Awake My Soul To Sound His Praise – Hymn Lyric
Awake, my soul! It’s a brand new day, a chance to lift our voices and give thanks to the One who created us. Just like when you wake up and stretch your body to get ready for a new day, let’s awaken our souls and prepare to sing praises to God. Let’s join the chorus of believers, near and far, as we exalt the name of God.
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Awake My Soul To Sound His Praise – Hymn Lyric
Awake, my soul! to sound His praise,
Awake my harp to sing;
Join, all my pow’rs the song to raise,
And morning incense bring.
Among the people of his care,
And thro’ the nations round,
Glad sons of praise will I prepare,
And there his name resound.
Be Thou exalted, O my God!
Above the starry train;
Diffuse Thy heav’nly grace abroad,
And teach the world Thy reign.
So shall Thy chosen sons rejoice,
And throng Thy courts above;
While sinners hear Thy pard’ning voice,
And taste redeeming love.
Meaning of Awake My Soul To Sound His Praise
Awake My Soul to Sound His Praise: A Song of Joy and Worship
Awake, my soul! It’s a brand new day, a chance to lift our voices and give thanks to the One who created us. Just like when you wake up and stretch your body to get ready for a new day, let’s awaken our souls and prepare to sing praises to God.
Can you imagine a scene where everyone is singing together, their voices rising in harmony? Picture people from different places and cultures, united in one purpose – to exalt the name of God. That’s what we are called to do: join our powers and lift our voices in praise.
As we sing, let’s remember that we are part of a larger community, a family cared for by God. This family extends beyond our town, even beyond our country, reaching people in nations far and wide. Today, we can imagine joining with our brothers and sisters around the world, raising our voices together to honor our Creator.
“Be Thou exalted, O my God! Above the starry train.” These words remind us of the greatness and majesty of God. He is not just like any other earthly ruler. His throne is above the stars, and His power stretches far beyond what our minds can comprehend. As we sing these words, let’s think about how God’s grace can fill the entire universe, bringing hope and love to all.
God’s grace is not limited to a few people or a specific place it’s universal! It’s like a beautiful fragrance that spreads in the air, touching hearts and transforming lives. Let’s imagine this heavenly grace flowing out from God’s throne, reaching every corner of the world. And as it touches people’s lives, may they come to know and experience the reign of God in their hearts.
When God’s grace touches our lives, something amazing happens. Our hearts overflow with joy, and we can’t help but rejoice. Can you picture a crowd of people, full of happiness and excitement, gathering together in God’s courts? That’s what it will be like when we join our chosen friends and family in heaven. Oh, what a celebration that will be!
But it’s not just about us. As we give thanks and praise to God, others around us might start to become curious. They may wonder why we are so joyful and peaceful, even in difficult times. That’s when we have an opportunity to share God’s pardoning voice and the good news of redeeming love.
When we offer forgiveness and grace to others, just like God has done for us, it’s like sharing a taste of that sweet, redeeming love. People who may have been far away from God can come closer and experience His goodness through our actions and words. It’s a privilege and a responsibility to be messengers of God’s love.
So, as we go through each day, let’s remember to awaken our souls, to sing praises to our Creator. Let’s join the chorus of believers, near and far, as we exalt the name of God. In doing so, we not only bring joy to our own hearts, but we also share that joy with others, inviting them to taste and see the goodness of our heavenly Father.
Awake, my soul! Let’s sound His praise. And as we do, may our voices be heard, our hearts be filled with joy, and our world be transformed by the power of God’s redeeming love.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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