Are You Looking To Jesus For Pardon – Hymn Lyric
Are you looking to Jesus for pardon? Seeking forgiveness and redemption from your sins? This hymn reminds us to turn to Jesus for forgiveness, trust in His promises, and eagerly await His return. It’s a beautiful reminder of the gift of salvation and the transformation that comes when we accept Jesus as our Savior.
Table of Contents
Are You Looking To Jesus For Pardon – Hymn Lyric
Are you looking to Jesus for pardon?
Have you plunged in the sin-cleansing flood?
Have you taken the purchased redemption?
Are you saved, are you washed in His blood?
Are you looking? are you watching?
Are you trusting ev’ry promise of His Word?
Are you looking? are you watching?
Are you looking for the coming of the Lord?
Are you trusting in Jesus for cleansing?
Have you taken the Christ as your Lord?
Have you yielded your life in surrender?
Do you daily delight in His Word? [Refrain]
Are you dwelling in Jesus victorious?
Are you living for Him every hour?
Does the Spirit reveal Him all-glorious?
Does He fill you with Pentecost power? [Refrain]
Are you watching for Jesus the Bridegroom?
Are you ready for Him as the Bride?
Lamps burning and garments all spotless-
Are you longing to reign at His side? [Refrain]
Meaning of Are You Looking To Jesus For Pardon
Are you looking to Jesus for pardon? Are you seeking forgiveness and redemption from your sins? It’s a beautiful thing to know that there is a Savior who loves us unconditionally and offers us the gift of salvation. In this hymn, the songwriter reminds us to turn to Jesus for forgiveness, to trust in His promises, and to eagerly await His return.
When we think about looking to Jesus for pardon, we can reflect on the incredible sacrifice He made on the cross for each and every one of us. He paid the price for our sins so that we could be forgiven and have eternal life. It’s a gift beyond measure, and all we have to do is accept it with a repentant heart.
Have you plunged in the sin-cleansing flood? When we accept Jesus as our Savior, our sins are washed away. It’s like being cleansed in a powerful flood that removes all the dirt and grime of our past. In that moment, we are made new, and our sins are forgiven and forgotten. It’s a transformation that brings freedom and joy, and it’s all because of Jesus’ amazing grace.
Have you taken the purchased redemption? Jesus purchased our redemption with His own blood. He willingly gave His life so that we could be set free from the bondage of sin. It’s a costly redemption, but one that He offers freely to all who believe in Him. When we accept this purchased redemption, we become heirs of eternal life and children of God.
Are you saved, are you washed in His blood? Salvation is not something we can earn or achieve on our own. It is a gift that is freely given to us through faith in Jesus Christ. When we acknowledge our need for a Savior and surrender our lives to Him, we are saved by His grace. Our sins are washed away by His precious blood, and we are made clean and pure in His sight.
Are you looking? Are you watching? Are you trusting every promise of His Word? The Word of God is full of promises and assurances for those who believe in Him. It’s like a guidebook that shows us the way to live a fulfilling and abundant life. In times of uncertainty, we can look to His Word for guidance and comfort. We can trust in His promises, knowing that He is faithful and true.
Are you dwelling in Jesus victorious? When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we become part of His victorious kingdom. He has conquered sin and death, and we share in His victory. As we abide in Him and live for Him each day, we experience His power and strength in our lives. We become more than conquerors through Him who loves us.
Are you living for Him every hour? Following Jesus is not just a one-time decision, but a daily commitment. It’s about surrendering our lives to Him and allowing Him to guide our every step. When we live for Him every hour, we experience His peace, joy, and purpose. We find fulfillment in serving Him and making a difference in the world around us.
Does the Spirit reveal Him all-glorious? When we have the Holy Spirit living within us, He reveals the glory of Jesus to us. He opens our eyes to see His goodness, His love, and His power. The Spirit helps us to grow in our relationship with Jesus, deepening our understanding of His character and His plans for our lives. It is through the Spirit’s work in us that we are transformed into His likeness.
Does He fill you with Pentecost power? The power of Pentecost is the power of the Holy Spirit that was poured out on the early disciples. It is the power that empowers us to live for Jesus, to share His love with others, and to be bold in our faith. When we are filled with the Spirit, we have the strength and courage to overcome any obstacles that come our way. We are equipped to do the work that God has called us to do.
Are you watching for Jesus, the Bridegroom? As believers, we should eagerly anticipate the return of Jesus, our Bridegroom. Just as a bride prepares for her wedding day, we should be ready and waiting for the day when Jesus will come back for His bride, the Church. We should live with a sense of urgency, constantly seeking to align our lives with His will and to share His love with others.
Are you ready for Him as the Bride? When Jesus returns, He will gather His faithful followers to be with Him forever. It’s a glorious reunion, where we will be united with Him in perfect harmony. In that moment, we will be fully transformed and clothed in garments that are spotless and pure. It’s a reminder for us to live holy and righteous lives, always striving to be more like Him.
Are your lamps burning and garments all spotless? In the parable of the ten virgins, Jesus tells us to be prepared and ready for His return. We should keep our lamps burning, which represents our faith and our readiness for His arrival. We should also ensure that our garments, symbolizing our righteousness, are spotless and pure. It’s a call for us to live in a way that honors God and reflects His goodness to the world around us.
Are you longing to reign at His side? As believers, we have the incredible hope of one day reigning with Jesus in His kingdom. It’s a future filled with joy, peace, and unimaginable blessings. We should eagerly anticipate this eternal union with our Savior and long for the day when we will reign at His side.
In conclusion, this hymn encourages us to look to Jesus for pardon, to trust in His promises, and to eagerly await His return. It reminds us of the incredible gift of salvation that Jesus offers and the transformation that takes place when we accept Him as our Lord and Savior. May we always live with our eyes fixed on Jesus and our hearts ready for His return.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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