O Food That Weary Pilgrims Love – Hymn Lyric

Discover the nourishment your weary soul craves with "O Food That Weary Pilgrims Love." Experience the divine solace and fulfillment that can be found in this hymn

O Food That Weary Pilgrims Love – Hymn Lyric

“O Food That Weary Pilgrims Love: Finding Nourishment for the Soul” explores the deep longing for spiritual nourishment that we all experience. It reminds us that our souls seek a celestial Bread that can revive and sustain us, just as weary travelers seek physical sustenance. This hymn points to as the source of this food, inviting us to partake in His love and for ultimate fulfillment.


O Food That Weary Pilgrims Love – Hymn Lyric

O Food that weary pilgrims love,
O Bread of angel hosts above,
O Manna of the saints,
The hungry soul would feed on ;
Ne’er may the unsolaced be
Which for Thy sweetness faints.

O Fount of love, O cleansing Tide,
Which from the Savior’s pierced side
And sacred heart dost flow,
Be ours to drink of Thy pure rill,
Which only can our spirits fill,
And all our need bestow.

Lord Jesu, Whom, by power divine
Now hidden ‘neath the outward sign,
We worship and adore,
Grant, when the veil away is rolled,
With open face we may behold
Thyself forevermore.


Meaning of O Food That Weary Pilgrims Love

O Food That Weary Pilgrims Love: Finding Nourishment for the Soul

In life’s journey, we often find ourselves feeling tired and worn down. We search for something that can revive our spirits and give us the strength to continue. Just like weary pilgrims on a long and arduous journey, our souls long for sustenance. And in this hymn, titled “O Food That Weary Pilgrims Love,” we are reminded of the nourishment and solace that can be found in the divine.

The hymn begins by addressing the subject of food, a universal necessity that provides physical sustenance. But it quickly takes a metaphysical turn, examining the deeper hunger that resides within us all. It speaks of a Bread that transcends the earthly realm, a Bread that is cherished by angelic beings above. This imagery draws us into a realm of the mystical and the sacred, a realm where our souls find true nourishment.

The hymn refers to this ethereal sustenance as the “Manna of the saints,” invoking biblical allusions to the miraculous food that sustained the Israelites during their journey through the wilderness. Just as the Israelites depended on manna for their physical survival, our weary souls depend on this divine sustenance for our spiritual well-being. Without it, our hearts would be left unsolaced, longing for the sweetness and fulfillment that only this celestial Bread can provide.

But what is this sustenance? The hymn goes on to describe it as a “Fount of love” and a “cleansing Tide.” It speaks of a spiritual drink that flows from the pierced side of our Savior, Jesus . This imagery takes us back to the crucifixion, where Jesus’ side was pierced, and water and blood flowed forth, signifying the that would cleanse humanity of its . This cleansing Tide, this pure rill, is what our thirsty souls yearn for.

For those who drink from this Fount of love, their spirits are filled, and all their needs are met. It’s a profound invitation to partake in the divine, to allow this sacred sustenance to quench our deepest thirst. This is not just any drink, but a drink that can satisfy our spiritual hunger in ways that nothing else can.

The hymn then shifts its focus to Jesus, acknowledging Him as the one whom we worship and adore. It presents Jesus as hidden beneath the outward sign, referencing the Eucharist, where bread and wine are transformed, under the power of divine grace, into the body and blood of Christ. In this sacrament, we encounter the living presence of Jesus, who is veiled under the appearance of bread and wine.

But the hymn doesn’t end there. It looks forward to a time when the veil will be rolled away, when we will no longer see Jesus through a glass dimly, but face to face. It expresses a longing for the moment when we will behold Him fully, with open faces, and be united with Him forevermore. It’s a hope-filled prayer for the ultimate communion with our Savior.

In conclusion, the hymn “O Food That Weary Pilgrims Love” beautifully encapsulates the deep longing and desire for spiritual nourishment that resides within us all. It reminds us that just as weary pilgrims seek physical sustenance to replenish their strength, our souls too seek the divine Bread that can revive and sustain us. It points to Jesus as the source of this celestial food, inviting us to partake in His love and cleansing grace. And it encourages us to look ahead to the day when the veil will be lifted, and we will behold our Lord face to face. May we find solace and fulfillment in this heavenly sustenance as we continue on our journey through life.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the nourishment your weary soul craves with O Food That Weary Pilgrims Love. Experience the divine solace and fulfillment that can be found in this hymn, inviting you to partake in heavenly sustenance. Embrace the hope of encountering Jesus and finding ultimate communion with Him.


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