At The Feet Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Discover the profound wisdom and love found at the feet of Jesus. Learn

At The Feet Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

At The Feet Of Jesus: A Place of Learning and Love In this , we are reminded that being at the feet of Jesus is a powerful and important place to be. It is a place of learning, as Mary chooses to sit and listen to Jesus’ words, recognizing the value of humility and the opportunity for wisdom. It is also a place of service, as Mary pours perfume on Jesus and prepares him for burial, showing her devotion and understanding of sacrifice. Lastly, being at the feet of Jesus is a place of , as hearts filled with resurrection power joyfully share the good news with others. This hymn encourages us to seek wisdom, serve with love, and boldly proclaim the truth of the resurrection, finding ourselves at the feet of Jesus.


At The Feet Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

At the feet of Jesus,
Listening to His word;
Learning wisdom’s lesson
From her loving ;
Mary, led by heav’nly grace,
Chose the meek ‘s place.

At the feet of Jesus
Is the place for me,
There a humble learner
Would I choose to be.

At the feet of Jesus,
Pouring perfume rare,
Mary did her Savior
For the grave prepare;
And, from love the “good work” done,
She her Lord’s approval won.

At the feet of Jesus
Is the place for me,
There, in sweetest service
Would I ever be.

At the feet of Jesus,
In that hour,
Loving hearts, receiving
Resurrection power,
Haste with joy to preach the word;
“Christ is risen, praise the Lord!”

At the feet of Jesus,
Risen now for me,
I shall sing His praises
Through eternity.


Meaning of At The Feet Of Jesus

At The Feet Of Jesus: A Place of Learning and Love

In this hymn, written with heartfelt devotion and a simple melody, the image of being at the feet of Jesus is presented as a powerful and important place to be. It is a place of learning, a place of service, and a place of praise. Let us explore the deep wisdom and profound love found in these verses and delve into what it means for us to find ourselves at the feet of Jesus.

The first verse of the hymn speaks of being at the feet of Jesus as a place of learning. It describes Mary, a devoted disciple, choosing to sit at the feet of Jesus and listen to his words. Mary understands the value of being a humble learner, recognizing that wisdom and guidance can only be found through close proximity to her loving Lord. In a that often prizes arrogance and self-importance, this verse reminds us of the importance of humility and the willingness to be a disciple, eager to learn and grow.

As we continue to explore the idea of being at the feet of Jesus, the second verse highlights the aspect of service. It tells the story of Mary pouring rare perfume on Jesus, preparing him for his burial. This act of love and devotion from Mary illustrates a profound understanding of the sacrifice Jesus was about to make for humanity. In her service to him, Mary receives his approval, showing us that being at the feet of Jesus is not only about receiving but also about giving. It is about using our gifts and talents to serve others, mirroring the selflessness and sacrificial love of our Savior.

The third verse of the hymn brings us to a moment of profound significance: the resurrection of Jesus. It describes loving hearts receiving the power of resurrection and being compelled to share the wonderful news with others. This verse captures the essence of evangelism, the spreading of the , which is central to the teachings of Jesus. Being at the feet of Jesus means not only receiving the power and joy of his resurrection but also being compelled to share that good news with others. It is a call to action, a call to proclaim, “Christ is risen, praise the Lord!”

As we reflect on these verses and the hymn as a whole, we to understand that being at the feet of Jesus is not limited to a physical location or a specific time. It is a spiritual posture, a state of being rooted in learning, service, and praise. It is about being a disciple, eager to hear and learn from our Lord. It is about pouring out our love and devotion through acts of service, both to Jesus and to our fellow human beings. And it is about boldly proclaiming the truth and joy of the resurrection.

So, what does it mean for us, as readers and believers, to find ourselves at the feet of Jesus? It means seeking wisdom and guidance through a humble and teachable heart, just as Mary did. It means using our talents and resources to serve others, following the example set by both Mary and Jesus himself. And it means embracing the power and joy of the resurrection, allowing it to transform our lives and to overflow into the lives of those around us.

At the feet of Jesus, we find a place of love, acceptance, and transformation. It is a place where we can lay down our burdens, find rest for our , and experience the boundless grace and forgiveness offered to us. It is a place where we can learn, grow, and become more fully who we are meant to be. And it is a place where we can join our voices with countless others, praising the name of Jesus for all eternity.

In conclusion, this hymn beautifully captures the essence of what it means to be at the feet of Jesus. It is a place of learning, service, and praise. As we reflect on the words and melody of this hymn, may we be inspired to embrace this posture in our own lives. May we be eager learners, humble servants, and passionate proclaimers of the good news of the resurrection. And may we find ourselves, now and throughout eternity, at the feet of Jesus.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the profound wisdom and love found at the feet of Jesus. Learn, serve, and praise in this powerful hymn. Join us in embracing this spiritual posture. Find yourself at the feet of Jesus.


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