Behold The Morning Sun – Hymn Lyric

"Behold The Morning Sun: A Hymn of Light and Guidance. Experience the power of the Gospel

Behold The Morning Sun – Hymn Lyric

“Behold The Morning Sun” is a hymn that compares the morning sun to the spread of the Gospel, bringing light and life to all who embrace it. It highlights the perfection of God’s Word, the need for His guidance, and the importance of seeking forgiveness and spreading His . This hymn inspires us to embrace the light and trust in God’s promises.


Behold The Morning Sun – Hymn Lyric

Behold, the morning sun begins his glorious way;
His beams through all the nations run, and life and light convey.
But where the Gospel comes it spreads diviner light;
It calls dead from their tombs, and gives the blind their sight.

How perfect is Thy Word! And all Thy judgments just!
Forever sure Thy promise, Lord, and men securely trust.
My gracious God, how plain are Thy directions given!
O may I never read in vain, but find the path to Heaven!

I hear Thy word with , and I would fain obey:
Send Thy good from above to guide me, lest I stray.
O who can ever find the errors of his ways?
Yet with a bold, presumptuous mind I would not dare transgress.

Warn me of every sin, forgive my secret faults,
And cleanse this guilty soul of mine, whose crimes exceed my thoughts.
While with my heart and tongue I spread Thy praise abroad,
Accept the worship and the song, my Savior and my God.


Meaning of Behold The Morning Sun

Behold The Morning Sun: A Hymn of Light and Guidance


In this hymn, the beauty and power of the morning sun is used as a metaphor for the spread of the Gospel, the divine Word that brings light and life to all who embrace it. It talks about the perfect nature of God’s Word, the trustworthiness of His promises, and the importance of following His guidance. This hymn also expresses the desire to obey God’s commands, seek forgiveness, and spread His praise throughout the world.

The Morning Sun as a Symbol of Hope:

Behold, the morning sun begins his glorious way,

His beams through all the nations run,

And life and light convey.

Just as the morning sun brings light and warmth to the world, the Gospel, when embraced, brings hope and life to all who encounter it. Just as the sun shines on every nation, the Gospel is meant for everyone, regardless of their race, background, or circumstances. This verse reminds us of the universal nature of God’s love and the message of .

The Divine Light of the Gospel:

But where the Gospel comes, it spreads diviner light,

It calls dead sinners from their tombs,

And gives the blind their sight.

The Gospel is compared to a divine light that illuminates our path and exposes the darkness of sin in our lives. Just as the morning sun calls forth new life and growth, the Gospel has the power to resurrect our souls from spiritual death and give us the ability to see and understand God’s truth. It is through the Gospel that our hearts and minds are enlightened, and we are led towards a life of and goodness.

The Perfection of God’s Word:

How perfect is Thy Word!

And all Thy judgments just!

Forever sure Thy promise, Lord,

And men securely trust.

God’s Word is described as perfect and His judgments as just. This verse highlights the reliability and trustworthiness of God’s promises. In a world where trust is often broken and promises are disregarded, it is comforting to know that we can always rely on God’s Word and His faithfulness. His Word provides us with guidance, comfort, and wisdom, and we can securely trust in His promises.

The Desire for Guidance:

My gracious God, how plain

Are Thy directions giv’n!

O may I never read in vain,

But find the path to ‘n!

In this verse, the hymn expresses the desire to understand and follow God’s directions. The author acknowledges that God’s guidance is clear and accessible to all who seek it. There is a longing to never read God’s Word in vain, but rather to find the path to heaven through its teachings. This verse also highlights the importance of actively seeking God’s guidance and acknowledging our dependence on Him.

The Need for Divine Guidance:

I hear Thy word with love,

And I would fain obey:

Send Thy good Spirit from above

To guide me, lest I stray.

The hymn recognizes the importance of hearing God’s Word with love and a willingness to obey. It acknowledges the need for God’s Spirit to guide us and protect us from straying off the right path. This verse demonstrates the humility and reliance of the author, as they recognize their own human limitations and the necessity for divine intervention to navigate their journey of faith.

The Confession of :

O who can ever find

The errors of his ways?

Yet with a bold, presumptuous mind

I would not dare transgress.

This verse reflects on the difficulty of recognizing and admitting our own faults. It acknowledges the constant temptations and the challenge of living a blameless life. Despite the recognition of human imperfection, there is a determination to abstain from willful transgressions, emphasizing the importance of striving for righteousness even in the face of our inherent flaws.

Seeking Forgiveness and Cleansing:

Warn me of every sin,

Forgive my secret faults,

And cleanse this guilty soul of mine,

Whose crimes exceed my thoughts.

In this verse, the hymn expresses the need for God’s guidance in identifying and avoiding sins. It acknowledges that we have secret faults and sins that we may not even be aware of ourselves. The prayer is for forgiveness and the cleansing of a guilty soul. It recognizes the depth and extent of our sins, which are far beyond our limited understanding, and the hope for God’s mercy and redemption.

Spreading Praise and Worship:

While with my heart and tongue,

I spread Thy praise abroad,

Accept the worship and the song,

My Savior and my God.

The final verse of this hymn reiterates the commitment to spreading God’s praise with genuine and sincere devotion. The heart and tongue are mentioned to emphasize the completeness of worshiping and praising God with our whole being. The plea is for God to accept our worship and songs as an offering to the Savior, recognizing His greatness and deity.


“Behold The Morning Sun” is a hymn that beautifully illustrates the power of the Gospel, the perfection of God’s Word, and the need for His guidance and forgiveness in our lives. It encourages us to seek light, life, and truth in His teachings, while acknowledging our own flaws and dependence on His . May this hymn inspire us to embrace the divine light, trust in God’s promises, and joyfully spread His praise to all nations.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Behold The Morning Sun: A Hymn of Light and Guidance. Experience the power of the Gospel, trust in God's promises, and spread His praise throughout the world.


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