Beautiful Words Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Experience the peace and comfort of Jesus' beautiful words. Find rest and hope in His message of love and salvation. Embrace His promises for eternal joy.

Beautiful Words Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

The beautiful words of are a source of comfort and , reminding us of His love and grace. His invitation to find rest in Him gives us the strength to face each day with courage. As we meditate on His teachings, we are filled with peace and reassurance, knowing that He is always with us.


Beautiful Words Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Beautiful words of Jesus,
Spoken so long ago;
Yet, as we them over,
Dearer to us they grow;
Calling the heavy laden,
Calling to hearts oppressed:
Come unto Me, ye weary,
Come, I will give you rest.

the call of His so sweet;
Bring your load to the ‘s feet;
Lean your heart on His loving breast,
Come, O come, and He will give you rest.

Beautiful words of Jesus,
Cheering us day by day;
Throwing a gleam of sunshine
Over a cloudy way;
Casting on Him the burden
We are too weak to bear,
He will give grace sufficient,
He will regard our prayer.

Beautiful words of Jesus,
Tokens of endless rest,
When, by and by, we enter
Into His presence blest;
There shall we see His beauty,
Meet with Him face to face;
There shall we sing His glory,
Praising His matchless grace.


Meaning of Beautiful Words Of Jesus

The beautiful words of Jesus have the power to bring peace, comfort, and joy to our hearts. His message of love and salvation reminds us that we are never alone in our struggles. As we reflect on His teachings and promises, we find strength to face each day with hope and courage.

When we are feeling burdened and weary, Jesus invites us to come to Him and find rest. His gentle voice calls out to us, offering comfort and solace in times of trouble. We can lean on Him and pour out our hearts, knowing that He will listen and provide the grace we to carry on.

Each day, as we meditate on the words of Jesus, we are reminded of His constant presence in our lives. His words are like a ray of sunshine, brightening even the darkest moments. When we give Him our worries and fears, He gives us the strength to persevere and the assurance that He hears our prayers.

As we journey through , the promise of eternal rest in the presence of Jesus sustains us. One day, we will His beauty and glory, and be filled with awe at His amazing grace. In that divine moment, all our trials and tribulations will fade away, replaced by the joy of being with our Savior forevermore.

So let us hold on to the beautiful words of Jesus, treasuring them in our hearts and sharing them with others. Let us embrace His message of love and hope, knowing that in Him we find true peace and rest. And as we our journey, let us trust in His promises and look forward to the day when we will bask in His presence for eternity.

In conclusion, the beautiful words of Jesus are a source of comfort, strength, and inspiration for all who believe. They remind us of His unfailing love and infinite grace, and offer us hope in times of trial. May we hold fast to His words, trusting in His promises, and finding rest in His eternal embrace. Amen.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the peace and comfort of Jesus' beautiful words. Find rest and hope in His message of love and salvation. Embrace His promises for eternal joy.


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