Art Thou Weary Soul Of Straying – Hymn Lyric

Is your soul tired from wandering aimlessly? Find solace in God's understanding and strength. Come to Him and find peace in His loving arms.

Art Thou Weary Soul Of Straying – Hymn Lyric

Are you tired and lost in life? Take comfort in knowing that God sees and understands your weariness. He invites you to come to Him and find solace in His presence, for He knows it all. Don’t delay any longer, my weary soul. Seek His love and understanding, and find peace in His embrace.


Art Thou Weary Soul Of Straying – Hymn Lyric

Art weary, soul, of straying?
God knows, He knows it all;
Come to Him, make no delaying,
He knows it all.

Come with thy sorrow, come with thy care;
Come with thy burden so heavy to bear;
He knows thy sorrow, He knows it all;
Come to thy helper, oh, now His call.

Is the pathway long and dreary?
God knows, He knows it all;
He will strengthen when weary,
He knows it all.

Come with thy sorrow, come with thy care;
Come with thy burden so heavy to bear;
He knows thy sorrow, He knows it all;
Come to thy helper, oh, heed now His call.

Do thy cherished friends thee?
God knows, He knows it all;
To His sheltering arms betake thee,
He knows it all.

Come with thy sorrow, come with thy care;
Come with thy burden so heavy to bear;
He knows thy sorrow, He knows it all;
Come to thy helper, oh, heed now His call.


Meaning of Art Thou Weary Soul Of Straying

Are you feeling tired and lost, my dearest soul? Do you feel like you have been wandering aimlessly, not knowing where to go or what to do? Take comfort in knowing that God sees and understands it all. He knows the weariness that weighs you down, and He invites you to come to Him without delay. Seek solace in His presence, for He is fully aware of your struggles and is ready to help you bear the burdens that have become too heavy for you.

Life’s may often seem long and dreary, with obstacles and challenges at every turn. But remember, God knows every step of the way. When you feel weak and exhausted, He will be there to lend you His strength. Lean on Him when the weariness threatens to consume you, and you will find the energy to keep moving forward. Go to Him, my friend, without hesitation, for He knows all about the weariness that weighs you down.

Sometimes, the people we hold dear may disappoint us or turn their backs on us. Their departure may leave us feeling vulnerable and alone. But take , for God never leaves us. He knows the pain of rejection and the feelings of betrayal. In His compassion and love, He opens His arms wide to embrace us and provide us with the comfort and security we so desperately . Seek refuge in His loving embrace, my dear soul. He knows all about the friends who have you.

your sorrows, cares, and burdens to Him, no matter how heavy they may be. He is fully aware of every tear that falls from your eyes and every ache in your heart. He sees and understands it all. Trust in His promise that He will carry your burdens and provide you with the strength you need to endure. He is your helper, your refuge, and your ever-present source of comfort. Listen to His call, my weary soul, and find peace in the loving arms of your Father.

In a world filled with uncertainty, let the hymn “Art Thou Weary Soul Of Straying” serve as a gentle reminder that you are not alone. God sees you. He knows your struggles, your weariness, and your pain. Approach Him with a childlike faith, knowing that He is waiting to embrace you and provide you with the solace and strength you desperately need.

Let this hymn be your guiding light, leading you back to the loving arms of your Creator. Take comfort in the knowledge that no matter how weary you may feel, God is with you every step of the way. He knows it all. So, my dear soul, do not delay any longer. Come to Him and find peace, rest, and rejuvenation in His presence. He is calling out to you, ready to offer you the love and understanding that only He can provide.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Is your soul tired from wandering aimlessly? Find solace in God's understanding and strength. Come to Him and find peace in His loving arms.


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