Ah Wretched Souls Who Strive In Vain – Hymn Lyric
Embarking on a journey to escape the toils of this world, the speaker shares their desire to serve the Lord wholeheartedly. They find joy in obeying His commandments and yearn for others to join them in this divine endeavor. With unwavering dedication, they pray for the strength to overcome obstacles and live a life that brings glory to God.
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Ah Wretched Souls Who Strive In Vain – Hymn Lyric
Ah wretched souls, who strive in vain,
Slaves to the world, and slaves to sin!
A nobler toil may I sustain,
A nobler satisfaction win.
I would resolve with all my heart,
With all my pow’rs to serve the Lord,
Nor from his precepts e’er depart,
Whose service is a rich reward.
O be his service all my joy!
Around let my example shine;
Till others love the blest employ,
And join in labours so divine.
Be this the purpose of my soul,
My solemn my determin’d choice,
To yield to his supreme control,
And in his kind commands rejoice.
O may I never faint nor tire,
Nor wandering leave his sacred ways;
Great God! accept my soul’s desire,
And give me strength to live thy praise.
Meaning of Ah Wretched Souls Who Strive In Vain
Ah Wretched Souls Who Strive In Vain
Oh, how unfortunate it is for those who toil in vain, striving endlessly in this world enslaved by their own sins! But fear not, for there is a better path to tread upon, a nobler purpose that can bring true satisfaction to our lives.
I have come to realize that the greatest task we can undertake is to serve the Lord in every aspect of our existence. With all my heart and all my powers, I am resolved to dedicate myself to His service. I will never deviate from His teachings, for His commandments are not burdensome but rather lead to a rich and rewarding life.
Finding joy in serving the Lord has become the cornerstone of my days. I strive to let my actions and my words be a shining example to those around me. With fervent dedication, I long for others to witness the blessed and fulfilling nature of this divine work, encouraging them to join me in these laborious yet heavenly endeavors.
This is the desire that burns within my soul, an unwavering purpose that I have solemnly and decisively chosen. I surrender myself to His supreme authority, finding immense delight in following His kind and merciful commands. There is no greater joy than submitting to His will and basking in His love and guidance.
Though the journey may be challenging at times, I will never grow weary or lose my way. I will not wander from His sacred path, for it is within His sacred ways that I find solace, strength, and direction. O Great God! I humbly ask you to accept the desires of my soul and grant me the fortitude and endurance to live a life that brings honor to Your name and everlasting praise.
In this world, there are distractions and temptations at every turn, but I am steadfast in my devotion. I know that with the help of the Almighty, I can overcome any obstacle that comes my way. He will provide me with the strength I need to remain resolute, never wavering in my commitment to His service.
So, my dear friends, let us not be disheartened by the struggles we face or the hardships that may come our way. Let us lift our spirits and find solace in knowing that we are not alone on this journey. With a heart full of determination and a mind filled with His teachings, we can conquer any challenge that besets us.
And so, I urge you all, my fellow souls who strive in vain, to join me in this noble pursuit. Let us cast aside the chains that bind us to this world and embrace the freedom that comes from serving the Lord. Together, let us strive for a life that is meaningful, fulfilling, and above all, filled with His divine presence.
May our souls find rest in His love, and may His grace guide us through each day. Let us remember that we are not wretched souls, but rather, blessed children of God who have found the true purpose and joy that comes from serving Him.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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