All My Life Is Filled With Sunshine – Hymn Lyric

Find Happiness in the Love of Jesus with "All My Life Is Filled With Sunshine." Walk and talk with Him every day

All My Life Is Filled With Sunshine – Hymn Lyric

Discover the secret to lifelong happiness in the love of with “All My is Filled With Sunshine.” This hymn reminds us that and talking with Jesus every day fills us with His love, keeping us happy through all of life’s ups and downs. Experience the that comes from knowing His unconditional love and let it transform your life.


All My Life Is Filled With Sunshine – Hymn Lyric

All my life is fill’d with sunshine, there is in my soul,
For I walk and talk with Jesus ev’ry day,
I am trusting, fully trusting in the Man of Galilee,
‘Tis His love that keeps me happy all the way.

‘Tis His love that keeps me happy all the way,
‘Tis His love that fills with sunshine ev’ry day,
O, I find my Saviour precious, and will never from Him stray,
‘Tis His love that keeps me happy all the way.

All the world is much the brighter when His love is in my ,
E’en the birds and buds and blossoms have new charm,
In their beauty and their fragrance I can see His tender care,
And I know that He will shield me from all harm.


With my heart supremely happy, and the love of Christ within,
Do you wonder I must praise Him with a smile,
I will do each duty gladly, and will try the world to win
To the One who keeps me happy all the while.


Meaning of All My Life Is Filled With Sunshine

All My Life Is Filled With Sunshine: Finding Happiness in the Love of Jesus

Life is filled with ups and downs, but for me, every moment is filled with sunshine. Why, you may ask? It’s because I walk and talk with Jesus every day. His love fills me up and keeps me happy all the way. In this hymn, we explore the idea of finding joy in the love of Jesus and how it transforms our lives.

The first verse reminds us that all my life is filled with sunshine because of the gladness in my soul. This gladness comes from my constant companionship with Jesus. Every day, I have the privilege of walking and talking with Him. I trust in Him fully because He is the Man of Galilee, the one who loves me unconditionally. It is His love that keeps me happy, no matter the circumstances.

The chorus reinforces this idea, emphasizing that it is indeed His love that keeps me happy all the way. His love is like rays of sunshine that warm my heart and brighten my days. Like a beautiful summer day, His love fills every corner of my life. It is a love that is steadfast and never fails. Even if may appear, His love is constant, bringing joy and happiness always.

When I have Jesus’s love in my heart, the world becomes a much brighter . Even the simplest things, like the birds, buds, and blossoms, hold new charm for me. I can see His tender care in the beauty and fragrance of nature. His love transforms my perspective, allowing me to see His hand in every detail of creation. And it is this love that shields me from all harm.

With the love of Christ within me, my heart is supremely happy. His love brings me unimaginable joy, and how can I not praise Him with a smile? I am filled with gratitude for all that He has done for me. This overflowing happiness motivates me to do each duty gladly. I no longer see them as chores but as opportunities to others and glorify God. In doing so, I strive to win the world over to the One who keeps me happy all the while.

In conclusion, the hymn “All My Life Is Filled With Sunshine” beautifully captures the essence of finding happiness in the love of Jesus. It highlights the profound impact His love has on our lives, filling us with joy and transforming our perspective. With Jesus’s love, we can find happiness in even the darkest of times. So let us embrace His love, walk with Him daily, and let our lives be a testimony to the happiness that comes from knowing and experiencing His boundless love.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find Happiness in the Love of Jesus with All My Life Is Filled With Sunshine. Walk and talk with Him every day, trusting His love to keep you happy all the way. Embrace His boundless love for a brighter, joyful life.


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