Arise My Soul New Light Receiving – Hymn Lyric

Arise your soul to embrace new light and heavenly joy. Join the choir of angels in singing praises to God's boundless love. Find peace and salvation in God's paradise.

Arise My Soul New Light Receiving – Hymn Lyric

Arise, my soul, and embrace the new shining upon you, leaving behind worries to bask in the God has prepared. Clothe yourself in joy and God’s covenant is unbreakable, as you witness new glories and wear a crown of jewels in His care. Join the heavenly choir in praise, of God’s boundless love and awaiting the paradise where eternal happiness abides.


Arise My Soul New Light Receiving – Hymn Lyric

Arise, my soul, new light receiving,
The dismal haunts of sorrow flee;
All earthly care and worry leaving,
Come the sun of joy to see.

The of God for thee hath treasured
Celestial joys as yet unmeasured;
A wondrous feast He doth provide.
Then wilt in heavenly splendor
And unto God thy praises render
‘Mid joys that ever shall abide.

Arise, my soul, to joy awaken,
The shining robes of gladness wear;
God’s covenant remains unshaken,
He will with thee His heaven share.

Thine eyes, such undimmed bliss beholding,
Shall see new glories still unfolding,
Thy brow a jeweled crown shall wear.
In garments of pure white appearing,
Nor sin nor Satan ever fearing,
Thou shalt be safe in God’s own care.

Arise, my soul, no more repining,
An heritage is kept for thee.
Thou like the angels fair and shining
Shalt God’s uncovered glory see.

The veil shall fall, no longer hiding
The things in heaven for thee abiding
And all whom God hath called His own.
Such promised glory contemplating,
Rejoice, my soul, though still awaiting,
Till thou shalt stand before God’s throne.

Arise, my soul, to hear the sounding
Of harp and psaltery above;
Come, join the choir God’s throne surrounding
And sing of God’s unbounded love.

No tongue can tell what strains of gladness
Shall there replace the cries of sadness
That here from burdened hearts arise.
Then sing, my soul, of God’s ,
And laud the Lord of all creation,
Who welcomes thee to Paradise.


Meaning of Arise My Soul New Light Receiving

Arise, my soul, and embrace the new light that is shining upon you. Leave behind your worries and fears, and open yourself up to the joy that awaits. Just like a treasure waiting to be discovered, God has prepared a feast of celestial joys for you to enjoy. Let go of the darkness that surrounds you and bask in the splendor of God’s love.

As you awaken to this joy, clothe yourself in robes of gladness and know that God’s covenant with you is unbreakable. Your eyes will witness undimmed bliss and new glories unfolding before you. You will wear a crown of jewels, a symbol of God’s eternal love and protection. In God’s care, you will be safe from sin and all evil forces.

Do not dwell on the past or obstacles in your way. Instead, know that a grand inheritance is waiting for you. Like the angels, you will shine with beauty and purity, beholding the uncovered glory of God. The veil that separates you from heavenly wonders will lift, revealing the eternal promise of joy and peace for all who are called God’s own.

Imagine the heavenly of harps and psaltery surrounding God’s throne. Join in this choir of praise and sing of God’s boundless love. In that divine presence, all sadness and sorrow will be replaced with pure gladness. Your soul will rejoice in God’s salvation, and you will lift your voice in worship to the Lord of all creation.

So, my dear friend, let your soul arise to receive the new light and embrace the joy that awaits you. Trust in God’s promises and know that a heavenly paradise is prepared for you. Sing of God’s love, for you are welcomed into a place where eternal happiness abides. Arise, my soul, and let the light of God’s love shine brightly within you.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Arise your soul to embrace new light and heavenly joy. Join the choir of angels in singing praises to God's boundless love. Find peace and salvation in God's paradise.


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