Bear The Cross For Jesus Bear The Cross – Hymn Lyric

"Bear the Cross for Jesus: Embrace Challenges

Bear The Cross For Jesus Bear The Cross – Hymn Lyric

“Bear the Cross For : Embracing Challenges and Spreading Love” In this hymn, we are reminded to embrace challenges and spread love as we carry the burdens of life, just as Jesus bore the cross for humanity. By answering His call and practicing compassion, empathy, and , we become true disciples of Christ. Let us bear the cross for Jesus each day and His light in a world that needs it.


Bear The Cross For Jesus Bear The Cross – Hymn Lyric

Bear the cross for Jesus,
Bear the cross to-day;
In His people’s presence,
Deign thy vows to pay.

Bear the cross, bear the cross,
Bear the cross for Jesus;
Bear the cross, bear the cross,
Bear the cross to-day.

Bear the cross for Jesus,
Bear the cross to-day;
Answer when He bids thee,
Speak, or sing, or pray.

Bear the cross, bear the cross,
Bear the cross for Jesus;
Bear the cross, bear the cross,
Bear the cross to-day.

Listen to the ,
Teaching all His will;
If thou heed its whisperings,
Joy thy soul fill.

Bear the cross, bear the cross,
Bear the cross for Jesus;
Bear the cross, bear the cross,
Bear the cross to-day.


Meaning of Bear The Cross For Jesus Bear The Cross

Bear The Cross For Jesus: Embracing Challenges and Spreading Love

In this hymn, “Bear the cross for Jesus,” we are reminded of the importance of carrying the burdens and challenges that come our way with strength, , and love. The lyrics encourage us to accept and embrace the hardships we face in our lives, just as Jesus carried the cross for all of humanity. By doing so, we show our devotion to Him, our willingness to follow His teachings, and our commitment to serving others.

When we bear the cross for Jesus, we actively participate in His ministry and mission. It is not enough to simply believe in Him; we must also take up the responsibility of being His representatives on Earth. The choice to bear the cross is one of dedication and selflessness, as it requires us to place the needs of others before our own. By doing so, we become instruments of ‘s love and grace.

When we bear the cross for Jesus, it means answering His call whenever He bids us. It may be through speaking kind words, lending a helping , or offering a listening ear to those in . Jesus calls us to practice compassion, empathy, and forgiveness in every aspect of our lives. When we respond to His call, our actions become a testament to our faith and our commitment to following His teachings.

Furthermore, when we bear the cross for Jesus, we listen to the Spirit and follow its guidance. The Spirit whispers to us, guiding us towards what is right and just. It teaches us about God’s will for our lives and helps us discern the path we should take. By attuning ourselves to the Spirit’s teachings, we gain wisdom, find , and experience the joy that can only come from following God’s plan for our lives.

Bearing the cross for Jesus also involves carrying our own personal burdens and challenges. Each of us faces difficulties unique to our own experiences, whether it be struggles with relationships, school, or self-doubt. However, when we remember to bear the cross, we find strength and courage in knowing that we are not alone. Jesus is by our side, helping us carry the load, and granting us comfort and solace in times of need.

As we bear the cross for Jesus, it is important to remember that our actions speak louder than words. It is not enough to merely proclaim our faith; we must demonstrate it through our deeds. When we bear the cross, we inspire others to do the same. Our faith becomes contagious, spreading love, compassion, and kindness in a world that is often filled with pain and darkness.

Bearing the cross for Jesus is not an easy task. It requires sacrifice, perseverance, and a deep-rooted trust in God’s plan. However, in embracing this challenge, we find a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment in our lives. We experience the joy that comes from serving others and knowing that our actions align with Jesus’ teachings.

So, let us remember to bear the cross for Jesus each day. Let us answer His call, speak, sing, and pray when He bids us. Let us listen to the Spirit’s whisperings and allow its teachings to fill our souls with joy. And most importantly, let us carry our own burdens with faith, knowing that Jesus is with us every step of the way.

In conclusion, “Bear the cross for Jesus” is a hymn that reminds us of our commitment to follow in His footsteps and spread love to those around us. By embracing the challenges that come our way and demonstrating our faith through our actions, we become true disciples of Christ. So, let us bear the cross for Jesus each day and shine His light in a world that desperately needs it.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Bear the Cross for Jesus: Embrace Challenges, Spread Love. Answer His Call, Speak, Sing, Pray. Find Joy in Serving Others. Follow His Teachings and Shine His Light. Bear the Cross Today.


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