Behold What Love That God Should Give – Hymn Lyric

Experience the boundless love of God in the hymn "Behold What Love." Discover the sacrifice of His only Son for eternal life. Embrace the love that surpasses all understanding. Love like Him.

Behold What Love That God Should Give – Hymn Lyric

What , that God should give” is a powerful hymn that speaks to the boundless love of God for humanity. It emphasizes God’s sacrifice in giving His only Son, Jesus Christ, for the of all who trust in Him. The hymn highlights the incredible privileges believers have as joint heirs with Christ, and the indescribable glories that await those who love God. It ultimately expresses a desire to love God as we should and seeks divine assistance in doing so.


Behold What Love That God Should Give – Hymn Lyric

Behold what love, that God should give
To us His only Son,
That all who trust in Him should live
While endless ages run.

Behold what love, that God should call
The sons of men His own,
Joint heirs with Christ, the Lord of all,
To an throne!

Behold what things He hath prepared
For those who love Him here;
No eye hath seen, no ear hath shared
The glories of that sphere.

Thy love, O God, transcends all thought,
How faint and weak is mine!
Help me to love as I ought,
O give me love like Thine!



Meaning of Behold What Love That God Should Give

At its core, the hymn “Behold What Love, that God should give” speaks to the boundless love that God has for humanity. In just a few short verses, it encapsulates the immense sacrifice and generosity displayed by God in giving His only Son, Jesus Christ, for the salvation of all who trust in Him. This act of love goes beyond measure or comprehension, as it secures for believers an eternal life in the presence of God.

The hymn begins by exclaiming the remarkable nature of God’s love, noting that He would give His only Son for humanity. This act of divine love is rooted in the belief that all those who trust in Jesus will have the opportunity to live for endless ages. This highlights God’s incredible desire for a relationship with humanity, as He longs for all to be saved and to enjoy eternal life with Him.

Furthermore, the hymn reminds believers that through their trust in Jesus, they become joint heirs with Him, sharing in the and privileges of being a child of God. This idea of being joint heirs with Christ emphasizes the intimacy of the relationship between believers and God. It signifies that believers not only receive salvation but also the inheritance of an eternal throne, alongside Jesus Christ, the Lord of all.

The hymn then shifts focus to the future and the marvelous things that God has prepared for those who love Him. It acknowledges that the human limitations of sight and hearing are insufficient to comprehend the glorious realities of heaven. The glories of that sphere are beyond anything that our mortal senses can perceive or our human minds can fully grasp. In this, the hymn emphasizes the indescribable beauty and that awaits those who have made God the object of their love and devotion.

In recognition of the infinite nature of God’s love, the hymn acknowledges the inadequacy of our own love in comparison. It acknowledges that our love for God is feeble and pale in comparison to the immensity of His love for us. It expresses a yearning to love God as we should, acknowledging the for divine assistance in fostering a love for God that resembles His own. The hymn further for God to bestow upon us a love like His, recognizing that it is only through His and guidance that we can truly love Him to the fullest extent.

In conclusion, the hymn “Behold What Love, that God should give” serves as a powerful reminder of the unimaginable love that God has for humanity. It captures the essence of God’s sacrificial gift of His only Son for the salvation of all who trust in Him. It speaks to believers’ relationship with God as joint heirs with Christ and their future inheritance of an eternal throne. The hymn also highlights the incomprehensible glories that God has prepared for those who love Him, underscoring the limitations of our human understanding. Ultimately, the hymn serves as a heartfelt plea for a deeper love for God, acknowledging our own limitations and dependence on His grace to truly love Him as we ought.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the boundless love of God in the hymn Behold What Love. Discover the sacrifice of His only Son for eternal life. Embrace the love that surpasses all understanding. Love like Him.


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