The Death Of Jesus Christ, Our Lord – Hymn Lyric

Discover the significance of the death of Jesus Christ

The Death Of Jesus Christ, Our Lord – Hymn Lyric

The Death Of Jesus , Our Lord: A Comfort in Distress The death of Jesus Christ, our Lord, is not a morbid or tragic event. It is a cause for celebration, for it represents the ultimate act of and redemption. Through His sacrifice, we find comfort in our distress, our hearts filled with and happiness.


The Death Of Jesus Christ, Our Lord – Hymn Lyric

The death of Jesus Christ, our Lord,
We with one accord;
It is our comfort in distress,
Our heart’s sweet joy and happiness.

He blotted out with His own blood
The judgment that against us stood;
He full atonement for us made,
And all our debt He fully paid.

That this is now and ever true
He gives an earnest ever new:
In this His holy supper here
We taste His love so sweet, so near.

His Word proclaims, and we believe,
That in the supper we receive
His very body, as He said,
His very blood for shed.

A precious food is this indeed—
It never fails us in our need—
A heavenly manna for our soul.
Until we safely reach our goal.

Oh, blest is each believing guest
Who in this promise finds his rest;
For Jesus will in love abide
With those who do in Him confide.

The guest that comes with true intent
To turn to God and to repent,
To live for Christ, to die to sin,
Will thus a holy life begin.

They who His Word do not believe
This food unworthily receive,
here will never find—
May we this warning keep in mind!

Help us sincerely to believe
That we may worthily receive
Thy supper and in Thee find rest.
Amen, he who believes is blest.


Meaning of The Death Of Jesus Christ, Our Lord

The Death of Jesus Christ, Our Lord: A Comfort in Distress

In the Christian faith, the death of Jesus Christ holds immense significance. It is not merely a historical event to commemorate but a cornerstone of our belief system. This hymn beautifully captures the essence of this belief, presenting it as a source of comfort, joy, and happiness.

Jesus, through His sacrificial act on the cross, blotted out the judgment that stood against us. His own blood washed away our sins and provided atonement for our wrongdoing. Imagine that! All our debt has been fully paid by the One who loves us unconditionally.

And this truth is not just an ancient tale but something we can experience here and now. In the holy supper, we have the opportunity to taste the love of Jesus, so sweet and ever near. It is through this act that we receive His very body and blood, as He proclaimed in His Word.

Think about it – the wondrous gift of Jesus’ presence among us, in the form of bread and wine. It is a precious food, never failing us in our times of need. Just like the heavenly manna sustained the Israelites in the wilderness, this nourishes our souls until we reach our ultimate destination.

How blessed are we, the believing guests, who find our rest and solace in this promise! Jesus promises to abide in love with those who confide in Him. When we to the communion table with true intent, seeking to turn to God, repent our sins, and live a life devoted to Christ, we begin a holy journey.

But let us heed the cautionary words of the hymn. Those who do not believe in His Word, who take this sacred meal unworthily, will not find salvation. May this warning serve as a reminder to approach the Lord’s supper with reverence and faith.

Let’s for the sincerity of our belief, so that we may worthily receive this supper and find rest in the presence of Jesus. Amen. Those who believe in Him are truly blessed.

The death of Jesus Christ, our Lord, is not a morbid or tragic event. It is a cause for celebration, for it represents the ultimate act of love and redemption. Through His sacrifice, we find comfort in our distress, our hearts filled with joy and happiness.

As 7th graders, it’s important to grasp the core message of this hymn and understand its significance in our faith. The death of Jesus Christ is the pinnacle of God’s plan for our salvation. It is a reminder that God loves us unconditionally, despite our flaws and mistakes.

In times of distress, when life feels overwhelming or when we have sinned, we can find comfort in the knowledge that Jesus has atoned for our sins. His death on the cross serves as a constant reminder that our debts have been paid, and we are forgiven.

The hymn also draws our attention to the holy supper, or communion, which holds deep meaning in Christian worship. During communion, we have the opportunity to partake in the body and blood of Jesus Christ. This act is not merely a symbol but a profound way for us to connect with Jesus and experience His love firsthand.

Just as the Israelites were sustained by manna in the wilderness, this heavenly food sustains our souls. It nourishes us on our journey of faith, helping us grow closer to God and providing us with the strength we need to follow Him.

As believers, we should approach the communion table with sincerity and genuine repentance. It is not a ritual to be taken lightly or without proper understanding. This hymn reminds us of the consequence of receiving the sacrament unworthily – it is a reminder to approach the Lord’s supper with reverence and faith.

So, my fellow 7th graders, let us take this message to heart. Let us embrace the death of Jesus Christ, our Lord, as a source of comfort and joy. Let us cherish the opportunity to partake in communion and truly connect with Jesus.

But above all, let us remember the importance of faith and belief. It is through sincere belief that we find rest in Jesus and experience the blessings of salvation. May we always strive to sincerely believe and never take His sacrifice for granted.

In conclusion, the death of Jesus Christ, our Lord, is a testament to God’s love and . It is a cause for celebration and a source of comfort in times of distress. Through communion, we can taste His love and experience His presence. Let us treasure this gift and approach it with reverence and genuine belief. May we find rest and blessing in Jesus, now and always.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the significance of the death of Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Find comfort and joy in His sacrifice, experience His presence through communion. Embrace the blessings of faith and belief.


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