Who Will Work For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Who Will Work for Jesus: Join the Mission Band and Make a Difference in the Harvest Field. Answer the Call

Who Will Work For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

“Who Will Work for Jesus: Making a Difference in the Harvest Field” invites us to reflect on our role in spreading the message of Jesus and making a positive impact on others’ lives. The hymn emphasizes the urgency of the task at hand and encourages us to join the mission band and work for Jesus today. The choice is ours to embrace this calling and make a difference in the lives of those who are in of Jesus’ and salvation.


Who Will Work For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Who will work for Jesus in the harvest field,
The sheaves to garner in?
Who today will join us and the sickle wield,
These precious souls to win?

Go, gather in the sheaves,
O haste, O haste away;
Go and work for Jesus in the harvest field,
Go forth and work today.

Ev’ry single corner of this world-wide field
Is white with ripened grain,
Faithful, earnest effort will a harvest yield,
‘s work is not in vain. [Chorus]

See the host around us who the ‘s might be!
Oh do not now delay!
Think of millions far across the sea!
Go forth and work today. [Chorus]

There’s a crown awaiting ev’ry faithful one
Who lends a helping hand;
Jesus soon is coming and will say “Well done”
To all the mission band. [Chorus]    

Meaning of Who Will Work For Jesus

Who Will Work for Jesus: Making a Difference in the Harvest Field

In the bustling fields of life, where souls are ripe for the harvest, there is an urgent call for laborers. Just as farmers sway their sickles with determination to gather in the sheaves, so too are we called to join the mission band and work for Jesus. This hymn implores us to reflect on our role in this grand purpose and to take action to make a difference in the world.

As we look upon the vast expanse of the world-wide field, we see that every corner is white with ripened grain. These are precious souls, waiting to be saved, longing for the loving touch of Jesus. It is our duty, our calling, to go forth and work in this harvest field. We cannot afford to delay, for the host of the Lord is all around us. The waiting millions, far across the sea, reach out to us with hopeful eyes, yearning for someone to share the message of salvation. Let us not turn a blind eye to their plight, but rather let our hearts be moved by .

Why should we devote our time, energy, and efforts to this noble cause? Because our work is not in vain. The hymn reminds us that faithful, earnest effort will yield a bountiful harvest. Though we may not witness immediate results, each seed we plant, each soul we touch, holds the potential to grow into something beautiful. We must trust in the power of God’s work and the transformative nature of His message. Even the smallest act of kindness, the tiniest ripple of hope, can create a ripple effect that touches countless lives.

In contemplating our role as workers in the harvest field, it is important to remember that we are not alone in this endeavor. We are part of a mission band, a community of believers united in purpose. Together, we can accomplish so much more than we could ever do individually. Just as a farmer’s strength is multiplied when others join in the task of reaping, so too can our impact be magnified when we work together. Let us support and encourage one another, sharing our talents and resources, for the greater glory of God.

As we labor in the harvest field, it is crucial to keep our eyes fixed on the ultimate goal – the crown that awaits every faithful one. Jesus, who sees and knows all, promises to say “Well done” to those who lend a helping hand. This is not a without reward; it is a journey filled with the assurance of a heavenly crown. The work we do here on earth is not in vain, for it holds significance. Our efforts today can lead to rejoicing tomorrow.

The hymn also implies a sense of urgency. It reminds us that Jesus is coming soon, and when He arrives, we want to be found faithful and diligent in His service. We must not procrastinate or delay our response to this vital calling. Each passing day offers countless opportunities to make a difference, to touch a life, to share the love of Jesus. Let us seize each moment and maximize our impact, for the time is short.

In conclusion, the hymn “Who Will Work for Jesus” serves as both an invitation and a challenge. It invites us to reflect on our role in the harvest field and the tremendous impact we can have on the lives of others. Simultaneously, it challenges us to take action, to go forth and work for Jesus today. The harvest is ripe, the field is vast, and the mission is clear. Will you heed the call? Will you join the mission band and make a difference in the lives of those who are longing for the touch of Jesus? The choice is yours. Go, gather in the sheaves, O haste away, and work for Jesus in the harvest field.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Who Will Work for Jesus: Join the Mission Band and Make a Difference in the Harvest Field. Answer the Call, Gather Souls, and Work for Jesus Today!


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