How Dearly God Must Love Us – Hymn Lyric

How Dearly God Must Love Us - Discover the profound love of God through the beauty of nature

How Dearly God Must Love Us – Hymn Lyric

The title “How Dearly God Must Love Us” reflects the content of the poem, which explores the numerous ways in which God shows His love for us. From the beauty of nature to His provision of basic needs and the gift of the , His love is evident. Understanding His love should inspire us to live a life of gratitude and service.


How Dearly God Must Love Us – Hymn Lyric

How dearly God doth love us,
And this poor of ours,
To spread blue skies above us,
And deck the earth with flow’rs!

There’s not a blossom lowly,
Nor bird that cleaves the air,
But tells, in accents holy,
His kindness and his care.

He bids the sun to warm us,
And light the path we tread;
At , lest aught should harm us,
He guards our lowly bed.

He gives our needful clothing,
And sends our daily food;
His love denies us nothing
His wisdom deemeth good.

The Bible, too, he us,
That tells how Jesus ,
Whose word can save and cleanse us
From guilt and sin and shame.

O may God’s mercies move us
To serve him with our pow’rs;
For O, how he doth love us,
And this poor world of ours!


Meaning of How Dearly God Must Love Us

How Dearly God Must Love Us

As we look around the world, we can see the evidence of God’s love for us. From the beautiful blue skies above us to the vibrant flowers that decorate the earth, God’s love can be seen in every aspect of nature. There is not a single blossom or bird that doesn’t speak to His kindness and care for us.

Think about the sun that warms our days and provides light to guide our path. God has given us this gift to ensure our comfort and well-being. And when the night falls, He watches over us, protecting us from any harm or danger. He even takes care of our beds, ensuring we have a safe to rest and rejuvenate.

God’s love extends beyond the basic necessities of life. He provides us with clothing to protect us from the elements, and He ensures that we have enough food to sustain us each day. His love knows no bounds, and He never denies us anything that His wisdom deems good for us.

In addition to these tangible displays of love, God has also given us the ultimate gift – the Bible. Through this sacred book, we can learn about Jesus and His mission to save and cleanse us from guilt, sin, and shame. The Bible is a source of guidance, comfort, and hope, reminding us of God’s love for us.

When we truly grasp the depth of God’s love for us, it should move us to serve Him with all our power and abilities. His love is not something to be taken for granted or ignored, but rather something that should inspire us to live a life that pleases Him. When we consider how dearly God must love us, it becomes clear that our response should be one of gratitude and obedience.

It is easy to get caught up in the busyness of life and forget about God’s love for us. But when we take a moment to pause and reflect on His , we cannot help but be amazed. God’s love is evident in every sunrise and sunset, in every smile and act of kindness, and in every breath we take. His love is not something that can be measured or fully comprehended, but its impact and significance are undeniable.

As we navigate through life, let us always remember how dearly God must love us. His love is the foundation of our existence, the driving force behind all His actions on our behalf. His love is what sustains us, comforts us, and gives us hope even in the darkest of times. It is a love that knows no bounds and is available to each and every one of us, regardless of our past mistakes or shortcomings.

So, let us be grateful for God’s love and respond by living a life that honors Him. May His mercies and love move us to serve Him and others with all our power and abilities. For when we truly understand and embrace how dearly God must love us, our lives will be forever changed.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image How Dearly God Must Love Us - Discover the profound love of God through the beauty of nature, His provisions, and the ultimate gift of the Bible. Let His love inspire and transform your life.


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