I Want To Be Like Jesus – Hymn Lyric

"I Want To Be Like Jesus: Embrace His Love and Spread His Message. Learn how to embody His kindness

I Want To Be Like Jesus – Hymn Lyric

“I Want To Be Like Jesus” is a hymn that expresses the to follow in Jesus’ footsteps and share his teachings of love and kindness. The lyrics highlight the importance of spreading his message and sacrificing for others, serving as a reminder to actively work for Jesus and show true love towards others. By embodying Jesus’ teachings and spreading kindness, we can strive to be like Him and inspire others to do the same.


I Want To Be Like Jesus – Hymn Lyric

I want to be like Jesus,
I want to heed His Word,
To tell the sweet, story
To those who’ve never heard.

‘Twas Jesus came to save us,
For us He bled and died;
I want to tell the story,
Yes, tell it far and wide.

I want to work for Jesus,
His cheerful servant be;
To show I truly love Him
Who did so much for me.


I want to live with Jesus,
In His bright above,
Where all are pure and ,
Where all is perfect love.


Meaning of I Want To Be Like Jesus

I Want To Be Like Jesus: Embracing the Teachings of Kindness and Love

In this beautiful hymn, the lyrics express the desire to emulate the qualities of Jesus Christ. The song captures the essence of wanting to follow in His footsteps, spreading His message of love, and sharing the story of His .

The first verse emphasizes the willingness to adhere to His teachings and share His message with those who have yet to it. It is a call to action for individuals to become messengers of hope and salvation. This desire stems from an understanding that Jesus came to save us all, even at the cost of His own life. His selfless act of love and sacrifice serves as a powerful inspiration for anyone who wishes to make a positive impact in the .

The refrain reinforces the profound significance of Jesus’ sacrifice and the importance of sharing His story. It reminds us that His death was not in vain but rather a demonstration of His deep love for humanity. This love can be seen as an example for everyone to follow, urging us to tell the story of Jesus far and wide.

The second verse presents the idea of working for Jesus and being a joyful servant. It emphasizes the desire to actively demonstrate love towards others and reflect the love that Jesus has shown us. By working for Jesus, it implies engaging in acts of kindness and compassion, spreading love through our actions. It is a reminder that our faith should not be a passive belief but an active commitment to serving others.

The refrain once again emphasizes the importance of sharing the story of Jesus and His sacrifice. This repetition serves as a gentle reminder that the story of Jesus is one that needs to be continuously shared, reaching as many people as possible.

The third verse takes us beyond this earthly life and paints a picture of living with Jesus in His bright, heavenly home. It speaks of a place where purity, , and perfect love prevail. This verse instills a sense of hope and aspiration, reminding us that our ultimate goal is to be with Jesus in eternal bliss. It highlights the importance of living a life that aligns with His teachings now so that we can experience the joy and love of His presence in the future.

As individuals, we should strive to be like Jesus by embodying His teachings of kindness, compassion, and selflessness. It is not enough to simply believe in His message; our actions should mirror His example. By sharing His story, not only through words but also through acts of love, we can be agents of change in the world.

To be like Jesus means to care for the marginalized, to show empathy towards those in , and to spread kindness wherever we go. Whether it is reaching out to the lonely, lending a helping hand to the less fortunate, or standing up for justice and equality, every action we take can bring us closer to being like Jesus.

In a world that often seems overwhelmed by negativity and divisions, embracing the teachings of Jesus becomes even more crucial. By to be like Him, we can be beacons of hope and love, spreading His message to those who need it most.

Let us remember the gentle words of this hymn and make it our personal goal to be like Jesus, to heed His word, and to tell the sweet, old story of His love and sacrifice. Through our actions, let us work for Jesus and show our true love for Him who did so much for us.

In conclusion, the hymn “I Want To Be Like Jesus” encapsulates the desire to emulate the qualities of Jesus Christ and spread His message of love. It serves as a reminder of the significance of His sacrifice and the importance of sharing His story. By actively working for Jesus, embodying His teachings, and spreading kindness, we can truly be like Him. May we all strive to live a life that reflects the love and compassion of Jesus, and may our actions inspire others to do the same.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image I Want To Be Like Jesus: Embrace His Love and Spread His Message. Learn how to embody His kindness, compassion, and selflessness. Join the movement to make a positive impact in the world.


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