I Do Not Know Why Jesus Came – Hymn Lyric

Explore the depths of Jesus' love in the hymn "I Do Not Know Why Jesus Came." Discover the power of His sacrifice and the never-ending story of His love. Find solace

I Do Not Know Why Jesus Came – Hymn Lyric

“I Do Not Why Came – The Power of God’s ” explores a hymn that expresses wonder and gratitude for Jesus’ arrival and the transformative power of His love. While the reasons for Jesus’ coming may be unknown, the hymn emphasizes the boundless and unconditional nature of His love, highlighting redemption, unwavering protection, and care for all individuals. This hymn serves as a reminder of the depth of God’s and inspires devotion to Jesus’ teachings.


I Do Not Know Why Jesus Came – Hymn Lyric

I do not know why Jesus came
To walk with men on earth;
I only know that thro’ His love
My soul has had new birth.

The story never can be told,
In earth or heav’n above,
The story never can be told,
The story of His love.

I do not know why for my sake
He suffered toil and ;
I only know that His dear
Shall cleanse me from all stain.


I do not know why He should drink
The wormwood and the gall;
I only know He is my King,
And will not let me fall.


I do not know why He should care
For such a one as I;
I only know that ’twas for me
He was content to die.


Meaning of I Do Not Know Why Jesus Came

I Do Not Know Why Jesus Came – The Power of God’s Love


In the hymn “I Do Not Know Why Jesus Came,” the author expresses a deep sense of wonder and gratitude for the coming of Jesus and the love He showed by sacrificing Himself. While the author acknowledges not fully understanding the reasons behind Jesus’ arrival, they are aware of the transformative power His love has had on their soul. In this article, we will explore the profound themes present in this hymn, delving into the mysteries of Jesus’ purpose and the never-ending story of His love.

1. The Inexplicable Love of Jesus:

The hymn’s refrain emphasizes the inexpressible nature of Jesus’ love, stating that the story of His love can never truly be told. This declaration serves as a reminder that human language falls short when attempting to capture the depth and breadth of God’s selfless and unconditional love. While we may not comprehend why Jesus came, we can still recognize His immense love and its immeasurable impact on our lives.

2. Redemption Through His Sacrifice:

The second verse reflects on Jesus’ suffering, toil, and pain, emphasizing His willingness to shed His own blood to cleanse humanity from all stains. This imagery alludes to the crucifixion, where Jesus bore the weight of our , providing redemption and a path towards . By acknowledging our own shortcomings, we can appreciate the magnitude of Jesus’ sacrifice and find hope in the promise of forgiveness.

3. Jesus, Our Unwavering King:

The third verse ponders the bitterness of wormwood and gall, referencing the elements offered to Jesus during His crucifixion. Despite enduring unimaginable agony, the hymn reminds us that Jesus remains our steadfast King, one who will never allow us to fall. This image reinforces the idea of Jesus as our protector, guiding us through challenges and providing strength even in the face of adversity.

4. The Unfathomable Care for Each Individual:

In the fourth verse, the hymn acknowledges feelings of unworthiness and marvels at Jesus’ concern for even the lowliest of individuals, proclaiming, “I only know that ’twas for me, He was content to die.” This verse encapsulates the notion that Jesus’ love knows no bounds or hierarchy. His sacrifice was not solely for the deserving but for all, underscoring the inclusive and compassionate nature of His mission.


“I Do Not Know Why Jesus Came” encapsulates the profound mysteries of Jesus’ arrival and the immeasurable love He extended to humanity. While the reasons for His coming may be beyond our complete understanding, Christians can find solace and inspiration in the transformative power of His love. This hymn serves as a humble and joyful expression of gratitude, reminding us that Jesus’ sacrifice offers redemption, protection, and everlasting care. Through the hymn’s refrain, we grasp the limitations of our earthly comprehension and become aware of our eternal need to contemplate and the magnitude of His love. May this hymn continue to serve as a reminder of the depth of God’s grace and inspire devotion to Jesus’ teachings.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Explore the depths of Jesus' love in the hymn I Do Not Know Why Jesus Came. Discover the power of His sacrifice and the never-ending story of His love. Find solace, redemption, and unwavering care in His transformative presence.


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