If Jesus Should Come Would Your Soul Be Prepared – Hymn Lyric

Discover the importance of preparing your soul for Jesus' return in the hymn "If Jesus Should Come Would Your Soul Be Prepared." Reflect on the signs

If Jesus Should Come Would Your Soul Be Prepared – Hymn Lyric

In this reflective hymn, “If Jesus Should Come Would Your Soul Be Prepared,” we are reminded of the importance of spiritual readiness for Jesus Christ’s return. The hymn urges us to awaken from our slumber, highlighting the need to be washed in the blood of the Lamb and not be deceived by fleeting pleasures. It also draws attention to the signs of His imminent return in the and nature, calling us to prepare our hearts and for His coming.


If Jesus Should Come Would Your Soul Be Prepared – Hymn Lyric

If Jesus should come, would your soul be prepared?
He’s coming as a thief in the .
What answer would render your life to be spared?
He’s coming as a thief in the night.

O soul, awake! Soon the will come,
And none can stand in His sight,
But those who are washed in the blood of the Lamb,
When He comes as a thief in the night.

The world is so blinded, they will not believe,
He’s coming as a thief in the night.
O, let not vain pleasure your heart deceive,
He’s coming as a thief in the night.

We’re told when “peace, peace” shall be heard in the air,
He’s coming as a thief in the night.
Be watchful, or soon will come gloom and despair,
He’s coming as a thief in the night.

The earthquakes are telling His coming is nigh,
He’s coming as a thief in the night.
The storms and the lightning speak loud from the sky,
He’s coming as a thief in the night.

The heaven above with its wonders declare,
He’s coming as a thief in the night.
The wild raging waves cry aloud in the air,
He’s coming as a thief in the night.


Meaning of If Jesus Should Come Would Your Soul Be Prepared

If Jesus Should Come Would Your Soul Be Prepared: A Reflection on the End Times

In the hymn “If Jesus Should Come Would Your Soul Be Prepared,” we are reminded of the importance of being spiritually ready for the return of Jesus Christ. The hymn speaks of His second coming, likening it to a thief in the night. This analogy highlights the unexpected nature of His arrival and serves as a wake-up call for all souls to prepare for that fateful day.

The chorus of the hymn beckons to the soul, urging it to awake from its slumber and recognize the imminent return of the Lord. It emphasizes that those who will be able to stand confidently in His sight are the ones who have been washed in the precious blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ. These are the souls that have accepted Him as their Savior and have allowed His forgiveness to cleanse them from .

With a heartfelt message, the hymn implores individuals not to be deceived by vain and fleeting pleasures that only satisfy the temporary desires of the . Instead, it reminds us to focus on what truly matters – the state of our souls and our relationship with God. While the world may be blinded by materialism and earthly pursuits, we are called to be vigilant and discerning, preparing our hearts for the Lord’s return.

The hymn warns that a time will come when people will proclaim “peace, peace” in the air, giving a false sense of security and tranquility. However, it cautions against complacency, urging us to remain watchful and alert. The lyrics ring with wisdom, reminding us that if we become too comfortable in our lives and forget to prioritize our spiritual growth, we may find ourselves faced with gloom and despair when it is too late.

The signs of the times are evident. The hymn alludes to earthquakes, storms, lightning, and other natural phenomena as indicators of Jesus’ imminent return. It draws our attention to the world around us, encouraging us to reflect on these signs as reminders of His promise to come again. The harmony of nature’s chorus acts as a reminder that the Lord’s return is not a distant event but a reality we should be aware of in our everyday lives.

Furthermore, the hymn directs our gaze to the wonders above – the vast expanse of the heavens, which declare the of God. It highlights the raging waves, crying aloud in the air, as a testimony to His power and underlying message of His return. The hymn connects these natural occurrences to the anticipation of Jesus’ coming, emphasizing the interconnection between the physical and spiritual realms.

In conclusion, “If Jesus Should Come Would Your Soul Be Prepared” serves as a poignant reminder of the need for spiritual readiness. The hymn encourages us to examine the current state of our souls and our relationship with God. It urges us not to be enticed by fleeting pleasures but to remain watchful for the coming of the Lord. Through vivid imagery, the hymn reminds us of the signs of His return that surround us in the world and in nature. Ultimately, it calls us to be prepared, to be washed in the blood of the Lamb, and to greet the second coming of Jesus with open hearts and souls ready to receive Him. May we heed the words of this hymn and ensure that our answer to the question it poses is a resounding “Yes.”


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the importance of preparing your soul for Jesus' return in the hymn If Jesus Should Come Would Your Soul Be Prepared. Reflect on the signs, be vigilant, and ensure your spiritual readiness.


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