faithful and true,
Calling, my brother and sister, for you;
For in Jerusalem city today
Thousands are gathering, do not delay.

Meaning of Jesus Is Calling His People Again

Jesus Is Calling His People Again: Answering the Heavenly Call

Welcome to a journey of faith, hope, and joy as we explore the hymn “Jesus Is Calling His People Again.” This beautiful hymn reminds us of the divine invitation extended to all believers to return to the glorified heavenly plain, a place of purity, away from the confusion and darkness of sin.

In the first verse, we are invited to hear Jesus calling His people back to their true home, the city of purity and light. Just imagine the beauty and serenity that awaits us in that heavenly realm! It is a place free from the chaos and sin that so often plague our earthly existence. So, let us respond with utmost enthusiasm and sing it again – Glory to God!

As the refrain echoes in our hearts, we can’t help but feel the urge to give praise to Jehovah, our loving Creator. Through our tongues, we shall employ the language of gratitude and adoration, for it is in His divine grace that we are offered this heavenly opportunity. With joy in our souls, we are coming home to Mount Zion, the ultimate destination of our spiritual journey.

The second verse speaks of a holy war. This notion might sound daunting at first, but let’s dive deeper into its meaning. Jesus calls upon His followers, near and far, to join in a battle against the forces of darkness. We are to bring the light of His teachings to a world in need, sharing His love and mercy with all. Picture a mountain, where the holy warriors stand united, a song of delight. Their white raiments and armor of light symbolize their purity and readiness to face any challenge.

In the third verse, we witness the unique calling of the chosen few. They are tasked with the monumental responsibility of building anew in Mount Zion, the city of God. The construction of its walls symbolizes the unity and strength of the faithful. As they engage in this sacred task, their voices rise in high praises to the Almighty, resonating throughout the city.

The final verse emphasizes the urgency of Jesus’ call. It is a call not only for the chosen few but for every brother and sister who hears it. In Jerusalem, thousands gather to respond to this divine invitation. Every day we delay is a missed opportunity to join this incredible gathering of believers. So let us not hesitate but hasten to answer the call of Jesus without delay.

As we reflect on the message of this hymn, we are reminded of the greater narrative woven throughout the Bible. God’s love for humanity is unchanging, and Jesus continually extends His hand, inviting us to return to Him. It is through His sacrifice and teachings that we find hope, salvation, and a path to eternal joy.

Now, let’s take a moment to imagine the impact this hymn has had on countless hearts and minds throughout history. Generations of believers have sung these words, finding solace, inspiration, and hope in their message. Through its melody and lyrics, this hymn has united communities of believers, fostering a sense of belonging and purpose.

In conclusion, “Jesus Is Calling His People Again” serves as a powerful reminder of the divine invitation extended to all believers. We are called to leave behind the confusion and darkness of sin and embrace the purity and joy of the heavenly realm. So, let us join together, answering the heavenly call with enthusiasm, gratitude, and a desire to share the love and teachings of Jesus with the world. May this hymn continue to inspire and uplift, bringing us closer to the presence of God and the eternal joy that awaits us in the city of purity and light. Glory to God!


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Answering the Heavenly Call - Join Jesus in calling His people back to a place of purity and light, away from sin's confusion. Sing with joy and praise to God!


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