Behold How The Fields Are Waving – Hymn Lyric

"Behold How The Fields Are Waving: A Call to Harvest and Gather Souls. Join the laborious task of reaping the golden grain and seek the lost today. The Lord of the harvest is calling

Behold How The Fields Are Waving – Hymn Lyric



Behold How The Fields Are Waving – Hymn Lyric

Behold how the fields are waving,
Unmeasured the ripened plain,
But few are the faithful gleaners,
To the golden grain.

to the harvest field, then, away!
There is plenty for all to do,
The Lord of the harvest is calling,
But the reapers, alas! are few.

The world is the field of harvest,
And souls must be gathered in;
Go glean from the broad, rough highways,
The good from the fields of sin.


Go work, for the day is passing,
Go labor, and , and ;
Go gather the priceless jewels,
Go seek for the lost today.


Meaning of Behold How The Fields Are Waving

Behold How The Fields Are Waving: A Call to Harvest and Gather Souls

In this , we are reminded of the abundance and potential of the harvest fields. The imagery of waving fields represents the vast opportunities for gathering and reaping the rewards, both in the physical sense of harvesting crops and in the spiritual sense of gathering souls.

As we sing “Behold how the fields are waving,” it is clear that the fields are ripe and ready for gathering. The sight of these bountiful fields should inspire us to action, to become faithful gleaners. Just as few are the faithful gleaners in this hymn, often in life, we find that only a small number of people step forward to take advantage of the opportunities presented before them. This hymn serves as a call to arms, urging us to join the laborious task of reaping the golden grain.

“Forth to the harvest field, then, away!” The Lord of the harvest is calling, inviting us to participate in the work of gathering souls for His kingdom. The harvest field mentioned here is not limited to physical fields but extends to the vast world around us. Our task is not only to gather physical crops but also to gather souls from the broad, rough highways and the fields of sin. It is a reminder of our duty to share the hope and love of God with those who are lost and in need of spiritual guidance.

The hymn continues, “Go work, for the day is passing.” Time is of the essence, and we must not delay in our mission to gather the priceless jewels. Each passing day provides us with new opportunities to God’s light into the lives of others. The urgency in these words should push us to action, to actively engage in the work of seeking and saving the lost.

In this call to gather souls, we are reminded of the importance of labor, hope, and . To be effective gleaners, we must put in the effort, invest our time and energy in the task at . It is not enough to simply wish for the harvest; we must actively work towards it. However, we are also reminded that labor alone is not sufficient. We must hold onto hope, that our efforts will yield fruitful results. And as we toil in the fields, we must constantly pray, seeking guidance and strength from God to navigate the challenges we may encounter along the way.

The title of this hymn, “Behold How The Fields Are Waving,” captures the beauty and potential of the harvest fields. It serves as a calling card for those who are searching for a message of hope and purpose. It is a powerful phrase that can catch the attention of those looking for spiritual guidance or motivation.

In conclusion, this hymn serves as a reminder of the abundance and potential present in the harvest fields. It calls us to be faithful gleaners, to actively engage in the work of gathering souls both in the physical and spiritual sense. We are urged to heed the Lord’s call, to go forth to the harvest field and make a difference. The title, “Behold How The Fields Are Waving,” encapsulates the essence of this hymn and can serve as a powerful keyword for those seeking inspiration and guidance on their spiritual .


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Behold How The Fields Are Waving: A Call to Harvest and Gather Souls. Join the laborious task of reaping the golden grain and seek the lost today. The Lord of the harvest is calling, but the reapers, alas! are few.


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