Jesus Our Lenten Fast Of Thee – Hymn Lyric

Embrace the healing power of self-discipline during Lent. Explore the significance of Jesus' example and find renewal in this sacred season. Jesus Our Lenten Fast Of Thee.

Jesus Our Lenten Fast Of Thee – Hymn Lyric

Embracing Jesus Our Lenten Fast Of Thee: A Journey of Self-Discipline and Spiritual Growth During Lent, Christians devote themselves to self-reflection and spiritual growth, following the example of Jesus in the wilderness. The hymn “Jesu, our Lenten fast of Thee” beautifully captures the essence of this time, inviting believers to honor the power of self-discipline. It encourages us to seek Jesus’ presence, seek forgiveness, and offer our and sacrifices, ultimately leading to a deeper connection with .


Jesus Our Lenten Fast Of Thee – Hymn Lyric

Jesu, our Lenten fast of Thee
We duteous learn to keep,
A healing time, by Thy decree,
For all Thy wounded sheep.

A time in which towards paradise,
Once lost by carnal sense,
The souls redeemed by Thee may rise
Through chastening abstinence.

Now with Thy Church be present, Lord,
In all Thy saving grace,
And hear us as with one accord
Mourning, we seek Thy face.

Most Merciful, forgive the past,
The sins which we deplore;
Thy sheltering arms around us cast,
That we may sin no more.

To Thee our sacrifice we bring
Of Lenten fast and prayer,
Till, cleansed by Thee, our God and King,
Thy Paschal we share.

Grant this, O Father, through Thy Son,
And through the Spirit blest,
Who art with Them forever One,


Meaning of Jesus Our Lenten Fast Of Thee

Jesus Our Lenten Fast Of Thee: Exploring the Healing Power of Self-Discipline

During the season of Lent, Christians around the embark on a journey of self-reflection and spiritual growth. It is a time to emulate Jesus’ forty days in the wilderness, where he fasted and prayed, preparing himself for his ministry and ultimate sacrifice. The hymn “Jesu, our Lenten fast of Thee” beautifully captures the essence of this sacred time, inviting believers to honor the healing power of self-discipline.

In the first verse, the hymn emphasizes the importance of Lent as a period of learning and growth. Just as Jesus voluntarily embraced a time of fasting, his followers are called to dutifully observe this spiritual practice. Lent becomes a healing time, a time to address the wounds and shortcomings that have separated humanity from God’s grace.

The hymn also recognizes that Lent offers a unique opportunity to reconnect with God and rediscover the to paradise. It acknowledges the ways in which the allure of worldly desires often hinders our spiritual progress, leading us astray. However, through chastening abstinence and self-discipline, we can rise above these carnal temptations and draw closer to our Creator.

As we enter into the Lenten season, the hymn encourages us to seek the presence of Jesus in the Church and in our individual lives. It reminds us that we are not alone in our mourning and repentance, as we come together as a community to seek His face. Through collective worship and prayer, we find solace in the company of fellow believers, united in our desire for forgiveness and renewal.

The hymn takes a humble tone, acknowledging our past sins and failures. It calls upon God’s mercy, asking for forgiveness and a fresh start. It recognizes that Lent is not just a time of self-denial but also a time to receive God’s loving embrace, to find refuge in His arms. Through His mercy, we are given the opportunity to let go of our past transgressions and strive to sin no more.

In the next verse, the hymn suggests that our Lenten sacrifice is not just a physical act of fasting but also an offering of our hearts and minds. It reminds us that our prayers and acts of self-discipline during this season are a of purifying ourselves, preparing us to receive the joy of Easter. By willingly embracing the Lenten fast, we hope to be cleansed by God, ultimately sharing in His Resurrection joy.

The hymn concludes with a powerful prayer, addressed to God the Father, acknowledging the unity of the Holy Trinity. It implores the Almighty to grant our Lenten aspirations through the intercession of Jesus Christ, His Son, and the Holy Spirit. It is a declaration of faith, expressing our belief in the eternal oneness of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

In this hymn, the phrase “Jesus Our Lenten Fast Of Thee” serves as a poignant reminder of the central role Jesus plays in the Lenten season. It is through His example and sacrifice that we find the inspiration and strength to embark on our own journey of self-discipline and spiritual growth. It invites us to focus on Jesus, seeking His guidance and presence throughout this sacred season.

As we delve into the deeper meaning of Lent, it is important to remember that the season is not simply about giving up chocolate or other worldly pleasures. Instead, it is a time to examine our hearts, to confront our weaknesses, and to actively pursue a closer relationship with God. Through self-discipline and prayer, we can navigate this Lenten journey, renewing our spirits and finding healing in the process.

Let us, like the faithful believers who have gone before us, heed the call of the hymn “Jesu, our Lenten fast of Thee.” Let us embrace the Lenten season as a gift, an opportunity to grow closer to God and experience His grace in our lives. May this season be a time of reflection, repentance, and revival, as we walk alongside Jesus on the path to redemption.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Embrace the healing power of self-discipline during Lent. Explore the significance of Jesus' example and find renewal in this sacred season. Jesus Our Lenten Fast Of Thee.


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