Behold What Condescending Love – Hymn Lyric
In the hymn “Behold What Condescending Love,” we celebrate Jesus’ love for children. This hymn reminds us that no one is too young or unimportant to receive Jesus’ love and blessings. We bring our children to Jesus with grateful hearts, knowing that they are precious to Him and praying for them to experience His love and salvation.
Table of Contents
Behold What Condescending Love – Hymn Lyric
Behold what condescending love
Jesus on earth displays!
To babes and sucklings he extends
The riches of his grace!
He still the ancient promise keeps,
To our forefathers giv’n;
Young children in his arms he takes,
And calls them heirs of heav’n.
“Permit them to approach,” he cries,
“Nor scorn their humble name;
For ’twas to bless such souls as these,
The Lord of angels came.”
We bring them, Lord, with thankful hearts,
And yield them up to thee;
Joyful that we ourselves are thine,
Thine may our offspring be.
Kindly receive this tender branch,
And form his soul for God;
Baptize him with thy spirit, Lord,
And wash him with thy blood.
[“Thus to their parents and their seed
Let thy salvation come;
And num’rous households meet at last,
In one eternal home.”]
Meaning of Behold What Condescending Love
Behold What Condescending Love: Jesus’ Love for Children
In the beautiful hymn “Behold What Condescending Love,” we are reminded of Jesus’ incredible love for children. This hymn is a celebration of the love and grace that Jesus extends to even the youngest among us. It serves as a reminder that no one is too young or insignificant to receive the love and blessings of Jesus.
The hymn begins by emphasizing the remarkable love demonstrated by Jesus during his time on earth. It marvels at how Jesus, in all his glory, would stoop down to bless and show love to infants and young children. The hymn describes how Jesus gladly fulfills the promise made to our forefathers by taking young children in his arms and declaring them heirs of heaven. This powerful image portrays Jesus’ immense love and care for all children, no matter their age or background.
The hymn then echoes Jesus’ own words, encouraging us not to overlook or dismiss the value of children. Jesus himself proclaimed, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Matthew 19:14). Jesus valued the innocence, purity, and faith of children. He saw them as a beautiful reflection of the kingdom of heaven and sought to bless them.
As we bring children to Jesus, we do so with grateful hearts. We acknowledge that they belong to Him and that we are simply entrusted with their care. In this hymn, we express our joy in belonging to Jesus ourselves and eagerly desire for our children to also share in this beautiful relationship. We understand that being part of God’s family is a privilege, and we long for our children to grow up knowing and experiencing the love of Jesus.
We lovingly present our children to Jesus, as tender branches that need nurturing and guidance. Just as a tree needs water and sunlight, our children’s souls need the presence and influence of God. In this hymn, we fervently ask Jesus to baptize our children with His Spirit, and to wash away their sins with His precious blood. We desire for our children to be transformed by the love of Jesus, to grow in faith, and to experience the salvation that only He can provide.
As we sing this hymn, we join our prayers with those of countless parents throughout history who have desired the salvation of their children. We ask that God’s salvation would come upon our families and that our households would be brought together in the eternal home of heaven. This longing for salvation is not limited to a few families but extends to all households, as we desire a future where countless families are reunited in the presence of God.
In conclusion, “Behold What Condescending Love” is a hymn that celebrates Jesus’ incredible love for children. It reminds us that Jesus, the Lord of angels, embraces and blesses even the youngest among us. Through this hymn, we express our gratitude for the privilege of belonging to Jesus and our desire for our children to share in this precious relationship. May we always remember the immense love that Jesus has for children and strive to nurture their souls, guiding them to know and experience the everlasting love of their heavenly Father.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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