Jesus Give Thy Blood Washed Army Universal Liberty – Hymn Lyric

Join the blood-washed army in advocating for universal liberty. Fight for freedom in Christ

Jesus Give Thy Blood Washed Army Universal Liberty – Hymn Lyric

Give Thy Blood Washed Army” is a that empowers believers to fight for universal liberty. The song calls for believers to stand together and recognize the power of Jesus’ sacrifice in bringing freedom from . It serves as a reminder of our mission to the message of to all nations and address social injustices.


Jesus Give Thy Blood Washed Army Universal Liberty – Hymn Lyric

JESUS, give thy blood-washed
Army Universal liberty;
Keep us fighting, trusting calmly
For a world-wide jubilee.

We shall have the victory.

Thou hast bound brave hearts together,
Clothed us with the Spirit’s might,
Made us warriors for ever,
Sent us in the field to fight.

In the Army
We will serve thee day and night.

‘Neath thy sceptre foes are bending,
And thy name makes devils fly;
Captives’ fetters thou art rending,
And thy blood doth sin destroy.

For thy
We will fight until we die.

Lift up valleys, cast down mountains,
Make all evil natures good;
Wash the world in Calvary’s fountain,
Send a great salvation flood.

All the nations
We shall win with fire and blood.


Meaning of Jesus Give Thy Blood Washed Army Universal Liberty

Jesus Give Thy Blood Washed Army: Advocating for Universal Liberty

In the powerful and inspiring hymn, “Jesus Give Thy Blood Washed Army,” we find a call to action for all believers to stand together and fight for universal liberty. This hymn speaks to the heart of every believer, reminding us of the victory we have in Christ and the mission we’re called to fulfill.

The opening verse sets the tone, inviting Jesus to give His blood-washed army universal liberty. It is a plea for freedom, not only for ourselves but for all humankind. This hymn recognizes that true freedom comes from Jesus and it is with His power and might that we can fight for this liberty.

We are reminded that in this army, we are bound together with brave hearts. It is the Spirit’s might that clothes us and makes us warriors. We are sent into the field to fight, not with physical weapons, but with the spiritual armor that God provides. This imagery emphasizes the spiritual battle that we face daily, and it calls us to remain steadfast in our faith.

As members of this army, we recognize the authority of Jesus. It is His name that causes demons to flee and captives to be set free. With His blood, sin is destroyed, and we experience the glorious freedom that can only be found in Him. This verse highlights the power of Jesus’ sacrifice and how it brings liberation to all who believe.

The hymn goes on to encourage us to lift up valleys and cast down mountains. This metaphorical language suggests a call to address social injustices and oppressive systems that hinder the freedom of individuals. By making evil natures good and washing the world in the fountain of Calvary, we are to bring forth a great salvation flood.

The final verse reminds us of our mission: to win all nations for Christ. With fire and blood, the hymn declares that we will not rest until every person has heard the good news of Christ and experienced the freedom that comes through Him. This verse echoes the Great Commission given by Jesus to His disciples, urging them to make disciples of all nations. It is a call for us to be proactive in sharing the and salvation of Jesus with everyone we encounter.

The message of this hymn is universal and timeless. It speaks to the heart of believers in every generation, encouraging us to be active participants in God’s mission to bring liberty to all. It serves not only as a reminder of the victory we have in Christ but also as a call to action for believers to stand up against injustice and share the message of freedom found in Jesus.

This hymn resonates strongly with believers of all ages, including seventh-grade students who are just beginning to grasp the depth of their faith. Its simple and memorable melody, combined with the powerful words, can inspire young hearts to embrace their role in advocating for universal liberty.

In conclusion, the hymn “Jesus Give Thy Blood Washed Army” serves as a powerful call for believers to unite and fight for universal liberty in Christ. Its message is a reminder that our freedom is not just for ourselves but also for all humankind. As members of this blood-washed army, we are called to stand together, clothed in the Spirit’s might, and fight against the forces of . With Jesus as our leader, we can bring about a world-wide jubilee, winning souls for Christ and spreading His message of hope and liberation.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Join the blood-washed army in advocating for universal liberty. Fight for freedom in Christ, spreading His message of hope and victory to win souls and bring about a world-wide jubilee.


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