When The Morning Sun Is Bright – Hymn Lyric

Answering the Call to Serve: When The Morning Sun Is Bright. Understand the profound message of this inspiring hymn and the urgent need to respond to the call of service.

When The Morning Sun Is Bright – Hymn Lyric

“When The Morning Sun Is Bright: Answering the Call to Serve” is an inspiring hymn that urges individuals to respond to the needs of others. With its catchy refrain, the hymn emphasizes the importance of being ready and willing to help, whether it be feeding the hungry, guiding the lost, or fighting against sin. It serves as a reminder that faith is not just about belief, but about taking action and making a difference in the world.


When The Morning Sun Is Bright – Hymn Lyric

When the morning sun is bright,
And the harvest fields are white,
And the ones that should be reaping
In the fields, are loit’ by;

When the Master’s voice is ringing
O’er the fields of waving grain,
Calling loud for reapers! answer,
“Here am I, Here am I!”

When I hear the voice of my Savior
I will quickly, gladly give to Him the reply,
“Whatsoever Thou wilt have me do to glory Thy name,
Speak, O , Thy servant hearth,
“Here am I, Here am I!”

There are famished to feed,
There are wand’ring steps to lead
From the depths of sin and darkness;
There are helpless ones that cry;

Who will feed the hungry ,
Who will seek the lost to save?”
Jesus calls you, who will answer,
“Here am I, Here am I!” [Refrain]

There are battles yet to win,
‘Gainst the marshaled hosts of sin,
And the Savior, in each conflict
Swift to help, is ever nigh;

When He calls for deeds of daring,
And for loyal hearts and true,
Ready will I be to answer,
“Here am I, Here am I!” [Refrain]    

Meaning of When The Morning Sun Is Bright

When The Morning Sun Is Bright: Answering the Call to Serve

In the hymn “When The Morning Sun Is Bright,” the lyrics paint a vivid picture of a world in need, calling for individuals to rise up and answer the call to serve. This inspiring hymn highlights the importance of being willing and ready to respond to the needs of others, whether it be feeding the hungry, guiding the lost, or fighting against the forces of evil. With its catchy refrain, “Here am I, Here am I,” it serves as a reminder that we should eagerly offer ourselves to help others whenever we hear the voice of our Savior calling.

The initial verse of the hymn describes a scene in which the morning sun shines brightly upon fields ripe with harvest. Yet, those who should be reaping the bountiful fields are seen loitering instead. The Master’s voice resounds over the waving grains, calling out for reapers to answer. It is a profound metaphor for the responsibilities we have as followers of Christ to actively engage in His work on earth. The hymn emphasizes the urgency of the task and prompts individuals to readily respond with the words, “Here am I, Here am I!”

This enthusiastic response showcases the genuine willingness to serve and the to glory to ‘s name. It communicates a simple but powerful message – that faith is not just about belief, but about action. When we hear the voice of our Savior, it stirs within us a desire to make a difference in the world around us. We understand that faith without works is incomplete, and we are called to and serve others as an expression of our love for Him.

The hymn proceeds to outline three specific areas where our service is needed: feeding the hungry, guiding the lost, and fighting against sin. These areas exemplify the diverse ways in which we can serve and make a positive impact on the lives of others.

The first call to action is to feed the hungry. It draws attention to the famished souls in need of physical nourishment and the importance of meeting their basic needs. Hunger is a pressing issue worldwide, and our hearts are moved to take action when we consider the countless children and families who go without proper meals each day. Jesus calls upon us to provide for the needy and ensure that no one suffers from hunger. By answering with “Here am I, Here am I,” we commit ourselves to actively participate in efforts to alleviate hunger and provide sustenance to those in need.

The second call is to guide the lost. The hymn speaks about the depths of sin and darkness that trap countless individuals, leaving them wandering aimlessly. It acknowledges the cries of the helpless ones and emphasizes the need for compassionate guidance and support. As followers of Christ, we are called to reach out to those who are lost spiritually, emotionally, or mentally. Through acts of kindness, understanding, and support, we have the opportunity to lead them towards a of hope and redemption. By answering the call with “Here am I, Here am I,” we proclaim our readiness to extend a helping hand and guide those who are struggling.

The third call to action is to fight against sin. The hymn refers to battles that still need to be won against the forces of evil. It recognizes that these battles may not always be physical but can manifest as internal struggles or conflicts within our communities. The Savior is depicted as being ever near, ready to assist those who engage in these conflicts and remain loyal and true to their beliefs. By responding with “Here am I, Here am I,” we declare our commitment to stand firm in our faith and actively fight against any form of injustice or wrongdoing.

In conclusion, the hymn “When The Morning Sun Is Bright” serves as a powerful call to action for believers to answer the call of service. It reminds us that our faith is not passive but calls for active engagement with the needs of others. By feeding the hungry, guiding the lost, and fighting against sin, we embody the teachings of Christ and bring glory to His name. The refrain, “Here am I, Here am I,” serves as a reminder of our willingness and readiness to humbly serve whenever we hear the voice of our Savior. May this hymn continue to inspire individuals of all ages and encourage them to make a difference in the world around them.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Answering the Call to Serve: When The Morning Sun Is Bright. Understand the profound message of this inspiring hymn and the urgent need to respond to the call of service.


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