Jesus My Lord My Chief Delight – Hymn Lyric

Find Joy and Peace in Jesus - Discover the Meaning of "Jesus My Lord My Chief Delight" Hymn

Jesus My Lord My Chief Delight – Hymn Lyric

My Lord My Chief Delight” is a that reminds us of the deep longing for Jesus in our lives. Amidst the challenges and busyness of life, Jesus offers us peace and joy. By recognizing Him as the ultimate gift and keeping Him close to our hearts, we can find contentment and reflect His love in all that we do.


Jesus My Lord My Chief Delight – Hymn Lyric

Jesus, my Lord, my chief delight,
For Thee I long, for Thee I pray,
Amid the shadow of the ,
Amid the business of the day.

When shall I see Thy smiling face,
That face which often I have seen?
Arise, Thou Sun of righteousness,
Scatter the clouds that intervene.

Thou art the glorious gift of God
To sinners weary and distressed;
The first of all His gifts bestowed,
And certain pledge of all the rest.

Could I but say this gift is mine,
The should be beneath my feet;
Though poor, no more would I repine,
Or look with envy on the great.

The precious jewel I would keep,
And lodge it deep within my heart;
At home, abroad, awake, asleep,
It never should from thence depart.


Meaning of Jesus My Lord My Chief Delight

Jesus My Lord My Chief Delight: Finding Joy and Peace in the Presence of Jesus

In our daily lives, we often find ourselves overwhelmed by the busyness and challenges that come our way. It is during these moments that we long for something or someone to bring us comfort and solace. The hymn, “Jesus My Lord My Chief Delight,” beautifully expresses this heartfelt for the presence of Jesus in our lives.

The opening verse of the hymn sets the tone for our longing for Jesus. The hymn writer yearns to see the smiling face of Jesus, a face that brings warmth and assurance. In a world filled with shadows and uncertainties, the presence of Jesus is like a shining sun, scattering the clouds that hinder our view of Him. We long for His righteousness to permeate our lives and remove any obstacles that in the way of experiencing His love.

The hymn goes on to describe Jesus as the greatest gift bestowed upon us by God. In a world that leaves us weary and distressed, Jesus offers hope and respite. He is the first of God’s gifts to us, a tangible reminder of His love and mercy. If we could truly grasp the significance of this gift, our lives would be transformed. We would no longer compare ourselves to others or be envious of their achievements. Instead, we would find contentment in the precious jewel that is Jesus, and our hearts would overflow with .

The hymn writer expresses a deep desire to keep Jesus close at all times. Like a precious jewel, they want to store Him deep within their heart. They realize that the presence of Jesus is not limited to a specific time or place. Whether at home or away, awake or asleep, they want to carry the love and peace of Jesus with them. Such devotion and desire for His presence not only assures them of His constant companionship but also serves as a reminder of the joy and contentment that can only be found in Him.

For us, who are reading and contemplating the words of this hymn, it is essential to understand the significance of Jesus in our lives. Amidst the challenges and uncertainties that surround us, Jesus offers a refuge of peace and joy. He is the that helps us navigate the storms and find solace in His presence. We might not physically see His smiling face, but we can experience the warmth of His love and the reassurance of His promises.

When we truly embrace Jesus as our Lord and Chief Delight, our perspectives shift. We no longer feel the need to strive for worldly success or compare ourselves to others. Instead, our focus shifts towards a life that honors and glorifies Him. We find contentment and joy in knowing that we have been blessed with the greatest gift of all – the gift of Jesus.

In conclusion, the hymn “Jesus My Lord My Chief Delight” beautifully expresses our longing for the presence of Jesus in our lives. It reminds us that amidst the shadows and busyness of life, Jesus is the source of true joy and peace. By recognizing Him as the ultimate gift and embracing His presence, we can find contentment and live a life that reflects His love. May we all strive to keep Jesus close to our hearts, allowing His light to shine through us and scatter any clouds that might come our way.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find Joy and Peace in Jesus - Discover the Meaning of Jesus My Lord My Chief Delight Hymn, a Reminder of the Gift of His Presence in Our Lives.


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