When Jesus Left His Father’s Throne – Hymn Lyric

Discover the humility and love of Jesus in "When Jesus Left His Father's Throne." Learn how His humble birth and acts of kindness serve as examples for us. Reflect on the significance of His sacrifice and His role as our King.

When Jesus Left His Father’s Throne – Hymn Lyric

“When Jesus Left His Father’s Throne” explores the humility and displayed by Jesus during His time on earth. This hymn reminds us of Jesus’ humble and how it sets an example for us to follow, encouraging us to strive for and wisdom in our own lives. Jesus’ kindness towards children and His triumphant entry into Jerusalem illustrate His love, protection, and the importance of recognizing Him as our King.


When Jesus Left His Father’s Throne – Hymn Lyric

When Jesus left His Father’s throne,
He chose a humble birth;
Like us, unhonored and unknown,
He came to dwell on earth.

Like Him may we be found below,
In wisdom’s of peace;
Like Him in and knowledge grow,
As years and strength increase.

Sweet were His words and kind His look,
When mothers round Him pressed;
Their infants in His arms He took,
And on His bosom blessed.

Safe from the ‘s alluring harms,
Beneath His watchful eye,
Thus in the circle of His arms
May we forever lie.

When Jesus into Zion rode,
The children sang around;
For joy they plucked the palms and strewed
Their garments on the ground.

Hosanna our glad voices raise,
Hosanna to our King!
Should we forget our Savior’s ,
The stones themselves would sing.


Meaning of When Jesus Left His Father’s Throne

When Jesus Left His Father’s Throne: The Humility and Love of Jesus in His Birth and Life on Earth

The hymn “When Jesus Left His Father’s Throne” beautifully captures the humility and love displayed by Jesus during His time on earth. Just like us, Jesus chose a humble birth, coming into the world unnoticed and not seeking any honor or recognition. This act of humble love sets an example for us to follow, encouraging us to strive for peace and wisdom in our own lives.

Throughout His time on earth, Jesus showed immense kindness and compassion towards all, especially children. The hymn mentions how mothers would gather around Him, their infants to be blessed by Him. His words were sweet and His gaze filled with kindness, embracing the children and keeping them safe from the alluring harms of the world. This image of Jesus cradling children in His arms reminds us of the love and protection He offers to each and every one of us.

Furthermore, the hymn highlights an important event in Jesus’ life – His triumphant entry into Jerusalem. The children’s joyful celebration, as they sang and spread palm branches before Him, reflects the admiration and love they had for Him. This scene serves as a reminder that Jesus is our King, deserving of our and adoration. It also reminds us that if we were to neglect praising Him, even the stones themselves would cry out in recognition of His greatness.

The title of the hymn, “When Jesus Left His Father’s Throne,” invites us to contemplate the significance of Jesus’ decision to leave the comforts and majesty of heaven to dwell among us. It prompts us to reflect on the immense sacrifice He made for our sake and the depth of His love for us. Jesus willingly set aside His divine glory to become one of us, fully experiencing the joys and struggles of human life. This act of selflessness and love is truly remarkable and should never be forgotten.

As we consider the message of this hymn, it is important to remember that Jesus’ birth and life on earth hold profound lessons for us all. He demonstrated the power of humility, teaching us to value peace, wisdom, and grace. His example of love and compassion towards children encourages us to embrace the and vulnerability in others, and to nurture and protect those who are entrusted to our care.

Moreover, Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem teaches us the importance of recognizing and proclaiming His kingship in our lives. Just as the children joyfully celebrated His presence, we too should wholeheartedly offer our praises and honor to Him. By acknowledging Jesus as our King and Savior, we find comfort, guidance, and hope in His boundless love.

In conclusion, “When Jesus Left His Father’s Throne” reminds us of the remarkable humility and love displayed by Jesus during His time on earth. This hymn encourages us to follow His example, growing in wisdom and grace as we embrace the teachings of Jesus. His kindness and compassion towards children serve as a reminder of His love and protection over us. The triumphant entry into Jerusalem emphasizes the importance of recognizing and honoring Jesus as our King. May we never forget the significance of Jesus’ birth and life on earth, and may His example continue to inspire and guide us in our own journey of faith.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the humility and love of Jesus in When Jesus Left His Father's Throne. Learn how His humble birth and acts of kindness serve as examples for us. Reflect on the significance of His sacrifice and His role as our King.


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