Jesus The Name High Over All – Hymn Lyric

Discover the awe-inspiring power of Jesus' name in this hymn. Experience His love

Jesus The Name High Over All – Hymn Lyric

Jesus The Name High Over All: A Name that Transcends All Boundaries This celebrates the powerful name of Jesus, which is revered by angels, mortals, and even feared by devils. The name of Jesus turns ‘ fears into hope and transforms their lives. This hymn calls for the world to experience the love and grace that Jesus offers and encourages believers to boldly His name despite opposition.


Jesus The Name High Over All – Hymn Lyric

Jesus, the Name high over all,
In hell or earth or sky;
Angels and mortals prostrate fall,
And devils fear and fly.

Jesus, the Name to sinners dear,
The Name to sinners giv’n;
It scatters all their guilty fear,
It turns their hell to heav’n.

O that the world might taste and see
The riches of His grace!
The arms of love that compass me
Would all the world embrace.

I shall constantly proclaim,
Though earth and hell oppose;
Bold to confess Thy glorious Name
Before a world of foes.

His only righteousness I show,
His saving truth proclaim;
‘Tis all my business here below
To cry, “Behold the Lamb!”

, if with my latest breath
I may but gasp His Name,
Him to all, and cry in death,
“Behold, behold the Lamb!”


Meaning of Jesus The Name High Over All

Jesus, The Name High Over All: A Name that Transcends All Boundaries

In this powerful hymn, the name of Jesus is celebrated as being high above everything that exists in this world and beyond. It is a name that evokes awe and reverence, causing both angels and mortals to kneel in worship while terrifying even the devils themselves. But what makes this name so special? Why is it dear to sinners and capable of turning their fear and despair into joy and hope?

The power and significance of Jesus’ name lie in the riches of His grace. The hymn expresses a deep for the world to taste and see these riches, for every person to experience the unconditional love that Jesus offers. The arms of His love are so wide and all-encompassing that they could embrace the entire world.

It is this love that compels the speaker to proclaim Jesus’ name constantly, regardless of the opposition they may face from the earthly realm or even from the of hell itself. The speaker finds the courage to boldly confess Christ’s glorious name before a world filled with foes. This declaration is not out of duty or obligation, but out of a genuine desire to share the transformative power of Jesus’ name.

In a world where righteousness seems scarce and truth is often distorted, the speaker finds solace and purpose in showing the only righteousness that matters – Jesus’ righteousness. They desire to proclaim His saving truth and make it known to all. This becomes their life’s mission, their business, as they navigate the challenges and struggles of this earthly existence – to cry out, “Behold the Lamb!”

The hymn also touches on the hope of eternal life and the desire to preaching Jesus’ name until their last breath. The speaker’s ultimate aspiration is to be able to gasp His name even in the face of death, to proclaim Him to all, and to boldly cry out, “Behold, behold the Lamb!” This aspiration reveals a deep conviction that Jesus’ name should be exalted not just in life, but even in the face of death.

It is a name that can bring comfort and strength in times of difficulty. When troubles arise, when fear and guilt threaten to overwhelm, the name of Jesus has the power to scatter all these negative emotions and turn the darkness of hell into the of heaven. It is through the name of Jesus that sinners find redemption, forgiveness, and salvation.

In exploring the hymn’s message, it becomes evident that the name of Jesus is not just a religious construct or a mere phrase to be repeated. It represents an all-encompassing love and grace that knows no bounds, transcending all human limitations. It is a name that offers hope, transforms lives, and brings about a sense of peace and belonging.

Moreover, the name of Jesus is not meant to be kept hidden or reserved for certain individuals. Rather, it is a name to be shared with others, an invitation to experience the same love and grace that the speaker has received. The desire to proclaim Jesus’ name to the whole world reflects a belief in its universal significance and the potential for it to bring about profound change.

Therefore, let us embrace the powerful name of Jesus – a name that is high over all. Let us not only taste and see the riches of His grace but also share it with others. May we boldly confess His glorious name before a world of foes and, like the speaker in this hymn, make it our business to cry out, “Behold the Lamb!” In doing so, we can truly experience the transformative power of Jesus’ name and witness the profound impact it can have on ourselves and those around us.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the awe-inspiring power of Jesus' name in this hymn. Experience His love, find redemption, and proclaim His glorious name to all. Behold the Lamb! The Name High Over All.


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