Wave New Glory Conquering Flag Of Love – Hymn Lyric

Discover the power and significance of the "Wave New Glory Conquering Flag of Love." Unfurl this conquering flag high in the sky and join the world crusade for God's love. Claim every heart for God above with this emblem of truth and redemption.

Wave New Glory Conquering Flag Of Love – Hymn Lyric

In the “Wave New Glory Conquering of ,” we are reminded of the power and significance of a flag in representing love, truth, and the Kingdom of God. The flag mentioned in the hymn symbolizes the mission and purpose of to spread God’s love throughout the world. Through the melody and lyrics of this hymn, we are encouraged to march forward under the banner of truth and claim every for God.


Wave New Glory Conquering Flag Of Love – Hymn Lyric

Wave “New Glory,” conq’ring flag of love,
Swift unfurl it to the skies above,
Forward Christians! in God’s truth arrayed,
Gladly march beneath it in the world crusade.

Forward, forward, bear the flag unfurled,
Onward through the whole wide world;
Wave “New Glory,” banner of His love,
Claiming every heart for God above,
Claiming every heart for God above,
Claiming, claiming every heart for God above.

Lift His banner, Christ win the field,
Where the cross moves on the foe must yield,
Thrones and kingdoms soon it will unite
In a mighty army, for the good and right.


Wave “New Glory,” to the ends of earth,
Claiming captives for a ‘nly ,
Glad redemption unto all it brings,
Emblem of the crowning of the King of Kings.


Meaning of Wave New Glory Conquering Flag Of Love

In the hymn “Wave New Glory Conquering Flag of Love,” we are reminded of the power and significance of a flag in representing love, truth, and the Kingdom of God. The flag mentioned in the hymn symbolizes the mission and purpose of Christians to spread God’s love throughout the world. Through the melody and lyrics of this hymn, we are encouraged to march forward under the banner of truth and claim every heart for God.

Flags are powerful symbols that can unite people and ignite a sense of belonging and purpose. In this hymn, the flag of “New Glory” represents a new era of love, truth, and redemption. As Christians, we are called to march forward with this flag, displaying it proudly for all to see and rallying others to join in the world crusade for God.

The hymn begins by urging us to wave the flag of “New Glory” and unfurl it high in the skies above. The flag is described as a conquering flag of love, signifying that love is the driving force behind this movement. As we march forward under this flag, we are called to embody God’s truth and to spread His love to every corner of the world.

The refrain of the hymn emphasizes the importance of moving forward and marching onward in our mission. It highlights the notion that as Christians, we are not meant to stay stagnant or confined within the walls of our churches. Rather, we are called to venture out into the whole wide world, carrying the flag of “New Glory” with us and proclaiming God’s love.

The second verse of the hymn speaks specifically about the power of the cross. It states that when the cross moves, the enemy must yield. This imagery is reminiscent of the historical significance of the cross, representing the triumph of Christ’s sacrifice over sin and death. Like a victorious army, the cross will bring unity among thrones and kingdoms, aligning them with the principles of good and right.

As we continue to wave the “New Glory” flag to the ends of the earth, the hymn highlights the purpose of claiming captives for a heavenly birth. This refers to the transformative power of God’s love and redemption. The flag becomes a symbol of and salvation, as it brings glad redemption to all who embrace it. It also represents the crowning of the King of Kings, signifying the ultimate victory of Christ over all powers and principalities.

The title “Wave New Glory Conquering Flag of Love” encapsulates the core message of the hymn – the call to action and the power of love to conquer. By waving the flag of “New Glory,” Christians are encouraged to display and embody God’s love, truth, and redemption for all to see. This flag becomes a rallying point for believers to join together and claim every heart for God above.

In conclusion, “Wave New Glory Conquering Flag of Love” is a hymn that inspires us to march forward with love and truth as our guiding principles. By waving the flag of “New Glory,” we declare our allegiance to God’s mission and purpose in the world. Through the power of this symbol, we seek to claim every heart for God and bring about a heavenly birth in the lives of others. Let us stand united under the banner of love and spread God’s truth throughout the whole wide world.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the power and significance of the Wave New Glory Conquering Flag of Love. Unfurl this conquering flag high in the sky and join the world crusade for God's love. Claim every heart for God above with this emblem of truth and redemption.


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