Lord Thou Lovest The Cheerful Giver – Hymn Lyric

Become a cheerful giver and dedicate your life to the Lord. Embrace the joy of selflessness and generosity. Refresh lives and bring glory to God.

Lord Thou Lovest The Cheerful Giver – Hymn Lyric

In today’s world, where it often feels like everyone is always looking out for themselves, it is refreshing to come across someone who is willing to give without expecting anything in return. The hymn “Lord Thou Lovest The Cheerful Giver” speaks to the importance of generosity and selflessness in our lives. The hymn emphasizes that being a cheerful giver is not just about giving money or material possessions, but about giving of ourselves – our time, talents, love, and compassion.


Lord Thou Lovest The Cheerful Giver – Hymn Lyric

you love the cheerful giver,
who with open heart and hand
freely, as a river
that refreshes all the land.

Grant us then the grace of giving
with a spirit large and free,
that our life and all our living
we may consecrate to thee.

We are thine,
sought us,
found us in death’s dreadful way,
to the fold in safety brought us,
nevermore from thee to stray.

Thine own life thou freely gavest
as an off’ring on the cross
for each sinner whom thou savest
from shame and loss.

Blest by thee with gifts and graces,
may we heed thy church’s call;
gladly in all times and places
give to thee who givest all.

Thou hast bought us,
and no longer
can we claim to be our own;
ever free and ever stronger,
we shall serve thee, Lord, alone.

Savior, thou hast freely given
all the we enjoy,
earthly store and bread of heaven,
love and without alloy;

humbly now we bow before thee,
and our all to thee resign;
for the kingdom, pow’r, and glory
are, O Lord, forever thine.


Meaning of Lord Thou Lovest The Cheerful Giver

In today’s world, where it often feels like everyone is always looking out for themselves, it is refreshing to come across someone who is willing to give without expecting anything in return. The hymn “Lord Thou Lovest The Cheerful Giver” speaks to the importance of generosity and selflessness in our lives.

The first verse of the hymn reminds us that the Lord those who give cheerfully and generously. It compares this act of giving to a river that refreshes the land. Just as a river brings life and sustenance to its surroundings, so too does a cheerful giver bring joy and blessings to those in need. The hymn goes on to ask for the grace of giving, so that we can dedicate our lives and all that we have to the Lord.

We are reminded in the second verse of the hymn that we belong to the Lord. It was His mercy that sought us out and brought us safely to His fold. In for His on the cross, we are called to offer ourselves as living sacrifices, freely giving of our time, talents, and resources. The hymn acknowledges that all that we have is a gift from God and encourages us to give gladly in all times and places.

The following verse emphasizes that we can no longer claim to be our own, for we have been bought by the precious blood of Christ. This realization should empower us to serve the Lord alone, becoming ever stronger in our commitment to Him and His kingdom. The hymn acknowledges that all the blessings we enjoy, both on earth and in heaven, come from the Lord’s abundant grace and love.

Finally, the hymn concludes by humbly bowing before the Lord and surrendering everything to Him. We acknowledge that the kingdom, power, and glory belong to the Lord forever. It is a reminder that our ultimate purpose in life is to glorify God and to further His kingdom through our acts of cheerful giving and service.

As we reflect on the message of this hymn, it is clear that being a cheerful giver is not just about giving money or material possessions. While those things are important and can make a difference in the lives of others, true generosity goes beyond the tangible. It is about giving of ourselves – our time, our talents, our love, and our compassion.

In a world that often values self-interest and personal gain above all else, the hymn “Lord Thou Lovest The Cheerful Giver” serves as a reminder of the power of selflessness and the joy that comes from giving without expecting anything in return.

So let us strive to be cheerful givers, imitating the example of our Lord Christ who gave Himself completely for our sake. May we be willing to bless others freely and generously, refreshing the lives of those around us just as a river refreshes the land. And may we always remember that all that we have comes from God, and it is our privilege and responsibility to use those gifts to further His kingdom and bring Him glory.

In conclusion, let us embrace the call to become cheerful givers, dedicating our lives and all that we have to the Lord. May we be filled with the spirit of generosity, freely giving of ourselves to others, just as the Lord has freely given to us.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Become a cheerful giver and dedicate your life to the Lord. Embrace the joy of selflessness and generosity. Refresh lives and bring glory to God.


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